Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 14.djvu/249

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L A M L A M 237 la November 1(551 he was made a commissioner to settle the affairs of Scotland, and on the death of Ireton he was appointed lord deputy of Ireland in February 1652. He accepted the office with pleasure ; but his magnificent pre parations offended the Commons, who limited his office to the term of six months. Lambert hereupon resigned the deputyship without entering on its duties. Notwithstanding this affront Lambert took part with Cromwell in the expulsion of the Rump (20th April 1G53) and its council of state. He was joined to the lord-general and two others as additional members of the little parlia ment of nominees, making up the number to one hundred and forty-four. He presented the act of resignation of that assembly, and was principally concerned in drawing up the address requesting Cromwell to assume the protec torate, and the Instrument of Government, which was the constitution of the Protectoral rule. At the installation of Cromwell he bore a prominent part. In the parliament of 1654, and again in 1656, Lambert (or Lord Lambert as he is now generally called) sat as member for the West Riding of Yorkshire. When the proposal to declare Oliver king was started in parliament (February 1657) he at once declared strongly against it. A hundred officers headed by Fleetwood and Lambert waited ou the Protector, and begged him to pttt a stop to the proceedings. Lambert was not convinced by Cromwell s arguments, and Cromwell and he henceforward never spoke to each other as friends. On his refusal to take the official oath of allegiance to the Protector, Cromwell deprived him of his commissions, giving him, however, a pension of 2000 a year. He retired to his house and garden at Wimbledon, and appeared no more in public during Oliver Cromwell s lifetime. On the accession of Richard he seems to have expected the first place in the army, but was not unwilling to be second to Fleetwood. The Protector was between two parties the court party, who wished to hold to the " Peti tion and Advice," and the army party or Wallingford House party, who, whilst supporting Richard as Protector, wished to put the control of the army into stronger hands. Richard saw that to deliver up the power of the sword was to abdi cate, and refused to make Fleetwood general. Lambert was elected for Pontefract in Richard s parliament, and took part with the republican malcontents who soon com bined with Wallingford House. Councils of officers were held, which Lambert, though holding no commission, was invited to attend. They determined to stand by the " good old cause " and to demand the dissolution of the parliament as being too full of monarchical and Presbyterian notions in fact, to put the civil power aside and setup a military government in its stead. The Protector dissolved parlia ment (22d April 1659). The officers, unable to rule with out a parliament, restored the Rump as representing the Commonwealth (7th May 1659). Richard s Protectorate had practically ended with his parliament, and he now laid down the show of royalty. Sir George Booth and Sir Thomas Middleton headed a royalist rising in Cheshire, which Lambert put down after a sharp encounter near Chester. He promoted a petition from his army that Fleetwood might be made lord-general and himself major- general. The republican party in the house took offence. The Commons (12th October 1659) cashiered Lambert, Desborough, and other officers, and retained Fleetwood s commission as chief of a military council of seven, re publicans of the old sort. Lenthall, the speaker, was to give his orders to the army. On the next day (13th October) Lambert caused the doors of the House to be shut and the members kept out. On the 26th a " com mittee of safety" was appointed, of which Lambert was a member. He was also appointed major-general of all the forces in England and Scotland, Fleetwood being general. Lambert was now sent with a large force to meet Monk, who was in command of the English forces in Scotland, and either negotiate with him or force him lit. terms. Monk, however, declared for the liberty and authority of parliament, and set his army in motion south ward. The committee of safety was obeyed no more than the Rump had been. The soldiers themselves cried out for the restoration of parliament, and ou the 26th cf December the Rump was recalled to restore some appear ance of lawful authority. Meanwhile the bulk of Lambert s army was dissolved by the mere appearance of Lord Fairfax in arms on Marston Moor, and he was kept in suspense by Monk s deceits and delays, till his whole army fell from him, and he came back to town almost alone. Monk marched unopposed to London, and declared for a " free parliament." The " excluded " Presbyterian members were recalled. Lam bert was sent to the Tower (3d March 1660), from which he escaped a month later (9th April 1660). He tried to rekindle the civil war in favour of the Commonwealth, but was speedily recaptured, and sent back to the Tower (24th April). On the Restoration he, along with Vane, was exempted from danger of life by an address of both Houses to the king. The next parliament (1662) brought a charge of high treason against them, Vane was beheaded, but Lambert was spared, and remained in custody in the island of Guernsey for the remainder of his life. He died at the age of seventy-five, in 1694. Lambert would have left a better name in history if he had been a Cavalier. His genial, ardent, and excitable nature, easily raised and easily depressed, was more akin to the royalist than the puritan spirit. Vain and sometimes overbearing, as well as ambitious, he believed that Crom well could not stand without him, and, when Cromwell was dead, he imagined himself equal to succeed him, and thought that the first place must be his by right. Yet his ambition was less selfish than that of Monk. Lambert is accused of no ill faith, no want of generosity, no cold and calculating policy. Lambert was not merely a soldier. He was an able writer and speaker, and an accomplished negotiator, and took pleasure in quiet and domestic pursuits. He learnt his love of gardening from Lord Fairfax, who was also his master in the art of war. He painted flowers, besides cultivating them, and incurred the blame of Mrs Hutchinson by " dressing his flowers in his garden and working at the needle with his wife and his maids." He made no special profession of religion ; but no imputation is cast upon his moral character by his detractors. It has been said that he became a Roman Catholic before his death. ( (F. w. c.*) LAMBESE, or LAMBESSA, the ancient Lamlxsa and the Tazzut or Tezzulet of the natives, is situated in the French province of Constantine in Algeria, about 6 miles east of Batna. The modern village is well known for its great convict establishment (founded about 1850) ; and the remains of the Roman town, and more especially of the Roman camp, in spite of the wanton vandalism to which they have been more than once subjected since their discovery, are among the most interesting in northern Africa. The ruins of the town are situated on the lower terraces of the Jebel Aures, and consist of triumphal arches, temples, aqueducts, and an immense quantity of ordinary masonry evidently belonging to private houses. To the north and east lie extensive cemeteries with the stones still standing in their original alignments ; to the west is u similar area from which, however, the stones have been largely removed for building the modern village. Of the temples the most noteworthy are those to ./Esculapius and Health (Salus), and to Isis and Serapis. About two-thirds