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But soon after the establishment of the new dynasty in 1644 he asked for reinstatement. He was appointed a Grand Secretary and was placed concurrently in charge of the Board of Civil Office. Early in the following year he was taken ill, and despite the proffered services of the imperial physician, died the next month. He was given posthumously the title of Grand Tutor and the name Ch'ing-i 清義.

[1/244/7b; 2/79/2b; Tê-chou chih (1788) 9/14a.]

Dean R. Wickes

HSIEN-fêng. Reign-title of I-chu [q. v.].

HSIEN (憲) Huang-ti. Posthumous name of Yin-chên [q. v.].

HSIEN (顯) Huang-ti. Posthumous name of I-chu [q. v.].

HSING-tê. See under Singde.

HSIUNG T'ing-pi 熊廷弼 (T. 飛百, H. 芝岡), d. Sept. 27, 1625 age 57 (sui), Ming general, was a native of Chiang-hsia, Hupeh. He received the degree of chin-shih in 1598 and began his career as police magistrate at Paoting, Chihli. In 1608 he was sent to Liaotung, where he recommended the establishment of military colonies and stronger border defenses. But his "preparedness program" was ridiculed at Court and in 1611 he was transferred to the civilian post of inspector of education in Nanking, in which position he distinguished himself chiefly by his severity. When Yang Hao [q. v.] was defeated by the Manchus in 1619 the Court, recalling Hsiung's earlier prophecies, sent him as commander with discretionary powers to Liaotung. After the fall of K'ai-yüan and T'ieh-ling on July 26 and September 3 respectively, Hsiung devoted himself to augmenting defenses and improving the morale of the troops in Liaotung. His military prowess and personal courage inspired those under him, but his reckless criticism of the bureaucratic party in Court antagonized those in control. In 1620 he was removed from his post and replaced by Yüan Ying-t'ai [q. v.]. But the loss of the two cities of Shen-yang and Liao-yang in 1621 and the rout of the Chinese troops moved the government to reinstate him, and commission him with the defense of Shanhaikuan. Wang Hua-chên [q. v.] was simultaneously appointed governor of Liaotung, with headquarters at Kuang-ning. The bitter quarrel that ensued between the two officers on matters of policy was an unfortunate aspect of the Chinese situation. Wang proposed hiring large bodies of Mongol mercenaries to retake the lost territory while Hsiung, less optimistic, saw hope only in defensive measures. In March 1622 Wang was disastrously defeated at Kuang-ning, and his troops poured back through Shanhaikuan carrying Hsiung's smaller force with them. Both commanders were arrested and condemned to death for deserting their posts. Hsiung was executed on September 27, 1625 in consequence of the intrigues of his opponent, Fêng Ch'üan [q. v.]. In 1629 the last Ming Emperor permitted a son to bury Hsiung's head, and the posthumous name Hsiang-min 襄愍 was granted. A number of memorials, letters and official papers by Hsiung T'ing-pi, under the title 熊襄愍文集, Hsiung Hsiang-min wên-chi, in 7 chüan, are preserved in the collection, Ch'ien-k'un chêng-ch'i chi (see under Huang Tao-chou), chüan 282–88.

[M1/259/7a; 續表忠記 Hsü piao-chung-chi 2/1a; Giles, B. D. 755; Chiang-hsia-hsien chih (1869) 6/4b; see also the literary supplement to this gazetteer, 上 pp. 58a, 71a, 90a, 下 4b, 41a, 61, 67a, 68a, 73b; 明季北略 Ming-chi pei-lüeh 1/5b, 8b, 2/6a.]

George A. Kennedy

HSIUNG Tz'ŭ-li 熊賜履 (T. 青岳, 敬修, H. 澴川), Dec. 13, 1635–1709, official and philosopher, was a native of Hsiao-kan, Hupeh. In 1657 he became a chü-jên and in the following year a chin-shih. By 1663 he was promoted from the post of corrector to an assistant readership in the Hung-wên yüan 宏文院. In 1667, at a time when Oboi [q. v.] was powerful at Court, he memorialized the throne on corruption in official life, pleading especially that Chinese officials should not accommodate themselves too readily to the views of their Manchu colleagues—a pronouncement that brought him to notice as a daring and outspoken official. He was made a sub-chancellor of the Kuo-shih yüan 國史院 in 1670, but when early in the winter of that year the "Three Inner Yüan" (內三院) were reorganized into the Nei-ko 內閣 or Grand Secretariat he was appointed chancellor of the Hanlin Academy. In 1675 he became Grand Secretary of the Wu-ying tien 武英殿 and concurrently president of the Board of Punishments, and at the same time was charged with the compilation of the imperial edicts of T'ai-tsung (太宗聖訓 T'ai-tsung shêng-hsün), with the re-editing of the official chronicles of T'ai-tsung (太宗實錄 T'ai-tsung shih-lu), and with