Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 10.djvu/565

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.n......- Chloride of potash, 455. Christianity, introduction of, 475 Chronicles, prose, 527. Church statistics, 468. (.‘liiircli and state, 'rela- tions of (1872), 513. Cities, statistics of popu- lation of, 457; imperial, 492-4; power of, 495; infliieiico of, on litera- ture. 526. Civilis, 475. Classical period of litera- ture, 536 Classics revival of study of, 532. Claudius, Mattliias, 541. Olergy under Cliarle- magne, 479. Climate, 4-50. Clovis, 476. Coal, 453. Coast-liiie, 44 7. Commerce, 462 Confederation of tribes, 7-5. Confederation, German, 505; North German, 51.? Conrad 1.. 482. Conrad 11 , 486. Conrad 111., 489. Conrad IV., 4.12. Conrad von Wiirzburg, 524. Copper, 4.74 Cotton manufacture, 458 Council, flrst German, 473. Court poets, 531. Crimean ivar, 509. Crops, 451. Crusade, first: and second, 489. Crusade period, ture of, 523. Ciii'rency, 466. Customs parliament, 512 Customs revenue, 465. Customs union, 505. Danes, subjection of, 483. Danish wai' of 1848, 507: of 1864. 511. 1)ebt, imperial, 466. Dialects, 516. Didactic poets, 5'25 Diet rendered permanent, 501: decay of, 505; restored, 508; im- perial (1871), 513 Diets, local, 496. Drama, rise of, 526; growth of, 529, 533. Dukes, 477, 479. Diirer, Albert, 529. I)utcli language, 516. Eekart, 526. Ediet of restitution, 500. Education statistics, 470. liicliendorfif, 542. 1-Zlectors, 492. lliiiigration statistics, 456. 1:'.inperor, title of, 479. I-Empire, connexion of Gennany with the, 484. Empire of 1871, 513. English literature, in- fluence of, 533. I-Zrfurt parliament, 508. Excise, 465. Excommunlcation of Henry IV., 438: of Loiils IV.,-194. lixports, 462. 1-‘ables, writers of, 534. 1-’ate-tragedies, 543. 1-‘ederal council statistics, 464. Fchmgeriehte, 495. I-'erdiiiand 1., 499. 1-'erdinand 11., 500. Ferdinand 111., 502. 1-'eiidiilisin, 479; growth of, 481. 1-‘ichte's plillosopliy, 541. litera- Finance statistics, 461. Fine arts, 472. l-‘iscliart, Johann, 528. Fishes, 452. Fleming, Paul, 530. Foreign residents, 457. ' Forests, 4-31. 1-‘ ortresses, 467. Fouqué, De la Mottc, 542. Fraiice, ()tto's in-vrasion of, 483: war with Austria (1859), 510; with Gei'many (1870), 51'). Francis 1., 503. F1'1l.11C01l1:l11 dynasty, 486. F rankfort assembly, 506; peace of, 513. . 1-‘raiikish kingdom, 476. Frederick Barbarossa, 489. Frederick 11., 491. Frederick 111., 494. Frederick IV., 496. Frederick 11. of Prussia. (the Great), 503, his influence on literature, 53?. I-'redericl( William 11. (Prussia), 504. Fiederick William (Prussia), 504. Frederick William 11'. (Prussia), 505. 1-‘reemen, 473. French Revolution of 1789, 504; its effect on literature, 540; of 1830, 505; of 1848. 506. Frisian language, 515. Fniclitbringende Gesel1- scliaft, 530. Funds of the empire, 465. Game. 452. Gastcin convention, 511. Gaiis. 476. Gellert, dramatist, 5" Geography, 447. Geology, 447. Gerhardt, Paul, 530. German kingdom, com- mencement of, 480; confederation, 505 : empire of 1871, 513. Germaniciis, 475. Gero. inargravc, 483, Gerviniis, historian, 544. Gleiin, poet, 534. Gods, ancient, 474. Goethe, 537 5 imitators of, 541. Gold, 454. Golden Bull, 495 Goths, 475. Gottfried of Strasburg, 5'24. Giittingen school of poets, 540. Gottsched, dramatist, 533. Glitz von Berlichingen, 529. Government, 463 Graphite. 453. Gregory 'll.. pope, 498. Grillparzer, 543. Grimmelsliauscn, 531 Grypliius, 530. Gudrun, 5'24. Giintlier, poet, 532 Gustavus Adolphus, 500. Ilaffs. 447. llagedorn, poet, 533. llaiiibuiid poets, 540. 11al1e school of poets, 534. Hamburg, trade of. 463. Hanseatic league. 493, 495. Hapsburg, rise of house of, 493: accession of, 496. Hardeiibcrg, 542. Hartmann von Aue, 523. Hegel, 544. Heine, Heinrich, 545. Heinse, Willielin, 541. lleldenbuch, 525. I11. GERMANY. Hemp manufacture. 459. Henry 1., 482. Ilenry 11., 4S6. Ilenry 111., 487. Henry I'., 487. Henry V., 489. Henry '1., 490. Henry '11., 493. Henry the Lion, 49’). Henry the Proud, 489. Herder, 537. Hesse-Cassel dist urban ces, 508. High German language, 517. llildcbrandslicd, 522. History, 473. History, writers of, 535, 543, 544. Hoffinannswaldau, 531. llohenstaufen dynasty. 489; literature of the period, 523. Holy Roman empire, 484; end of, 504. Hops, 451. Houses, statistics of, 458. Humanists, 527. Humboldt, Alexander von, 544. llussite war, 495. lliitten, Ulrich von, 498, 528. Hymns. 529, 534. lfiland, dramatist, 541. lllegitimaey, 456. Imperial cities, 492 Imperial diet (1871), 513 Imperial title, 479, 484. lmpoits, 462. Industries, 458. lnvestitures. war of, 488. Iron, 453. Islands, 447. Italy, invasion of, by Otto 1.. 483; by Otto 11.. 485; by Barba- rossa, 490 ; war in (1859). 510. Jacobi. 1-‘riedricli, 541. Jesuit influence, 500. Joseph 11.. 504. Jute manufacture. 459. liant, Immanuel, 540. lfanzleispraclien, 520. Kleist. E. C. von, 534. lileist, Heinrich von, 543. Klopstock, 035. liotzebuc. 541. Ii'r1'cg auf der l1'ar(burg, 52.3. Lakes, 450. Language, 514. Languages, statistics of, 470. Lavater, 540. Lead. 454. Learning. monastic, 522. Leclifeld. battle of, 484. Leibnitz, 532. Leipsic. battle of. 5C4. Leopold 1.. 502. Leopold 11.. 504. Lessing, 536. Letters. statistics of, 460 Liberalism in Prussia, 510 Libraries, 472. Lichtenstein, 525. Lignite, 453. Linen manufacture. 459. Literary societies. estab- lishment of, 530, 533. Literature, 522. Live stock, 451. Logan, 531. Lohenstein, poet, 531. Lorraine passes to France, 502. Lothair, 480. Lothair the Saxon. 489. Louis the Pious, 479. Louis the German, 480. Louis the Child, 481. Louis d'Outremcr, 483. Louis IV., 494. Louis XIV. of France, 502. Low German language, 516. Ludirigslicd, 522. Luther, 497: language of, 520; literary work of, 528. Liitzcn, battle of, 501. Luxembourg dynasty, 491. Lyrics in age of chivalry, 525, 529; religious, 534. Magyars, 4S1; defeat of, at Leclifeld, 484. Maria Theresa, 503. .Iaroboduus, 475. Matthias, emperor, 499. .laurice of Saxony, 499. Maximilian 1., 496 ; en- couragesliterat ure, 527. Maximilian 11.. 499. Meistersiinger, 226. Mendelssolin, Moses, 534. Merovingian kings, 477. Metals. 453. Middle German language, 518. Migrations of tribes, 475. Minerals, 452. Mines, 452. Minnesiinger, 525. Minstrels, 522. Mimcle plays, 526. Modern High German language, 520. Monastic learning, 522. Money, 466. .oscherosch, 531. .li)'ser, J ustu‘=. 535. .osheim, 535. Mountains, 448. Murner, Thomas, 527. Mysteries, 5'26. Mystics, 526. Mythology. ancient, 474. Napoleon Bonaparte. 504. Napoleon 111., 512. Narrenscliifl", 527. National Liberals, 512. National literature, 535, 543. Navy, statistics of, 46S. Neuclifitel affair, 510. Newspapers. 472. Nibelungenlied, 524. Nicolai. 534. Nimeguen, peace of, 502. Nobles, increase of. 484; mediate, 486; discon- tent of, 498. North German Confedera- tion, 512. Nortlimen, 481. Novalis, 542. Novelists. niodern, 545. Observatories, 472. Occupations, statistics of, 458. Old German language, 516. Opitz, Martin, 530. Otto 1., 483. Otto 11., 435. Otto 111., 485. Otto IV., 491. Papacy.degraded state of, temp. Henry 111., 487. I’arzz'raI, 524. Patriotic writers. 543. Peasants’ war. 498. Pegnitzscliiifer, 531. Petroleum, 453 1’fahlbiirger, 493 Philip of llohenstaufen, 491. Philological writers. 543. Philosophy, development. of, 532; popular, 534; modern, 544. Physical features, 447. Pietistic movement. 532. Pippin, 477. Pippin of Aquitania, 480. 53.3, Plains, 448, 449 Plateaus, 448. Poetry, ancient, 522; court, 531; didactic, 525; recent, 546. Poland, partition of, 503. Poles, early allegiance of, 486. Population, statistics of, 455; density of. 457. Ports, principal, 463. Post-ofilce, 460. Pragmatic sanetions, 492, 502. Prague, peace of. 511. Preaching, influence of (13th eentury),526. Priiicipalities, division of, 492. Prose, rise of, in litera- ture, 525. Prose writers, 529. Protestant Union and Catholic League, 500. Prussia, early conquest of, 491 : growth of, 503; reform in 1848. 507; war with Austria, 511. Railways, 459. luinfall, 450. P.anke, Leopold. 544. Raspe, Henry, 491. llastislaus, 480. Refoi'mation, period of, 497; influence of, on literature, 528. Reichsgericht, 514. - lteichstag statistics, 464. Reinel-e 1'05, 527. teligion, statistics of, 468; ancient. 474. Renaissance, influence of on the people. 497; on literature. 527. Representation statistics. 464. ' iestitution, edict of, 500. ltevoliition, French, of 1789. 504: of 1830.505. Revolutions of 1848. 506. Reynard the For, 527. lthenish confederation, 493, 501. lichter, Jean Paul, 541. livers, 449. lloads, 459. Roman emperor, title of. 479, 484. Roman invasion and con. quest. 474. Romances, poetical, 527; of l7ili century. 531. tomaniic school of poets. modern. 541. P.iicl:ert. 543. Rudolf 1., 493. Rudolf l1.,499. tupert, elector, 495. Sachs, 11ans, 528. Sachsenmiegel, 525. Salie code, 476. Salt, 455. Sancta Clara, satirist, 531. Saxon dynasty, 482. Saxon school of literature. 533. Saxons, 477. Saxony, conquest of, 478; hostility of, to Henry IV., 488. Schiller, 538; imitators of, 541. Sclilegel, A. W. von, 542. Schlegel. F. von, 542. Schleiermacher, 543. Schleswig-Holstein ques- tion, 507, 510. Schools. statistics of. 471. Schopenhauer, 544. Schubait, 540. Scliupp, 531. Scliirabenspiegel, 525. Science. recent, 544. Scientiflc societies, 472. Sedan, battle of, 513. 547 Seven Weeks‘ War, 511. Seven Years‘ War, 503; its effect on literature, 536. Sexcs, proportion of, 456. Shipping, 461. Sigismund, 495. Silcsian school of poets, first, 530; second, 531. Silcsian wai', 503. Silk, 4-39. Silver, 454. Slavs, 476, 480, 483. Smalkald league, 498. Socialism, 513. Societies, scientific, 472; literary, establishment of, 530, 533. Spanish succession, war of, 502. States of the empire, 455. Statistics, 447. Stilling, Jung, 541. Strauss, 544. Stui1n iind Drang move- ment, 536. 510. Suso, 526. Swabian league. 495. Swabian school of poets; 543. Swiss league, 494. Swiss school of poets, 533. Switzerland threatened by Prussia. 510. Tauler, 526. Taxation statistics, 465. Telegraplis, 461. Tell, William, 494. Temperature, 450. Theatres, early, 529, 530. Theodoric, 477 . Tlieologiiins, liberal, 535. '1'1iirty Years‘ War. 500: its effect on literature, 530. Tliomasius, 532. '1‘ieck, 542. Tilly, .600. Tobacco, 451. Towns, statistics of popu- lation of, 457; Roman origin of. 475; fortifi- cation of . 482. Trade, statistics of. 462. Trades, industrial, 458. Tribes, ancient, 473: con- federations of, 475. 7';/ll Eulenspicgcl, 527. Uhland. 543. Union, German, 508. L'niversities, 471. Vandals, 476. Vegetation, 450. Verdun, treaty of, 480. Vienna, congress of, 504. Village constitution, 473. Vine culture, 451. Vital statistics, 456. Voss, 541. Vackenroder. 542. Wallenstein, 500. Walther von der 'oge1- weide, 525. Weckherlin, poet, 530. Wenceslaus of Bohemia, 495. 'eriiic1:e, 532. Westphalia, peace of. 501. Wielzmd, 535; imitators of, 541. Williain I. (of Prussia), 510: crowned eni- peror, 513. 'inc-kelmann. 535. Wine, 451. Wolf, 532. Wolfram von Esclien- bacli, 5'24. Woollen manufacture,459. Worms, concordat. of, 489; diet. of (1495), 497. line. 454. Zollverein, states of, 4555

formation of, 505.