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A Case of Child Murder

to what I say!

  • Asa.—(She remains silent, and rolls over on her face, crying.)
  • Koyama.—Hold up your face, I say! (Seizing her by the collar, he forces her to lift her face.)
  • Asa.—(Still silent, she lifts her face. Her eyes shine with a bitter light.)
  • Koyama. Woman, why did you kill your child?
  • Asa.—(Silent)
  • Koyama.—You must tell me all about it. What made you commit such a cruel deed?
  • Asa.—(She remains silent.)
  • Koyama.—(He shakes her roughly.) Tell me, I say! Confess the truth!
  • Asa.—(Rather shaken by his rough handling, falls in a heap, but still remains silent.)
  • Koyama.—What an obstinate woman you are! Why don’t you answer me? You must answer my question?
  • Asa.—(Still remains motionless, and silent.)
  • Koyama.—You know that you are a criminal. You have committed adultery, for you said that you had no husband. Your child must be unlawful.
  • Asa.—(Shakes her head sadly, but is still silent.)
  • Koyama.—You lie again! You have committed this crime because you were at your wit’s end what to do. Answer me, who is the man? I command you to speak!
  • Asa.—(Mumbles something unintelligible in a low voice.)
  • Koyama. (Seeming to understand what she says) What!