Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 16.djvu/119

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METEOR 109 not. In the telescope still smaller ones are seen that are invisible to the naked eye. Meteors comparable in bright ness to the planets and the fixed stars are usually called shooting stars. These various kinds of meteors differ from all other luminous phenomena so as to stand in a group entirely alone. Though they have been sometimes regarded as separable among themselves into three or four different species, and for purposes of description may still be so divided, yet they all seem to have a like astronomical character, and the differences are only those of bigness, chemical constitution, velocity, &c. There appears to be no clear line of distinction between the stone-producing and the detonating meteors, nor between those heard to explode and those seen to break in pieces, nor between these and the simple fireballs, nor between the fireball and the faintest shooting star. Altitudes of Meteors. The first important fact about the meteors is the region in which they become visible to us. In hundreds of instances observations have been made upon the luminous path of a meteor at two or more stations many miles apart. When such stations and the path are properly situated relatively to each other, observa tions carefully made will show a parallax by which the height of the meteor above the earth, the length and di rection of the path, and other like quantities may be com puted. The general result from several hundred instances is that the region of meteor paths may be in general regarded as between 40 and 80 miles above the earth s surface. Some first appear above 80 miles, and some descend below 40 miles. But an altitude greater than 100 miles, or one below 25, except in the case of a stone- furnishing meteor, must be regarded as very doubtful. Thus the meteor paths are far above the usual meteoro logical phenomena, which (except auroras and twilight) have not one-tenth of the height of the meteors. But with reference to all other astronomical phenomena they are very close to us. The comets, for example, are well- nigh a millionfold, and even the moon is a thousandfold, more distant from us. Velocities of Meteors. When the length of a luminous path is known, and the time of describing it has been observed, it is easy to compute the velocity in miles. Unfortunately the large meteors, describing long paths, come at rare intervals, and unexpectedly, and it is a happy accident when one is observed by a person accustomed to estimate correctly short intervals of time. On the other hand, the total time of visibility of the shooting stars, which come so frequently that they may be watched for, is usually less than a second. It is not easy to estimate correctly such an interval, where the beginning and ending are not marked by something like a sharp click. Hence all estimates and computations of velocities of meteors are to be received with due regard to their uncertainty. We may only say in general that the velocities computed from good observations are rarely if ever under 8 or 10 miles a second, or over 40 or 50 miles, and that some have far greater velocities than others. The average velocity seems to be nearly 30 miles. What makes the Luminous Meteor. The cause of a meteor is now universally admitted to be something that enters the earth s atmosphere from without, with a velocity relative to the earth that is comparable with the earth s velocity in its orbit, which is 19 miles per second. By the resistance it meets in penetrating the air the light and other phenomena of the luminous train are produced. Under favourable circumstances, portions of these bodies reach the earth s surface as meteorites. Meteoroids. A body which is travelling in Lpace, and which on coming into the air would under favourable circumstances become a meteor, may be called a meteor- oid. The meteoroids are all solid bodies. It would hardly be possible for a small quantity of gas out in space to retain such a density as would enable it on coming into the air to go 10 or 100 miles through even the rare upper atmosphere, and give us the clear line which a shooting star describes. Even if a liquid or gaseous mass can travel as such in space, it would be instantly scattered on striking the air, and would appear very unlike a shooting star or bolide. Numbers of Meteors. Of the larger meteors there are in the mean six or eight per annum which in the last fifty years have furnished stones for our collections. A much larger number have doubtless sent down stones which have never been found. Thus Daubree estimates for the whole earth an annual number of six or seven hundred stone-falls. But of the small meteors or shooting stars the number is very much larger. Any person who should in a clear moonless night watch carefully a portion of the heavens would, in the mean, see at least as many as eight or ten shooting stars per hour. A clear-sighted and practised observer will detect somewhat more than this number. Dr Schmidt of Athens, from observations made during seventeen years, obtained fourteen as the mean hourly num ber on a clear moonless night for one observer during the hour from midnight to 1 A.M. A large group of observers, as has been shown by trial, would see at least six times as many as a single person. By a proper consideration of the distribution of meteor paths over the sky, and in actual altitude in miles, so as to allow for mists near the horizon, it appears that the number over the whole globe is a little more than ten thousand times as many as can be seen in one place. This implies that there come into the air not less than twenty millions of bodies daily, each of which, under very favourable conditions of absence of sunlight, moon light, clouds, and mists, would furnish a shooting star visible to the naked eye. Shooting stars invisible to the naked eye are often seen in the telescope. The numbers of meteors, if these are included, would be increased at least twentyfold. How densely Space is filled with Meteoroids. By assuming that the absolute velocity of the meteors in space is equal to that of comets moving in parabolic orbits (we have good reason to believe that this is nearly their true velocity), we may prove from the above numbers that the average number of meteoroids in the space that the earth traverses is, in each volume equal to that of the earth, about thirty thousand. In other words, there is in the average to every portion of space equal to a cube whose edge is about 210 miles one meteoroid large enough to make a shooting star bright enough to be visible to the naked eye. Such meteoroids would, upon an equable distribution, be each in round numbers 250 miles from its near neighbours. All these num bers rest upon Dr Schmidt s horary number fourteen, and for a less practised observer and a less clear sky they would be correspondingly changed. How much they would need to be altered to represent other parts of space than those near the earth s orbit is a subject of inference rather than of observation. Motion in Space. The meteoroids, whatever be their size, must by the law of gravitation have motions about the sun in the same way as the planets and comets, that is, in conic sections of which the sun is always at one focus. The apparent motions of the meteors across the sky imply that these motions of the meteoroids relative to the sun cannot as a rule be in or near the plane of the ecliptic. For if they were there, since the motion of the earth is also in the ecliptic, the motion of the meteoroids relative to the

earth would be in the same plane. This would involve