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Eminent Authors of Japan
  • Asa.—Yes, Sir; therefore I had to go out to earn my rice. I had to work very hard, even to the day before my child was born. Poor as I am, that baby was very dear to me. Though I could not give it enough milk, it would smile and look up into my eyes, and it made me so happy that I often pressed it to my breast and kissed it
  • Koyama.—Yes, I understand.
  • Asa.—But I knew that, if I spent my time in caring for two children, we must all starve. I could not bear it, for the old man and the sick child must be cared for too.
  • Koyama.—I see. So you killed the child, so that you could work.
  • Asa.—Yes, the baby was a drag, and it prevented me from working.
  • Koyama.—Now, I begin to understand …. Ah…. (He sighs.)
  • Asa.—Oh, please forgive me, Sir.
  • Koyama.—But you did not realise that once you had killed your child you would be punished?
  • Asa.—Yes, I did think, but I was distracted ….
  • Koyama.—Why did you destroy it in such a cruel way?
  • Asa.—I could not help it.
  • Koyama.—You could have given the child to someone else to to look after; many women would have been glad to take it from you.
  • Asa.—Give it to someone else? How could I do such a thing without money? You know that there is no one that will take a child unless he gets money.