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302 LAPLACE the side of modesty ; but it would perhaps be as difficult to pro duce an instance of injustice, as of generosity, in his estimate of others. Far more serious blame attaches to his all but total sup pression in the body of the vork-aiid the fault pervades the whole of his writings of the names of his predecessors and contemporaries. Theorems and formulae are appropriated wholesale without acknow ledgment, and a production which may be described as the organized result of a century of patient toil presents itself to the world as the offspring of a single brain. The Afecanique Celeste is, even to those most conversant with analytical methods, by no means easy reading. The late M. Biot, who had the privilege of assisting in the correction of its proof sheets, remarks that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes ; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour s labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula, " II est aise h, voir. " 1 The Exposition du Systeme du Monde (Paris, 1796) has been styled by Arago "the Mecaniqiie Celeste disembarrassed of its analytical paraphernalia." Not only the conclusions reached by geometers are stated, but the methods followed by them are indicated. The integuments, so to speak, of a popular dissertation clothe and conceal the skeleton of an analytical treatise. The style is lucid and masterly, and the summary of astronomical history with which it terminates has been reckoned amongst the masterpieces of the language. To this linguistic excellence the writer owed the place accorded to him in 1816 amongst the " forty " of the French Academy, of which institution he became president in the following year. The famous " nebular hypothesis " of Laplace makes its appearance in the /Systeme du Monde. Although relegated to a note (vii.), and propounded " Avec la defiance que doit inspirer tout ce qui n est point un rdsultat de 1 observation ou du calcul," it is plain, from the complacency with which he recurs to it 2 at the lapse of above a quarter of a century, that he regarded the speculation with considerable interest. That it formed the starting-point, and has remained the model, of thought on the subject of planetary origin is due to the simplicity of its assumptions, and the clearness of the mechanical principles involved, rather than to any cogent evidence of its truth. It is curious that Laplace, while bestowing more attention than they deserved on the crude conjectures of Buffon, seems to have been unaware that he had been, to some extent, anticipated by Kant, who had put forward in 1755, in his Allgemeine Naturgeschichte, a true nebular cosmogony, though one in which the primitive reign of chaos was little likely to terminate. The career of Laplace was one of scarcely interrupted prosperity. Admitted to the Academy of Sciences as an associate in 1773, he became a member in 1785, having, about a year previously, succeeded Bezout as examiner to the royal artillery. During a temporary access of revolu tionary suspicion, he was removed from the commission of weights and measures ; but the slight was quickly effaced by new honours. He was one of the first members, and became president, of the Bureau of Longitudes, took a prominent place at the Institute (founded in 1796), professed analysis at the Ecole Normale, and aided in the organization of the decimal system. The publication of the Mecanique Celeste gained, him world- wide celebrity, and his name appeared on the lists of all the principal scientific associations of Europe, including the Royal Society. But merely scientific distinctions by no means satisfied his ambition. He aspired to the role of a politician, and has left a memorable example of genius degraded to servility for the a ike of a riband and a title. The ardour of his republican principles gave place, after the 18th Brumaire, to devotion towards the first consul, a sentiment promptly rewarded with the post of minister of the interior. His 1 Journal des Savants, 1850. 2 Mec. Cel., torn. v. p. 346. incapacity for affairs was, however, so flagrant that it became necessary to supersede him at the end of six weeks, when Lucien Bonaparte became his successor. "He brought into the administration," according to the dictum of the future emperor, " the spirit of the infinitesimals." His failure was consoled by elevation to the senate, of which body he became chancellor in September 1803. He was at the same time named grand officer of the Legion of Honour, and obtained in 1813 the same rank in the new order of Reunion. The title of count he had previously acquired on the creation of the empire. Nevertheless he cheerfully gave his voice in 1814 for the dethronement of his patron, and his "suppleness" merited a seat in the chamber of peers, and, in 1817, the dignity of a marquisate. The _ memory of these tergiversations is perpetuated in his writings. The first edition of the Systeme du Monde was inscribed to the Council of Five Hundred; to the third volume of the Mecaniqne Celeste (1802) was prefixed the declaration that, of all the truths contained in the work, that^most precious to the author was the expression of his gratitude and devotion towards the "pacificator of Europe"; upon which noteworthy protestation the sup pression, in the editions of the Theorie des ProlaMites subsequent to the restoration, of the original dedication to the emperor formed a fitting commentary. During the later years of his life, Laplace lived much at Arcueil, where he had a country-place adjoining that of his friend Berthollet. With his co-operation the Societe" d Arcueil was formed, and he occasionally contributed to its Memoirs, In this peaceful retirement he pursued his studies with unabated ardour, arid received with uniform courtesy distinguished visitors from all parts of the world. Here, too, he died, attended to the last by his physician Dr Majendie, and his mathematical coadjutor Bouvard, March 5, 1827, having nearly completed his seventy-eighth year. His last words were : " Ce que nous connaissons est pen de chose, ce que nous ignorons est immense." Although commonly believed to have held atheistical opinions, Laplace refrained from giving any direct ex pression to them in his writings. His character, not withstanding the vanity and egotism by which it was disfigured, had an amiable and engaging side. Young men of science found in him an active benefactor. His relations with these "adopted children of his thought" possessed a singular charm of affectionate simplicity ; their intellectual progress and material interests were objects of equal solicitude to him, and he demanded in return only diligence in the pursuit of knowledge. M. Biot relates that, when he himself was beginning his career, Laplace introduced him at the Institute for the purpose of explain ing his supposed discovery of equations of mixed differences, and afterwards showed him, under a strict pledge of secrecy, the papers, then yellow with age, in which he had long before obtained the same results, but which he had laid aside with a view to future development. This instance of abnegation is the more worthy of record that it formed a marked exception to Laplace s usual course. Between him and Legendre there was a feeling of " more than coldness," owing to his appropriation, with scant acknowledgment, of the fruits of the other s labours; and our celebrated countryman, Dr Thomas Young, counted himself, rightly or wrongly, amongst the number of those similarly aggrieved by him. With Lagrange, on the other hand, he always remained on the best of terms. The extreme abstemiousness of his life, joined to a naturally good constitution, preserved Laplace from most of the infirmities incidental to old age. He was indeed obliged to use his eyes with precaution ; but his power ful memory remained unimpaired, and it was not until within two years of his death that his health began to