Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/38

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The Shorn Lamb

the things she kept on telling me until I forgot."

"Perhaps you would consent to use my berth just for the devotions," he suggested.

"Perhaps—but don't you find it exciting that we are going to the same town?"

"Very exciting! Do you think your friends will meet you?"

"I don't know, but they are not my friends yet. Will yours meet you?"

"No, my people do not know when to expect me."

"Have you some people of your very own—mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers?" she catechized him.


"How lovely! Don't you adore them?"

"Some of them!"

"Oh, I should just adore real mothers and fathers. I wish you would tell me something about yourself. I have told you every single thing about myself from the very beginning and I don't know a thing about you, not even your name."

"Well, my name is Philip Bolling and I live on a farm about two miles from O—— Court House," the young man replied.

"Is that all?"
