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silver frame with slightly bovine intensity. Her lips were bowed in an indulgent smile —perhaps the photographer had been a funny man—a string of pearls closely encircled a long plump neck.

"She has framed it for you very handsomely," said Herbert. "I said to her when we were first engaged, 'Never stint over a present when it is necessary'—I think that is so sound. 'Of course I do not approve of giving indiscriminately,' I said, 'but when they must be given let them be handsome. It is agreeable to receive good presents, and to give them always makes a good impression.'"

Cicely looked guilty; Richard had insisted on consigning the coal-scuttle that Herbert had given them to the darkest corner of the study.

"Doris always understands me perfectly," continued Herbert, examining the frame to see if the price were still on the back. "I think it will never be necessary for me to say anything to her twice. If I even express an opinion she always remembers. It's quite extraordinary."