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DIURNAL PHENOMENA.] METEOROLOGY 115 having traversed a large breadth of ocean, come up against and blow over a mountainous ridge lying across their path, and the amount deposited is still further increased if the winds pass at the same time through regions the temper ature of which constantly becomes colder. On the other hand, the rainfall is unusually small, or nil, when the pre vailing winds have not previously traversed some extent of ocean, but have crossed a mountain ridge and advance at the same time into lower latitudes, or regions the temperature of which is markedly higher. While the observational data for the determination of the geographical distribution of the prime elements of climate, viz., the pressure, temperature, moisture, and movements of the atmosphere and the rainfall were being slowly but surely collected, the great importance of the study of weather came gradually to be recognized. Additional impetus was given to this branch of study from its intimate bearings on the eminently practical question of storm warnings. Synchronous weather maps, showing the weather over a considerable portion of the earth s surface, were constructed, and some advance was made in tracing the progress of storms from day to day. Unques tionably one of the first problems of meteorology is to ascertain the course storms usually follow and the causes by which that course is determined, so as to deduce from the meteorological phenomena observed, not only the certain approach of a storm, but also the particular course that storm will take. The method of practically conduct ing this large inquiry in the most effective manner was devised by the genius of Leverrier, and begun to be carried out in 1858 by the daily publication of the Bulletin Inter national, to which a weather map was added in September 1863. This map showed graphically for the morning of the day of publication the atmospheric pressure, and the direction and force of the wind, together with tables of temperature, rainfall, cloud, and sea disturbance from a large number of places in all parts of Europe. From such weather maps forecasts of storms are framed and suitable warnings issued ; but above all a body of information in a very handy form is being collected, the careful study and discussion of which is slowly but gradually leading to the issue of more exact and satisfactory forecasts of weather, and to a juster knowledge of these great atmospheric move ments which form the groundwork of the science. The most cursory glance is sufficient to show that the ever-changing physical phenomena with which it is the business of meteorology to deal are all referable to the action of the sun, it being evident that if the sun were blotted out from the sky a cold lifeless uniformity would rapidly take possession of the whole surface of the globe. Meteorological phenomena naturally group themselves into two great classes, those dependent on the revolution of the earth on its axis, and those dependent on its revolution round the sun taken in connexion with the inclination of its axis to the plane of its orbit. The science thus divides itself into two great divisions, the first comprising diurnal phenomena and the second annual phenome DIURNAL MARCH OF PHENOMENA. Temperature. Of the daily changes which take place in the atmosphere, the first place must be assigned to those which relate to temperature, seeing that on these all other changes are either directly or indirectly dependent. Obser vations of the temperature of the air are therefore of the first importance in meteorology. A perfectly accurate observation of the temperature of the air is unquestionably among the most difficult to make of all physical observations, the difficulty being to eliminate the effects of radiation of surrounding objects. The nearest approach yet made to the solution of this important problem of physical inquiry was made by Dr Joule in a communication to the Philosophical Society of Manchester (November 26, 1867, Proc., vol. vii. p. 35). But the manipulative skill and time demanded by the method there detailed render it quite unsuitable for general adoption anywhere in collecting the observational data required in the determination of this important element of climate. It is therefore necessary to fall on some method which, while it gives results that can only be regarded as approximate, secures the essential element of uniformity among the observations. Fig. 1 represents Stevenson s louvre-boarded box for the ther mometers, which is now very widely used for temperature observa tions. The box is made of wood, and louvred all round so as to protect the thermometers inside from radiation, and at the same time secure as free a circulation of air as is consistent with a satisfactory protection from radiation. The box is painted white, both inside and outside, and screwed to four stout wooden posts, also painted white, firmly fixed in the ground. The posts are of such a length that when the thermometers are hung in position the bulbs of the minimum thermometer and hygrometer are exactly at the same height of 4 feet above the ground, the maximum thermometer being FIG. 1. Thermometer Box. hung immediately above the minimum thermometer. This ther mometer box is placed over a plot of grass, and in a free open space to which the sun s rays have free access during as much of the day as surrounding conditions admit of. It will be observed that the thermometers are suspended on cross-laths in the centre of the box and face the door, which should always open to the north. It is not possible to overestimate the importance of seeing that uniformity of height above ground and method of protecting the thermometers is secured, since in no other way is it possible to obtain results from different places which shall be comparable with each other and thus supply satisfactory materials for the investigation and development of comparative climatology. A desired uniformity is yet far from being attained among the meteorological systems of different countries. Thus in Russia the box for the protection of the thermo meters is made of zinc, on the supposition that such a box follows more closely the changes of temperature of the air than a box of wood. Owing to these international diversi ties of observation, it is extremely desirable that steps were taken to ascertain, by Joule s method of observing, the approximate errors peculiar to each sort of thermometer box, in order that the temperatures of different countries may be compared together in a more satisfactory manner than has yet been possible. Interchanges of temperature among bodies take place by conduction, convection, and radiation. In meteorology the most important illustrations of conduction are the pro pagation downwards through the earth s strata of the changes of the temperature of the surface as it is heated during the day and cooled during the night, and the pro pagation of the same changes of temperature through the lowest stratum of the air which rests on the surface. Since sand and light loose soils are much worse conductors of

heat than clay and dense soils, it follows that loose soils