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Eminent Authors of Japan
  • Tsugi.—I will shut the back door, for it is safer, I think.
  • Koyama.—(Still writing) Yes, please do.
  • Tsugi.—(Stepping from the floored part of the kitchen, opens the shoji of the back door, and tries to shut the outer sliding door. Suddenly she cries out:) Oh!
  • Koyama.—(Looking up in surprise) What ever is the matter?
  • Tsugi.—There is someone here,—something—something black!
  • Koyama.—Something black? (He rises quickly and goes to the back door.)
  • Tsugi.—It seems to be moving to and fro, I fear—
  • Koyama.—(Looking out of the door) There is nothing at all!
  • Tsugi.—Yes, there is. Look there! (pointing).
  • Koyama.—Yes, I see now. Someone is standing there. (He calls to the object in the dark outside.) Who is it? What do you want? (He seems not to have caught what is said from outside.) What? Do you say that you want to ask the way somewhere?
  • The one outside.—No, I have something to ask you.
  • Koyama.—To ask me?
  • One outside.—Yes.
  • Koyama.—Why were you standing so silently at the back door then?
  • One outside.—Please excuse me, but I was rather uneasy about knocking at your door.
  • Koyama.—You need not feel uneasy if you have nothing to fear. Please come round to the front