Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 14.djvu/563

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a Name. a G Special Character and No. of Vols. To whom Name. T3 c 3 Special Character and No. of Vols. To whom g tfi Remarks. Print. MSS. o UH Remarks. Print. MSS. Accessible. DURHAM: HULL: Bishop Cosin s Lib. 1669 Chief. Theol. ; little used 4,456 188 Open; cler. Lyceum Library. 1807 .17,000 Sub. borrow. Subscription Lib. 177: Cat. printed 1876. 40,000 Sharehold. Cathedral Library. Monastic; pr. cat. of MSS 15,000 570 0. b. 1. INVERNESS : University Lib. i-.T Maltby, Routh and Winter 31,168 Mem. Free Public Lib. Act adopted 1877. bottom bequests. (o. b. L). IPSWICH : EDINBURGH: Free Lib. and Mus 1852 Sci. ; ref. lib. only ; L. A. 3,000 20 Open. Advocates Lib. 1680 Copyright priv.; pr. cat. 265,000 3,000 To inquir. KEIGHLEY : Facul. of Actuaries 1856 Professional ; large col. o 1,200 Mem. and Mechanics Inst. 1825 7,000 Sub. pamphlets. Stud. KELSO: Literary Institute. 1872 8,000 Sub. Kelso Library. 1751 8,000 Sub. Mcch. Subs. Lib. 182 22,500 Sub. KIDDERMINSTER : New College Lib. 1843 Theol., &c. ; cat. pr. 1868 40,000 200 Stud. Free Library. 1857 Ref. lib. with newsroom. 1,000 Open. Philosoph. Inst. 184f 30,000 Sub. KlLMARNOCK. : Roy. Coll. of Phys 1681 Med. ; cat. printed 1862. 26,000 Mem. Libraiy. 1797 14,000 Sub. Royal Medical Soc Med. ; MS. dissertations. 20,000 Mem. LANGHOLM (Dum 180C I alfourd bequest. 7,000 Sub. Royal Society Lib. 1737 Sci. Trans. ; Hume s MSS. 15,300 Mem. fries) : Select Subscrip. L. 1800 Gen.. Pamph. 31,000 Sub. LEAMINGTON : Signet Library. 1755 Gen., Law ; cat. printing. 65,800 Mem., lit. Free Public Lib. 1857 L. A. 11,249 inquir. LEEDS : Soc. of Antiquar. L Chiefly Scot. Arch. ; Drum 9,000 Mem. Leeds Library. 176S 85,000 Few. Sharehold. mond and Riddell MSS Mechanics Inst. 1842 20,000 Sub. S.S.C. Library. 180S Law., Gen. Lit. 12,000 Mem. Public Library. 187C L. A. ; 21 branches. 109,202 Open. Subscription Lib. 179-1 40,000 Sharehold. Yorkshire College. 1874 Chiefly Sci. 2,000 Stud. United Pros. Coll. L 1847 Mainly Theol. ; classe 21,000 Stud, and LEEK. : cat. printed 1868. Ministers. Lit. and Mech, Inst 1837 Gen., Local. 4,500 Sub. University Library 1580 Drummond,Halliwell-Phil 140,000 2,000 Mem. LEICESTER : lipps, and Laing coll. Free Library. 1869 Gen.,Leicest ; L. A. 20,000 Free. Watt Inst. anc 1825 Chietly Scientific. 2,500 Stud. Permanent Lib. 1779 10,000 Sub. School of Arts. LEWES : ELY : Library Society. 1790 In Fitzroy Memorial. 6,000 Sub. Cathedral Library. Monas., Misc. ; little usec 6,000 By leave. LICHFIELD : EXETER : Cathedral Library. 6,000 20 Clergy Cathedral Library. ante Theol. and Hist. 6,000 Clergy (o. b. L). 900 only. Free Lib. and Mus 1874 L, A, 5,000 Residents. Dev. and E. Free L. 1870 L. A. 12,076 Open. ILINCOLN : Devon and Exeter 1813 22,000 Sharehold. Cathedral Library. Monastic ; Theol. ; politica 7,400 Clergy of Institute. and Sub. tracts, Eliz. to Chas. I. diocese. FORFAR : LlNLITIIGOW : Free Library. 1870 L. A. 4,450 Open. Mechanics Inst. 1850 3,000 Sub. GALASHIELS : LIVERPOOL : Public Library. 1874 L. A. 3,800 Open. Athenajum. 1798 30,000 Propr. GALWAY : Free Public Lib. 1852 L. A.; one central ref., 2 R72.406 Open. Queen s Coll. Lib. Gen., coll. course. ; town 23,000 Mem.; lending brchs. ; pr. cat. L43.285 council records. househo. Lib. (Lyceum). 1758 72,000 Sub. GARTMORE : b. 1. Medical Institute. [1823 Med., Sci. 8,000 Med. men. Gartmore Library. 1871 2,700 Sub. LONDON : GLASGOW : Admiralty Library. Naval and Geog. ; cat. pr. 25,000 Anderson s Coll. Anthropolog. Inst. 1844 Anthropol.; Ethnolog. Soc 4,000 Mem. (l)Ewing sMus.L 1878 Music ; printed cat. 5,500 -63 1844, Anthrop. Soc (2) Managers L. 2,870 1871 1863, united 1871. (3; Mech. Class L. 1808 7,138 Mem. ; or Architectur. Assoc. 1862 Arclutee.,<fcc.; lending only 1,100 Mem. by payt. Athenajum Club. 1824 Gen. ref., Art, Hist ; pam 48,000 Mem. Coll. of Sci.and Art. 1823 For use of Students. 8,000 Stud. ; or phlets ; pr. cat. by payt. Baptist Coll. 1810 Theol. and Gen. 10,000 Stud. Faculty of Phys. 1690 Med., Sci., Loc. Arch.; cat 20,000 50 Med. men ; (Regent s Park). and Surgeons. printing. fellows Bethnal Green Fr.L. 1875 10,000 jOpen. borrow. Birkbeek Inst. 1823 Educational. 9,000 Mem. Faculty of Procur. 1817 Gen., Law; books lent. 10,861 Mem. Brit, and For. Bible 1805 Chiefly Bibles; cat. pr. 10,000 280 (1 brancli). j Society. 1855. Free Cli. Coll. Lib. rheol. ; N. T. critic. ; Tis 24,000 Mem. and British Arch. ABS, Archseol., Hist. ; many 500 chendorf s lib. Stud. drawings of antiquities. Mitchell Library. 187 ! Stephen Mitchell s beq. 36,000 Few. Fr. pub. British Museum. 1753 Universal ; many special 1,500,00 50,000 Free by Scot.poet.; Glasgow col ref. coll.; copyright priv. and ticket, Philosophical Soc. .80:. Chiefly Scientitic. 9,000 Mem. 45,000 over 21. Stirling s and Glas 171), i ounded_by Stirling s beq. 50,000 Fr. ref. ; char gow Public Lib. Sub. bor. Charterhouse. ters. University Library. 5th Also a Divin. Hall Lib. and 125,000 350 Mem.; lit. Chemical Society. 1841 Chemistry, &c. 8,000 Mem. cent Ilunterian Mus. Lib. inq. by Christ s Hospital. payt. Colonial Office. Colonial. 12,000 Officials. GLOUCESTER: Compositors Lib. 1853 Gen., Printing. 8,000 Mem. Cathedral Library. 2,700 Corporation Lib. 1824 Gen., Lond.; Dutch lib. of 80,000 300 Open. GoDALMING: (Guildhall). Austin friars ; Clock- Charterhouse Sch. 804 Also 11 boarding-houie 10,000 Open to maker s Co. Library. libraries. the boys. Dr Williams s Lib. 1716 Mainly Theol.; cat. pr. 30,000 1,000 By introd. GHEENOCK: 1841-78. (ireenook Library. 783 Gen. ; printed cat. 20,000 Sub. Dulwich College L. 1619 Alleyne Papers. 7,000 1,173 Masters & M"chanics Inst. 832 4,000 Sub. 6th form GREENWICH : Entomological Soc. 1833 Entomology. 2,400 Mem. Roy. Naval Coll. L. 873 Gen., Sei., Math., <tc. 5,000 Staff, Stud. (0. b. 1.). HADDINGTON : Foreign Office Lib. Elistory, Dip!., &c. 70,00 > Officials. Free Library. 717 Chiefly old books from 3,355 Free. Geological Society. 1807 Sci., Geol., Min.; geol. 17,500 Fell. Gray bequest. maps ; cat. pr. 1880. HALIFAX : Gray s Inn. ante 1555 Law, Gen.; cat. pr. 1872. 13,000 25 Mem. Mechanics Inst. 825 12,000 Sub. Guy s Hospital. 1825 Med. and Sci. 5,197 Staff.Stud. IlANLKT : Herald s Coll. Lib. Potteries Mech. Inst 826 Gen., Local. 7,000 Sub. Home Office. 1800 Law, Hist. 5,000 Officials. HARROW : House of Commons. 1818 Gin., Law, and Hist.; 40,000 U.P. s. School (Vaughan)L. ante 8,000 Few. Open to pr. cat, 1857. 1819 the boys. House of Lords. 3en., Law. 30,000 "eers. HAWIOK : Incorporated Law 1831 Law, Gen. ref. ; private 30,000 Few. Hem. and Public Libraiy. 1878 L. A. 3,000 Open. Societv. acts; pamphlets. Sub. HEREFORD : India Office. 1801 Mainly Indi. and Orient. 40,000 0,000 Indian Cathedral Lib. c. 13SO Chiefly Theol. and Hist. ; 2,000 230 So rules. Officials admission difficult. (0. b. ].). Fr. Pub. L. and Mus. 1872 L.A. 7,018 38 Dpen. Inner Temple. inte ^aw, Gen., Petyt, Adol- 36,000 COO lem. Permanent Library 1815 7,000 iub. 1540 phus. Crawford, and HERTFORD : Austin colls. Free Libran . 85C L. , 1,000 Inns of Court Lend 866 1,500 ?arristrs Haileybnry Coll. L. SCS WO vols. of E.I. Comp. slib. 4,000 Jpperboys ing Library. clerks. HEYWOOD : Institution of Civil 818 J >ci., Engin. ; cat. pr. 17,000 lem. and Public Free Lib. 874 Bending lib. onlyj.L. A. 6,000 )pen. Engineers. Stud. HIGH WYCOMBE : King s College Lib. 830! larsden, Wheatstone, and tud. Free Libraiy. 872 kip. by J.O.Griffith, Q.C. 2,500 Ipen. Medical Libraries. HoRNCASTLE : Lambeth Palace L. 6101 Tieol. and Hist. ; books 30,000 4,000 )pen. Mechanics Inst. 838 3,500 iub. lent bv leave.