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256 LANCASTER the English had vainly endeavoured to set aside. His military and naval enterprises were for the most part disastrous failures, and in England he was exceedingly unpopular. Nevertheless during the later years of his father s reign the weakness of the king and the declining health of the Black Prince naturally threw the govern ment very much into his hands. He even aimed, or was suspected of aiming, at the succession to the crown ; but in this hope he was disappointed by the action of the Good Parliament a year before Edward s death, in which it was settled that Kicharcl the son of the Black Prince should be king after his grandfather. Nevertheless the suspicion with which he was regarded was not altogether quieted when Richard came to the throne, a boy in the eleventh year of his age. The duke himself complained in parliament of the way he was spoken of out of doors, and at the outbreak of Wat Tyler s insurrection the peasants stopped pilgrims on the road to Canterbury and made them swear never to accept a king of the name of John. On gaining possession of London they gave still more emphatic proof of their dislike to him by burning his magnificent palace of the Savoy. The young king himself shared the general feeling, and after a few years John of Gaunt ceased for a time to have much influence. Richard found a convenient way to get rid of him by sending him to Castile to make good his barren title, and on this expedition he was away three years. He succeeded, however, so far as to make a treaty with his rival, King John, son of Henry of Trastamara, for the succession, by virtue of which his daughter Catherine became queen of Castile some years later. After his return the king seems to have regarded him with greater favour, created him duke of Aquitaine, and employed him in repeated embassies to France, which at length resulted in a treaty of peace, and Richard s marriage to the French king s daughter. Another marked incident of his public life was the support which he gave on one occasion to the Reformer Wycliffe. How far this was due to religious and how far to mere political considerations may be a question ; but it is certain that, in one way or another, not only John of Gaunt but his immediate descendants, the three kings of the house of Lancaster, all took deep interest in the religious movements of the times. A reaction against Lollardy, however, had already begun in the days of Henry IV., and both he and his son were obliged to discounten ance opinions which were believed to be politically and theologically dangerous. Accusations had been made against John of Gaunt more than once during the earlier part of Richard II. s reign of entertaining designs to supplant his nephew on the throne. But these Richard never seems to have wholly credited, and during his three years absence his younger brother, Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester, showed himself a far more dangerous intriguer. Five confederate lords with Gloucester at their head took up arms against the king s favourite ministers, and the Wonderful Parliament put to death without remorse almost every agent of his former administration that had not fled the country. Gloucester even contemplated the dethronement of the king, but found that in this matter he could not rely on the support of his associates, one of whom was Henry, earl of Derby, the duke of Lancaster s son. Richard soon after wards, by declaring himself of age, shook off his uncle s control, and within ten years the acts of the Wonderful Parliament were reversed by a parliament no less arbitrary. Gloucester and his allies were then brought to severe account ; but the earl of Derby and Thomas Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, were taken into favour as having opposed the more violent proceedings of their associates. As if to show his entire confidence in both these noblemen, the king created the former duke of Hereford and the latter duke of Norfolk. But within three months after the one duke accused the other of treason, and the truth of the charge, after much consideration, was referred to trial by battle according to the laws of chivalry. But when the combat was about to commence it was interrupted by the king, who, to preserve the peace of the kingdom, decreed by his own mere authority that the duke of Hereford should be banished for ten years a term which was immediately after reduced to five and the duke of Norfolk for life. This arbitrary sentence was obeyed in the first instance by both parties, and Norfolk never returned. But Henry, duke of Hereford, whose milder sentence was doubtless owing to the fact that he was the popular favourite, came back within a year, having been furnished with a very fair pretext for doing so by a new act of injustice on the part of Richard. His father, John of Gaunt, had died in the interval, and the king, troubled with a rebellion in Ireland, and sorely in want of money, had seized the duchy of Lancaster as forfeited property. Henry at once sailed for England, and landing in Yorkshire while King Richard was in Ireland, gave out that he carne only to recover his inheritance. He at once received the support of the northern lords, and as he marched southwards his followers became more numerous at every turn. The whole kingdom was soon practically at his command, and Richard, by the time he had recrossed the channel to Wales, discovered that his cause was altogether lost. He was conveyed from Chester to London, and forced to execute a deed by which he resigned his crown. This was recited in parliament, and he was formally deposed. The duke of Lancaster then stepped forward and claimed the kingdom as due to himself by virtue of his descent from Henry III. The claim which lie put forward involved, to all ap pearance, a strange falsification of history, for it seemed to rest upon the supposition that Edmund of Lancaster, and not Edward I., was the eldest son of Henry III. A story had gone about, even in the days of John of Gaunt, who, if we may trust the rhymer Hardyng (Chronicle, pp. 290, 291), had artfully got it inserted in chronicles deposited in various monasteries, that this Edmund, sur- named Crouchback, was really hump-backed, and that he was set aside in favour of his younger brother Edward on account of his deformity. No chronicle, however, is known to exist which actually states that Edmund Crouchback was thus set aside ; and in point of fact he had no deformity at all, while Edward was six years his senior. Hardyng s testimony is, moreover, suspicious as reflecting the pre judices of the Percys after they had turned against Henry IV., for Hardyng himself expressly says that the earl of Northumberland was the source of his information (see note, p. 353 of his chronicle). But a statement in the continuation of the Chronicle called the Eulogium (vol. iii. pp. 369, 370) corroborates Hardyng to some extent ; for we are told that John of Gaunt had once desired in parlia ment that his son should be recognized on this flimsy plea as heir to the crown ; and, when the earl of March denied the story and insisted on his own claim as descended from Lionel, duke of Clarence, Richard put an end to the dis cussion and imposed silence on both parties. However this may be, it is certain that this story, though not directly asserted to be true, was indirectly pointed at by Henry when he put forward his claim, and no one was then bold enough to challenge it. This was partly due, no doubt, to the fact that the true lineal heir after Richard was then a child, who had just succeeded his father as earl of March. Another circum stance was unfavourable to the house of Mortimer that it derived its title through a woman. No case precisely similar had as yet arisen, and, notwithstanding the pre-