Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/254

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Chapter 17

"How you gonter git—get to school every morning?" Jo asked Rebecca.

"I don't know. They haven't decided yet. The aunts always do a lot of talking back and forth before they come to any conclusion and Grandfather is so busy with extra work at the hub factory that he hasn't thought about it yet."

"Well, Betsy and me—and I—think it would be prime if you meet us at the mill every morning and drive over with us. I thought about it first. Betsy says she did but forgot to mention it. That's the way girls do when anybody gits—gets ahead of 'em. Not all girls! I think you play right fair."

"Thank you, Jo! I'm glad they put off opening school a week because it gives my hair a chance to grow a little. I'm frightened, anyhow, about starting to school. You see I never have gone before. I guess I'm going to have a hard time in arithmetic."

"Oh, shoo! I'll learn you that. 'Taint hard."