Page:Emma Speed Sampson--The shorn lamb.djvu/84

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The Shorn Lamb

the others—the old man and the young one and the two ladies, they hate me. I came here thinking they were my relations and I was their poor kin, but I have made some kind of mistake. They can't be of the same blood as my father, although the young man looks like him. Why, Aunt Testy, my father was the kindest, gentlest person in the world. I can only just remember him, because I was so tiny when he died, but I remember very well he was always laughing and his laugh was sweet like singing. I can remember more about my father than I might have because my last stepfather, Daddy, I called him, was always telling me things about my truly father. Daddy was the one who knew about Aunt Pearly Gates and you and Aunt Old Testament, because my father had told him. He said he didn't want me to forget my father and what a wonderful person he was."

"Lawd love us! Now, ain't it the truf? But, honey baby, you air a gonter stay right here an' tell me an' ol' Marse Bob all about yo' paw an' yo' step paws."

Aunt Testy could see the master through the open door and he was signaling for her to try to please Rebecca. The darkey could tell by his expression that he was deeply concerned, and the coming of this grandchild had meant