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306 M A I M A I and of most of the archiepiscopal electors. Mainz possesses other eight Roman Catholic churches, the most noteworthy of which are those of St Ignatius, with a finely painted ceiling, and St Stephen, built in 1318, and restored after the explosion of 1857. The old electoral palace, erected in 1627-78, now contains valuable collections of Roman and Germanic antiquities, a picture gallery, and a library of 130,000 volumes, including several productions of Gutenberg, Fust, and Schoffer. Among the other principal buildings are the palace of the grand-duke, built in 1731-3$ as a lodge of the Teutonic Order, the theatre, the arsenal, the Government house, the commandant s residence, and several fine private houses. A handsome statue of Gutenberg, by Thorwaldsen, was erected at Mainz in 1837, 1. Cathedral. 2. Palace. 3. Courts of Justice. 4. Town-House. Plan of Mainz. 5. Theatre. C. Gutenberg sMomiment. 7. Schiller s Monument. 8. Xeubrunnen. 9. Government House. 10. St Stephen s Church. 11. Action Beerhouse. 12. Eichelstcin. and the town is also embellished with a statue of Schiller and two architectural fountains. Mainz still retains many relics of the Roman period, the most important of which is the Eigelstein, a monument believed to have been erected by the Roman legions in honour of Drusus. It stands within the citadel, which occupies- the site of the Roman castrum. A little to the south-west of the town are the remains of a large Roman aqueduct, of which upwards of sixty pillars are still standing. The educational and scientific institutions of Mainz include an episcopal seminary, a gymnasium, a society for literature and art, a musical society, and an antiquarian society, the fine collec tion of which has been mentioned above. The university, founded in 1477, was suppressed in 1791. The site of Mainz would seem to mark it out naturally as a great centre of trade, but the illiberal rule of the arch bishops and its military importance seriously hampered its commercial and industrial development, and prevented it from rivalling its neighbour Frankfort. It is now, howeverj the chief emporium of the Rhenish wine traffic, and also carries on an extensive transit trade in grain, timber, flour, and oil. The natural facilities for carriage by water are supplemented by seven railways. The principal manu factures of Mainz are leather goods, furniture, carriages, chemicals, musical instruments, and carpets, for the first two of which it has attained a wide reputation. Mainz is the seat of the administrative and judicial authorities of the province of Rheinhessen, and also of a Roman Catholic bishop. The population in 1880 amounted to 61,322, including a garrison of about 8000 men. Fully two-thirds are Roman Catholics. Castel has about 5000 inhabitants. Mainz, one of the oldest cities in Germany, was originally a Celtic settlement. Its strategic importance was early recognized by the Romans, and in 13 B.C. Drusus, the son-in-law of Augustus, erected a fortified camp (castrum) there, to which a smaller castellum (the modern Castel) on the opposite bank was afterwards added. The Celtic name became Latinized as Mayuntiacum or Moguntiacum, and a town, Maguntia, gradually arose, which became the capital ofGermania Superior. In the " Vb lkerwanderungen," or migra tions of peoples during the gradual dissolution of the Roman empire, Mainz was destroyed on different occasions by the Alemanni, the Vandals, and the Huns (451 A.D.). Christianity seems to have been introduced at an early period, and soon after its recovery from the last of these calamities we find it the seat of a bishop. In the middle of the 8th century, under Boniface, the see became an archbishopric, to which the primacy of Germany was annexed. Charlemagne built a bridge here and granted the town important privileges, and in the following centuries it was the seat of several diets and ecclesiastical councils. In 1254 Mainz was the head and mainspring of the league of Rhenish towns, and had attained to such a pitch of commercial prosperity that it was known as the " Goldcne Mainz. " Soon after this time it is believed that the population was as numerous as at the present day. In 1462, during the strife between the rival archbishops Diether von Isenburg and Adolph von Nassau, Mainz espoused the cause of the former, but was taken by the latter, who had the support of the emperor, lost its imperial privileges, and was henceforth subject to the archbishops. Many of its citizens were driven into exile, and carried into other lands a knowledge of the art of printing, which had been invented at Mainz by Gutenberg in 1440. In the Thirty Years War Mainz was occupied by the Swedes and the French. In ] 792 it enthusiastically welcomed the principles of the French Revolution, and opened its gates to the Republican troops under General Custine. It was recaptured in the following year, but was ceded to France by the peace of Campo Formio in 1797. In 1814 it was restored to Germany and handed over to the grand-duchy of Hesse, remaining, however, a fortress of the German Confedera tion, garrisoned in common by Prussian, Austrian, and Hessian troops. Since 1871 it has been a fortress of the German empire. For further information consult Schaab, Gescldchte der Stadt Mainz, 1841-44 ; K. Klein, Mainz und seine Umgebungcn, 1868; Bockenheimer, Beitrage zur GeschicJite der Stadt Mainz, 1874, and Mainz und Umgebungcn, 1880; Werner, Der Dom von Mainz und seine Denkmaler, 1827-36. (J. F. M.) MAISTRE, JOSEPH DE, diplomatist and polemical, writer was born at Chambery on the 1st April 1754, and died at Turin on the 26th February 1821. The family was an ancient and noble one, enjoying the title of count, and is said to have been of Languedocian extraction. The father of Joseph was president of the senate of Savoy, and held other important offices. Joseph himself, after studying at Turin, received various appointments in the civil service of Savoy, finally becoming a member of the senate. In 1786 he married Franchise de Morand. The invasion and annexation of Savoy by the French Re publicans made him an exile. He did not take refuge in that part of the king of Sardinia s domains which was for the time spared , but betook himself to the as yet neutral territory of Lausanne. There, in 1796, he published his first important work (he had previously written certain discourses, pamphlets, letters, &c.), Considerations sur la France. In this he developed his views, which were those of a Legitimist, but a Legitimist entirely from the religious and Roman Catholic point of view. The philosophism of the 18th century, as shown in its political views, or rather the second as a consequence of the first, was Joseph de Maistre s life-long object of assault. After the still further losses which, in the year of the publication of this book, the French Revolution inflicted on Sardinia, Charles Emmanuel summoned Joseph de Maistre to Turin, and he remained there for the brief space during which the king retained a remnant of territory on the

mainland. Then he went to the island of Sardinia itself,