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becoming a member of the Hanlin Academy. Degraded early in 1781, he gradually worked his way up, and in 1785 was again made a department director in the Board of Civil Offices, and concurrently an expositor of the Hanlin Academy. After several promotions he became, early in 1799, senior vice-president of the Board of Civil Offices, but within a month—for scolding a subordinate—was degraded for a time to a sub-chancellor of the Grand Secretariat. Thereupon he was sent to Mukden as vice-president of the Board of War in Manchuria and was later transferred to the Board of Punishments with the concurrent post of governor of Fêng-t'ien-fu. Later in the same year (1799) he was recalled to Peking to serve as Vice-president of the Board of Civil Offices, and early in 1800 was appointed director-general of Grain Transport. Then he served as governor of Shantung (1803–05) and governor-general of Kiangsu, Anhwei and Kiangsi (1805–09). For failure to report the murder of one magistrate by another, he was discharged (1809) and banished to Urumchi where he soon (1810) obtained a pardon and was appointed assistant to the military governor residing at Kashgar. Recalled in 1811, he rose to the presidency of the Board of Ceremonies (1813) and then of the Board of Civil Offices (1813–14). In 1814 he was denounced by Sung-yün [q. v.] for a mistrial in Kashgar that resulted in the execution of several Mohammedans. Again he was sentenced to banishment, this time to Kirin where he was ordered to serve under the military governor. After four years in exile he was pardoned (1818), recalled to Peking, and given the rank of a librarian of the Supervisorate of Imperial Instruction. In 1821 he was permitted to retire with the title of an official of the third grade.

Celebrated as a man of letters, T'ieh-pao served as one of the directors for the compilation of the second edition of the general history of the Manchu Banner system, known as Pa-ch'i t'ung-chih, 342 + 12 chüan (see under Li Fu), which was commissioned in 1786 and printed in 1799. Likewise he was authorized by Emperor Jên-tsung to compile an anthology of poems by members of the Imperial Family and by Bannermen, entitled 熙朝雅頌集 Hsi-ch'ao ya-sung chi, 134 chüan, which was completed in 1804 with the help of Fa-shih-shan [q. v.], Wu Tzŭ (see under Wu Hsi-ch'i) and others, and printed by Juan Yüan [q. v.] early in 1805. During his last days T'ieh-pao wrote a chronological autobiography, entitled 梅庵年譜 Mei-an nien-p'u, 2 chüan, which he included in the collection of his literary works, entitled 惟清齋全集 Wei-ch'ing chai ch'üan-chi (also known as Mei-an ch'üan-chi), 19 chüan, printed in 1822. As a calligrapher he ranked with Liu Yung and Wêng Fang-kang [qq. v.].

T'ieh-pao served as director or examiner at many examinations and was famous for patronizing those of his disciples who became chü-jên or chin-shih at the examinations he conducted. Among such were Juan Yüan, Na-yen-ch'êng, P'an Shih-ên [qq. v.] and Wu T'ing-ch'ên (see under Shih Yün-yü). T'ieh-pao's younger brother, Yü-pao 玉保 (T. 德符, H. 閬峯, 1759–1798), was also a member of the Hanlin Academy and served as senior vice-president of the Board of Civil Office from 1797 to 1798. Yü-pao left a collection of poems entitled 閬峯詩鈔 Lang fêng shih-ch'ao (also known as 蘿月軒存稿 Lo-yüeh hsüan ts'un-kao).

[1/359/1b; 2/32/38b; 3/101/22a; 5/9/10b; 7/43/6a; 26/2/37b; 29/6/17a.]

Fang Chao-ying

T'IEN-ch'i. Reign-title of Chu Yu-chiao [q. v.].

T'IEN Hsiung 田雄, d. 1663, Ming-Ch'ing general and admiral, was a native of Hsüan-hua, Chihli. A brigade-general under the Ming regime, he was associated in 1645 with Ma Tê-kung [q. v.] in betraying the Prince of Fu (see Chu Yu-sung) to the Manchus. He was given honors, and served the new dynasty as a brigade-general at Hangchow and later as general-in-chief of Chekiang. After a successful campaign against the insurgents on Chushan island he was transferred to Tinghai. He distinguished himself in naval warfare and advocated the defense of Chushan as a key position against the pirates. At his own request he was attached to the Chinese Plain Yellow Banner. In 1658 he lost the Southern coast to Chêng Ch'êng-kung [q. v.], was impeached by the Board of War, but was pardoned by the emperor. The next year he redeemed himself by driving the pirates from Ningpo and was raised to marquis of the second class. After his death in 1663 he was given the title of Grand Tutor and the name I-yung 毅勇.

His hereditary rank passed on to his nephew, T'ien Hsiang-k'un 田象坤 (d. 1732?), for whose merits the rank was raised to marquis of the first class in 1686. In 1749 the hereditary rank