Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/188

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The Shorn Lamb

that the way ter stop folks a hatin' you is stop a hatin' them. I's been a' watchin' you all this summer an' a hopin' you wa' a gonter fin' out a way ter git on better with po' Miss Myra an' Miss Evelyn."

"They are not as poor as I am," pouted Rebecca.

"Yes, they is, chil'. They's po' 'cause they ain't never learned how ter wuck none, they nor they ma befo' 'em. They don't know nothin' 'bout the joy of 'complishin' something an' they air got sluggerish minds an' I reckon they ain't never enjyed a good larf sence they wa' babies and somebody tickled they toes."

"That's kind of sad but they needn't get so sore when Grandfather and I are getting our toes tickled now. So many things are funny and when nothing funny is happening at the moment one can always think about something funny that has happened," protested Rebecca.

"You ain't never answered my question yit, honey baby."

"You mean about loving them if I expect them to love me? How can I love people who are always putting me in the wrong? I never do anything to suit them?"

"Do they make out to suit you none?"

"We-e-ll, no, not exactly! But, Aunt Pearly