Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/330

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The Shorn Lamb

them having me here. I am sure the letters will clear it all up."

"Honey baby, I am glad, moughty glad. You air a turnin' the sock heel, jes' lak you wa' in my dream."

"Another thing has happened even more important, Aunt Pearly Gates, 'cause it is straightening up what is going to be, and my news is only what was. The future is lots more important than the past. This is Uncle Spot's and Betsy's business and Grandfather's. This morning, just before Grandfather started to the hub factory, who should come driving up to Mill House but Betsy Bolling and Jo. Gee! Aunt Pearly Gates, she was pretty. Her hair was all rumpled and curly and her cheeks were as pink as Cherokee roses. Uncle Spot had gone to the fields, but he recognized the grey colt coming along the road and he hurried back to the house. He got right pale when he saw Betsy was in the buggy. Aunt Myra and Aunt Evelyn were sitting on the front porch with Grandfather waiting for the mail, and I was humped up on the steps, wondering if I would be allowed to go to Aunt Peachy's funeral—something I certainly wanted to do—when Betsy and Jo came driving up. The aunts looked mighty stiff backed and aristocratic, and Grandfather looked