Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 12.djvu/378

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364 H IT N G A R Y [DIVISIONS. the river Sil. There are fine marble quarries at Piszke and the neighbouring Almas in the counties of Esztergom and Komarom, as also at various places in the counties of Baranya, Veszprem, Abauj, Szepes, and Lipto. The largest salt-mines are at Ronaszek, Sugatag, and Szlatina in the county of Maramaros, in Hun gary Proper, and at Vizakna, Parajd, Torda, Deesakna, and Maros- ujv ar in Transylvania. In 1877 the value of the salt produced was 12,369,599 florins, of other minerals 18,787,757 florins. The yearly worth of the whole mining produce of the Hungarian realm is estimated at over 3,000,000, of which, however, the amount attributable to Croatia and Slavoniais comparatively small. There are several hundred cold and 64 warm mineral springs in Hungary Proper and in Croatia and Slavonia, whilst a relatively greater number are met with in Transylvania. Of warm springs the most famous are those of Buda, Mehadia, Eger (Erlau), Nagyvarad (Grosswardein), Sztubnya, Szliacs, Harkany, Posteny, Krapina, and Teplitz. Among the cold mineral springs the more worthy of note are those of Suliguly, Borszek, Bartfa, Czigelka, Szulin, Parad, Koritnicza, and Szalatnya; the Buda kcserii viz (bitter water) is also much prized, and largely exported. Agri- The general agricultural division of the soil is shown approxi- culture. mately in the following table, adapted from Keleti s Magyarorszdg Statistikdja: Hungary Proper and Transyl vania. Fiume. Croatia and Slavonia. Military Frontier. Total for the Hungarian Realm. Eng. Acres. 23,865,703 E. A. 116 E. Acres. 1,868,609 E. Acres. 1,213,464 Eng. Acres. 26,947,892 Meadows 9,147,793 956 607,933 465,012 10,221,694 837 676 1077 128,558 32,112 999,423 Pastures 10,157.418 1813 500,244 936,357 11,595.832 19449.689 635 2,210,736 1,373,347 23,034,407 Reedy tracts 381,783 8,200 389,983 Total of productive soil Barren lands 63 840,062 5 021,384 4597 259 5,324,280 472,449 4,020,292 922,950 73,189,231 6,417,042 Total 68,861,446 4856 5,796,729 4,943,242 79,606,273 Adminis- Since the year 1867 the administrative and political divisions of trative the lands belonging to the Hungarian crown have been in great and measure remodelled. In 1868 Transylvania was definitively re- political united to Hungary Proper, and the town and district of Fiume divisions, declared autonomous. In 1873 the Servian-Banat or Eastern Mili tary Frontier was incorporated with Hungary Proper. In 1876 the whole administrative subdivision of Hungary into counties, dis tricts, and sees was revised, and for the sake of uniformity one general system of counties was introduced, except for the Croatian- Slavonian Military Frontier, which is divided into border districts. The total number of subdivisions amounts to 80, of which 65 appertain to Hungary Proper and Transylvania, 1 to Fiume and district, 8 to Croatia and Slavonia, and 6 to the Croatian-Slavonian Military Frontier. Hungary Proper, according to ancient usage, is generally divided into four great divisions or circles, and Tran sylvania has since 1876 been regarded as the fifth. Neither numerically nor according to territorial extent are the present 65 counties distributed equally among their respective circles, which must be regarded as geographical rather than political divisions, for they are not recognized in the judicial, fiscal, military, postal, and administrative relations of the country. 2 The circles are Cis-Damibia (north and east of the Danube), containing 13 counties : Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kis-Kun, Bacs-Bodrog, Nograd, Hont, Esztergom, Bars, Zolyom, Lipto, Arva, Thurocz, Trencsen, Nyitra, Pozsony. Trans-Danubia (south and west of the Danube), 11 counties: Moson, Sopron, Gyor, Komarom, Feher, Veszprem, Vas, Zala, Somogy, Baranya, Tolua. Cis-Tisia 3 (north and west of the Theiss), 11 counties: Szepes, Gornor and Kis-Hont, Heves, Jasz-Nagy-Kun-Szolnok, Borsod, Torna, Abauj, Saros, Zemplen, Ung, Bereg. Trans-Tisia (south and east of the Theiss), 15 counties: Maramaros, Ugocsa, Szatmar, Szilagy, Szabolcs, Hajdii, Bihar, Bekes, Csanad, Csongrad, Arad, Torontal, Temes, Krasso, Szb reny, Trans-Kirdlyhiigd, or Transylvania, 15 counties : Also-Feher, Besztercze-Naszod, Brasso, Csik, Fogaras, Haromszek, Hunyad, Kis-Kiikulli), Kolozs, Maros-Torda, Nagy-Kiikullo, Szeben, Szolnok- Doboka, Torda-Aranyos, Udvarhely. In the following list of divisions the foreign forms of the names of towns are given which are most frequently met with in the German and English press. Not being recognized offici ally, these are falling into disuse in Hungary. 1 In good years tbe total produce of the vines for the whole of Hungary may be estimated at 390 million gallons, in ordinary years at 227, and in bad years at 91 million gallons. 2 The four circles of Hanpary Proper had formerly their special political sig nificance, owing to the so-called " circular sittings," where the deputies of each of the, four circles met for the preliminary discussion of parliamentary questions. 3 Formerly, but incorrectly Cis-Tibisca. Political and Administrative Divisions. No. County. County Town. Official Name. Foreign Equivalent. Hungary and Transylvania. 1 Pozsony Pozsony Pressburg 2 Nyitra Nyitra Neutra 3 Trencsen Trencse n Trencsin 4 Arva Alsd-Kubin 5 Lipto" Lipto -Szent-Miklo s 6 Thurdcz Thun5cz-Szent-Ma rton 7 Z<51yom Beszterczebanya Neusohl 8 Bars Aranyosmardt 9 Hont Ipolysatf 10 Ntfgrrfd Balassa-Gyannat 11 Esztergom Esztergom Gran 12 Komsirom Komrom Komorn 18 Gyor Gyor Raab 14 Moson Magyar-Ovar Ungrisch-Altenburg 15 Sopron Sopron Oedenburg 16 Vas Szombathely Stein-am-Anger 17 Zala Zala-Egerszeg 18 Veszprem Veszprem Veszprim 19 Fehdr Szekesfehdrvar Stuhlweissenburg 20 Somogy Kaposva r 21 Tolna Szegszird 22 Baranya Pe"cs Funfkirchen 23 Bcs Bodrog Zombor "{ Test-Pilis-Solt-Kis- ) Kun J Budapest Pest or Pesth and Ofen or Buda (j>rior to 1873) 25 Csongrrid Szeged Szegedin 26 -j Jftsz-Nagy-Kun- ) Szolnok f Szolnok 27 Heves Eger Erlau 28 Borsod Miskolcz 29 Gb mb r and Kis-Hont Rima-Szombat Gross-Steffelsdorf 30 Szepes Lb cse Leutschau 31 Torna Toma 32 Abaiij Kassa Kascbau 33 SaVos Eperjes Eperies 34 Zemple n StCtoralja-Ujhely 35 Ung Ungvjlr 36 Bereg Beregszisz 37 Mdramaros Sziget 38 Ugocsa Nagy-Szollos 39 Szatmjtr Nagy-Kdroly 40 Szildgy Zilah 41 Biliar Nagy-Varad Grosswardein 42 Szabolcs Nyiregyha za 43 Hajdii Debreczen Debreczin 44 Beke s Gyula 45 Csiuiiid Makd 46 Arad Arad 47 Toronto Nagy-Becskerek 48 Temes Temesvdr 49 Krasid Lugos 60 Szb re ny Kara nsebes 51 Hunyad Ddva Diemrich 52 Alsd-Fehdr Nagy-Enyed 53 Torda-Aranyos Torda 54 Kolozs Kolozsva> Klausenburg 55 Szolnok-Poboka Dee s, 56 Besztercze-Naszcjd Besztercze Bistritz 57 Maros-Torda Maros-Va sdrhely 58 Csik C.sik-Szereda 59 Udvarhely Szdkely-Udvarhely 60 Kis-Kukiillo Erzsdbetvaros Elizabethstadt 61 Nagy-Kiikiillii SegesvaV Schassburg 62 Szeben Nagy-Szeben Hermannstadt 63 Fogaras Fogaras 64 Brassd Brassd Kronstadt 65 Hdromsze k Sepsi-Szent-Gyorgy 66 -j Fiume (town and ) district) J Fiume Croatia and Slavonia. 67 Finme Fiume 68 Zstgrrfb Zfgra"b A gram 69 Varasd Varasd Warasdin 70 K orb s KOTOS Kreuz 71 Belovar Belovar 72 Pozsega Pozsega 73 Verb cze Esze k Esseg 74 Szerdm Vukovdr Croatian-Slavonian Frontier Districts. 75 Mitrovicz Mitrovicz 76 Vinkovcze Vinkovcze 77 Gradiska Uj-Gradiska Neu-Gradiska 78 Petrinja Petrinja 79 Ogulin Ogulin 80 Goszpics Goszoics The population of Hungary comprises a great variety of races, Popul differing in language and religion, although united under one tion. common sovereignty. At the census of 1870 the whole population, civil and military (exclusive of children under the age of six), amounted to 15,509,455, while the total civil population was 15,417,327; of these 7,653,560 were males and 7,763,767 females, the ages of 185 males and 196 females being given as over 100 years. On the occasion of the new political divisions that took place in

1873, a fresh census was taken of Croatia and Slavonia and the