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584 M A R M A K She herself felt no doubt either of its reality or of its being due to mesmerism, and not unnaturally resented the incredulity of others. She eventually published an account of her case in sixteen Letters on Mesmerism, a proceeding which caused great offence to some members of her family. On finding herself set free from the bondage of ill-health, she removed to Ambleside, where she built herself the house in which the greater part of her after life was spent. In 1845 she published three volumes of Forest and Game Laiv Tales, in which the method of her political economy series was again applied. In 1846 she made an Eastern tour with some friends. She was abroad for eight months, visiting Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, and on her return published Eastern Life. The tendency of this work is to display humanity passing through one after another of the world s historic religions, the conception of the Deity and of Divine government becoming at each step more and more abstract and indefinite. The ultimate goal Miss Martineau believed to be a philosophic atheism, but this belief she did not expressly declare in Eastern Life, considering it to be outside the province of that book. She published about this time Household Education, expounding the modern theory, in which freedom and rationality, rather than command and obedience, are regarded as the most effectual instruments of education. Her practical interest in all schemes of instruction led her to start a series of lectures, addressed at first to the school children of Ambleside, but afterwards extended, at their own desire, to their elders. The subjects of these lectures were sanitary principles and practice, the histories of England and North America, and the scenes of her Eastern travels. At the request of Mr Charles Knight she wrote for him, in 1849, The History of the Thirty Years Peace, a characteristic instance of Miss Martineau s remarkable powers of labour. " From the first opening of the books to study for the history to the depositing of the MS. of the first volume at press was," she says, " exactly six months. The second volume took six months to do." In 1851 Miss Martineau edited a volume of Letters on the Laivs of Mans Nature and Development. Its form is that of a correspondence between herself and Mr H. G. Atkinson (in which the latter has much the larger share), and it expounds that doctrine of philosophical atheism to which Miss Martineau had, in Eastern Life, depicted the course of human belief as tending. The existence of a first cause is not denied, but is declared unknowable, and the authors, while regarded by others as denying it, certainly considered themselves to be affirming the doctrine of man s moral obligation. Mr Atkinson was a zealous exponent of mesmerism, and the prominence given to the topics of mesmerism and clairvoyance no doubt tended to heighten the disapprobation with which the book was received. The reviewers were almost unanimous in condemnation, and the publication caused a lasting division between Miss Martineau and some of her friends. The new philosophical bent of her studies directed Miss Martineau s attention to the works of Comte, and she undertook a condensed English version of the Philosophic Positive. It appeared in 1853, and to most readers is more useful and intelligible than the original. She had begun in the previous year to write articles, chiefly biographical, for the Daily News. Among these were the Letters from Ireland, written during a visit to that country in the summer of 1852. She also wrote a considerable number of essays upon different manufactures for House hold Words, and another series for the same periodical upon the treatment of blindness, deafness, idiotcy, &c., besides a Guide to Windermere, followed afterwards by a Complete Guide to the Lakes. She had been for many years a con tributor to the Westminister Review, and was one of the little band of supporters whose pecuniary assistance, in 1854, prevented its extinction or forced sale. In the early part of 1855 Miss Martineau found herself suffering from heart disease. Having always felt it one of her duties to write her autobiography, and believing the time before her to be but brief, she now at once set about this task, and on its completion caused the book to be printed that it might be ready for speedy publication at her death. But her life, which she supposed to be so near its close, was prolonged for other twenty years, her death not taking place until 1876. These years were by no means idle. She continued to contribute to the Daily News, for which she wrote in all more than 1600 articles, and to the Westminster Review, as well as to other papers, and her biographical sketches were collected and reprinted from the Daily News in a volume which has justly become one of the best- known of her works. In point of style it is probably the most excellent of them all. The form and method leave nothing to be desired, and the perception of character is shrewd, sincere, and, roughly speaking, reliable. But in reading the book we feel that the biographies, divided by the editor into groups of royal, political, &c. , fall far more naturally into two larger classes, the biographies of persons whom Miss Martineau liked, and the biographies of persons whom she disliked. All are doubtless in a sense true, as all photographs are true, but the difference between a flattering and an unflattering photograph is considerable. She also produced two books on the government of India, and was continually occupied in promoting schemes of reform and benevolence. Her poorer neighbours owed much to her kindly and enlightened efforts, and her servants found in her a friend as well as a mistress. Her long and busy life bears the consistent impress of two leading characteristics, industry and sincerity. Her work was invariably sound, and its motive invariably respectable. The verdict which she records on herself in the autobiographical sketch left to be published by the Daily News is probably very near to that which will be recorded by future judgment. She says, " Her original power was nothing more than was due to earnestness and intellectual clearness within a certain range. With small imaginative and suggestive powers, and therefore nothing approaching to genius, she could see clearly what she did see, and give a clear expression to what she had to say. In short, she could popularize while she could neither discover nor invent." Her judgment on large questions was clear and sound, and was always the judgment of a mind naturally progressive and Protestant. Mentally she was a true daughter of her Huguenot ancestors. But it is impossible to read her autobiography without suspecting that she was subject to considerable prejudices, especially in her judg ment of persons, and that her temper, particularly in earlier life, was unamiable, hard, and unforgiving. She seems, indeed, to have possessed the sort of disposition which shows to much greater advantage in its relation to juniors, inferiors, and dependants than in its relations to elders and superiors, and which therefore appears more amiable in the closing than in the opening years of life. Her autobiography reveals also a weakness which was perhaps unavoid able. The publication of her political economy tales brought her into great and sudden notice ; many persons of high position, official and otherwise, desired to enlist her advocacy on the part of their particular projects. She found her help much courted, and much help eagerly proffered to her. Her deafness, which suffered her to hear only what was directly addressed to herself, assisted to make her a central figure, and to induce the belief that hers was one of the most potent if not actually the most potent voice in English politics. Her deafness was in another direction probably advantageous. It led her to find solitude easier than most com panionship, and saved her from many distractions of attention. It may indeed fairly be surmised that but for her deafness she could never have found time to achieve the amazing quantity of work that she did, while the courageous, cheerful, and unobtrusive spirit in which she bore her infirmity remains an example and an encouragement to all her fellow-sufferers. (C. BL.) MARTINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1706-1784), the most learned musician of the 18th century, was born at Bologna on April 25, 1706. His father, Antonio Maria Martini, a violinist, taught him very early the elements of music, and to play the violin : at a later period he learned singing and harpsichord playing from Padre Pradieri, and counterpoint from Antonio Iliccieri. Having received his education in classics from the fathers of the oratory of San Filippo Neri, he afterwards entered upon a noviciate at the Franciscan monastery at Lago, at the

close of which he was received into that order on September