Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/43

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"I'm Rebecca Taylor"

and in fact all of the colored people connected with the Mill House are good. This old woman is bed-ridden—has been for twenty years—but she is more cheerful and useful than most persons who are able to be up and about. She knits and tats day and night, is always ready to give a word of friendly advice to white and black. Many times when a boy I have stolen over across the river when life at The Hedges was dark and dreary and my old friend has cheered me up and I have gone back to farm work feeling better and stronger. Her name is Aunt Pearly Gates and one of her peculiarities is she hatches chickens in her bed."

"Oh, oh! She is the one my father used to tell about. I can remember now all about it. She used to comfort him when he was young. Aunt Pearly Gates! The mere name kind of stands for the entrance to Heaven. I believe she used to belong to my grandfather in those far-off slavery times."

"Why, then you must be going to the Mill House and your grandfather is Major Robert Taylor!"

"Yes, I'm Rebecca Taylor and my father's name was Tom."

"To think of it! I used to see your father when I was sent to the Mill House on errands.