Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 10.djvu/810

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is a bust of Schiller and a monument to Alexander Von Humboldt; and a monument has also been erected in the town in commemoration of the war of 1870—71. In con- nexion with the National History Society there is a valu- able museum, and the Scientific Institute possesses a large library and a rich collection of antiquities, coins,and articles of vertu. liirlitz, next to Breslau, is the largest and most flourishing commercial town of Silesia. Besides cloth, which forms its staple article, it has manufactories of vari- ous linen and woollen wares, machines, railway waggons,

sago, tobacco, leather, chemicals, and tiles.

Gorlitz existed as a village from a very early period, and at the beginning of the 12th century it was made a borough by Duke Sobicslaus I. of Bohemia. It was then known as Drebenau, but on being rebuilt after its destruction by fire in 1131 it received the name of Zgorzclice (burnt town). About the end of the 12th century it was strongly fortified, and in 1346 it joined the league of the six towns. It was several times besieged and taken during the Thirty Years’ War, and it also suffered considerably in the Seven Years' War. In the battle which took place near it between the Austrians and Prussians, 7th September 1757, \Vinterfield, the general of Frederick the Great, was slain. In 1815 the town, with the greater part of Upper Lnsatia, came into the possession of Prussia. The population in 1831 was only about 8000, but in 1849 it had increased to 19,032, and in 1875 it was 45,310.

GÖRRES, Joseph Johann (1770–1848), a distinguished controversialist and writer on religious, political, and scientific subjects, was born January 25, 1776, at Coblentz. His father was a man of moderate means, who sent his son, after he had passed through the usual elementary school, to a Latin college under the direction of the Roman Catholic clergy. The sympathies of the young Giirres were from the first strongly with the Revolution, and the dissolutc- ness and irreligion of the French exiles in the Rhineland confirmed him in his hatred of princes. He harangued the revolutionary clubs, and in his first political tract, called Universal Peace, on Ideal, he insisted on the unity of interests which should ally all civilized states to one another. He then commenced a republican journal called Das Rot/cc Blatl, and afterwards Bilbeza/al, in which he strongly condemned the administration of the Rhenish provinces by France.

After the peace of Campo F ormio (1797) there was some hope that the Rhenish provinces would be constituted into an independent republic. In 1799 the provinces sent an embassy, of which Gorres was a member, to Paris to put their case before the directory. The embassy reached Paris on the 20th of November 1799 ; two days before this Napoleon had assumed the supreme direction of affairs. After much delay the embassy was received by him 3 but the only answer they obtained was “that they might rely on perfect justice, and that the French Government would never lose sight of their wants.” Go'rres on his return pub- lished a tract called Results of my .lllssion to Paris, in which he reviewed the history of the French Revolution. During the thirteen years of N apoleon’s dominion Gerres lived a retired life, devoting himself chiefly to art or science. In 1801 he married Catherine de Lassaulx, and those of GUrres’s admirers who claim him as a radical have laid great stress on the fact that this lady was a free-thinker. He published Aphorisms on art and physiology—fanciful but suggestive. He was for some years teacher at a secondary school in Coblentz, and in 1806 moved to Heidelberg, where he lectured at the university. He sought, with Brentano, Arnim, and others, to stir up the old national spirit by the republication of some of the old Teutonic ballads, but fruitlcssly. He returned to Coblentz in 1808, and again found occupation as a teacher in a secondary school, supported by civic funds. He now studied Persian, and in two years produced a really valuable translation of part of the ;S'lmlm(mm/a, the epic of Firdousi.

It was in the year 1810 that he seems to have conceived the notion of arousing the people to efforts by means of the press; and after the battle of Leipsic, in the year 1814, he set his paper going. It bore the name of a paper which had been a mere echo of Prussia, the Illwlnlsc/zer filerl-ur. The intense earnestness of the paper, the bold outspoken~ ness of its hostility to Napoleon, and its fiery eloquence secured for it almost instantly a position and influence unique in the history of German newspapers. Bliichcr read it every day ; Gentz, the brothers Grimm, Varn- hagen von Ensc, were all loud in praise of it; Stein used it as an instrument to move the public in the direction he desired, and continually sent it information of his plans; Napoleon himself called it la clnquiéme pllissunce. The ideal it insisted on was a united Germany, with a re- presentative government, but under an emperor after the fashion of other days,—for G'o'rres now abandoned his early advocacy of republicanism. When Napoleon was at Elba, Gorres wrote an imaginary proclamation issued by him to the people, the intense irony of which was so well vci‘cd that many Frenchmen mistook it for an original utterance of the emperor. He inveighed bitterly against the second peace of Paris (1815), declaring that Alsace and Lorraine should have been demanded back from France.

Stein was glad enough to use the errlrur at the time of the meeting of the congress of Vienna as a vehicle for giving expression to his hopes. But Hardenberg, in May 1815, warned Geri-es to remember that he was not to arouse hostility against France, but only against Bonaparte. There was also in the ilferl'm' an antipathy to Prussia, a con- tinual expression of the desire that an Austrian prince should assume the imperial title, and also a tendency to pro- nounced liberalism,———all of which made it most distasteful to Hardenberg, and to his master King Frederick William III. Gorres disregarded warnings sent to him by the censor- ship and continued the paper in all its fierceness. Accord- ingly it was suppressed early in 1816, at the instance of the Prussian Government; and soon after (ltirres was dis- missed from his post as teacher at Coblentz. From this time his writings were his sole means of support, and he became a most diligent political pamphletecr. He was not himself a member of the Tugemlbaml, but he watched that society with deep interest, and believed, as did all the patriots of his time, that the clubs of students, or Ben-3011m— selwflen, were calculated to restore the pristine greatness of Germany. The agitation continued, and finally 1i otze- bue’s denunciation of young Germany led to his assassina- tion. In the wild excitement which followed, the reac- tionary decrees of Carlsbad were framed, and these were I the subject of Gtirres’s celebrated pamphlet Denise/(land amt] (lie It’evol-ulion. In this work he reviewed the circumstances which had led to the murder of Kotzebue, and, while expressing all possible horror at the deed itself, he urged that it was impossible and undesirable to repress the free utterance of public opinion by reactionary measures. I The success of the work was very marked, despite its pon- derous style. It was suppressed by the Prussian Govern- ment, and orders were issued for the arrest of Giirres and the seizure of his papers. He escaped to Strasburg, and thence went to Switzerland. Two more political tracts, Europa and (lie Revolution (1821), and In. Sue/(en (ler It’llein Province); mad in ez'gmer Angelegenlaez'l (1822), also deserve mention.

In Gerres’s pamphlet Die Ileilz'ge Allianz and (lie l’ollcer

auf elem Congress eon Verona he asserted that the princes had met together to crush the liberties of the people, and that the people must look elsewhere for help. The “ elsewhere” was to Itome ; and from this time Gorres became a vehement Ultramontane writer. He was summoned to

Munich by King Louis of Bavaria, and there his writings