Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/139

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A Reluctant Knight Errant

themselves to the gaze of the city-bred child.

"Baa! Baa!" The answer came with a harsh note, not at all lamb-like, and then with a sudden rush the animal plunged down the hill, with head lowered.

Rebecca jumped aside. What must she do? She could not run up hill, because at the top there awaited her a whole flock of "lambs," who might be even more ferocious than the creature with the curling horns that had attempted to butt her down. The ram, angered by his failure, stopped in his downward lunge and turned about, looking at Rebecca with such an evil expression that she wondered that she had ever called him "Lamby." She was rooted to the ground. Her assailant began sidling up the hill. He knew enough about butting to realize he could indulge in his favorite pastime better if he had the advantage of being above his victim.

Rebecca's heart was beating so rapidly she was almost suffocated. She instinctively pressed her hand to her side. Suddenly she remembered Faithful Heart at the bottom of the hill. There was her refuge! She began to run. Aunt Testy had spoken truly when she had said her legs were long and light; they might have been wings, so quickly did they carry the frightened