Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/215

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Spottswood Capitulates

on her head in the corner and swallowed the gizzard whole, had her uncle required it of her. It seemed a profanation to eat the gizzard. She had at last made some kind of a dent in Spot's armor! As for the aunts, they would perhaps come around in time. She had the love of Doctor and the championship of Spottswood—great victories to have won in one day!

Rebecca had cut off her scalp lock so close that there was nothing to do but shingle her head. Bobbing was out of the question, and so Aunt Evelyn shingled on one side and Aunt Myra on the other. Their methods varied somewhat and the result was rather lopsided. In trying to even things up they cut closer and closer until Rebecca began to feel uneasy about her very scalp.

The ladies were much pleased with their prowess as barbers and complimented themselves inwardly on their strict adherence to duty. Certainly it was no pleasure to them to have to handle such black hair.

Rebecca thanked them humbly for having shorn her so successfully and hoped God would really temper the winter to her shingled pate. She was quite aghast when she peeped in her mirror after the shearing and saw her funny cropped head.