Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/217

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Chapter 14

The next morning Rebecca hurried through her dressing. She had scrubbed her head when she took her evening bath, having a vague idea that much watering might make her hair grow, as she had heard Spot complain that rainy weather made the weeds flourish. But, alas! morning revealed only a close-cropped black scalp, with here and there a tiny curl where the aunts' shears had missed a stray lock.

Smiling rather solemnly, Rebecca ran down to breakfast in a hurry. Never again would she be late! She stopped a minute to pet Doctor, who was standing with his head in the front door. He received her caresses with some embarrassment, but submitted with a bored air. She slipped into her place just as Aunt Evelyn asked the blessing.

All through breakfast Rebecca endeavored to catch Spottswood's eye. He did not look up from his plate or deign to speak a word to her. The aunts were still angry at the horrid word their brother had flung at them the day before