Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 16.djvu/744

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716 MONACHISM Date. Name. Founder. Place. Date. Name. Founder. Place. 420 529 540-570 563 590 C41 760 910 1012 1039 1061(?) 1074 1084 1095 109S 1100(?) 1100 1104 1118 1119(7, 1120 1140 1148 1156 1156 1158 1162 1170 1173 1191 1196(?) 1197 1198 1200(?) 1208 1209 1212 1212 1214 1214(?) 1215 1215 1218 1221 1223 1231 1241 1251 1271 1290 1296 1313 1350(?) 1355 1363 1366 1368(?) 1373 1373-77 1376 1380 1390(? 1395 1408 1408 1425 1429 Honoratus of Aries . . Benedict of Nursia . . Dubric, Illtut, David Columba I. of Lerins, France. Monte Cassino, Italy. Wales, lona, Scotland. Anegray, France. Nivelles, Flan ders. Metz. Cluny, France. Camaldoli, Italy. Vallombrosa, Tuscany. Avignon (?). Mount Moret, Limoges. Near Grenoble. Vienne, Dau- phine. Molesme, Bur gundy. Jerusalem (?). Fontevraud, Poi tiers. Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Premontre, Pi- card y. La Trappe, France. Sempringham, Lincolnshire. St Julian, Ciudad Rodrigo. Pescara, Italy. Calatrava, Spain. Evora, Portugal. Compostella, Galicia. Liege. Acre, Syria. Milan. Meaux, Paris. Montpellier, France. Germany. Assisi. Mount Carmel, Palestine. Assisi, Italy. Chaumont, France. Clair-Lieu, Bel gium. Cesena, Italy. Bologna. Buda-Pesth. Barcelona. Assisi. Florence. Osimo, Italy. Mantua. Marseilles. Sulmona, Italy. France and Flan ders. Paris. Siena (?), Italy. Aix-la-Chapelle(?) Siena. Wadstena, Sweden. (?) Bruliano, Italy. Villaescuda, Castile. Pisa. Deventer, Holland. Fiesole, Italy. Toledo. Rome. Padua. Iliceto, Siena. Near Toledo. Abbey of St Mat thias, Troves. 1431 1433(?) 1433 1435 1443 1444 1453 14S4 1493 1503 1524 1525 1531 1532 1533 153i 1537 1538 1554(?) 1558 1568 1571 1577 1578 i 1579 1584 1588 1588 1594 1595 1596 1608 1609 1610 1611 1611 1615 1617 1017 1618 1621 1624 1624 1624 1625 1629 1633 1639 1640 1641 1641 1643 1643 1645 1650 1653 1655 1660 1661 1663 1678 1679 1684 1686 Mitigated Carmelites, or "Billettes" Congregation of St Ambrose ad Nemus Oblate Nuns Pope Eugenius IV. . . (?) .. Rome (?). Milan. Rome. Vincennes, Paris. Beaune, France. Pavia. Metz. Rome. Paris. Bourges, Franco. TheateorChieti, Italy. Pisa. Pavia. Spain (?). Milan. Montmartre, Paris. Brescia, Italy. Granada. Flanders. Rome. Avila, Spain. Rome. Feuillans, France. Milan. Rome. Rome. Genoa. Talavera. Franconville- sous-bois, Paris. Val de Peiias, Spain. St Paul, France. Paris. St Omer, France. Annecy, Savoy. Paris. Paris. Lorraine. Nancy. Rome. Poitiers. Verdun, France. Paris. Paris. Nancy. Roye, Picardy. Paris. Aix, Provence. Marseilles. Salzburg. Caen, France. Caen. Caen. Paris. Paris. Le Puy en Vclay, France. Paris. Guatemala, C. America. Lamballe, France. Charonne, Paris. La Trappe. Paris. Charleville, France. Sainville, France. Versailles. Benedictines, or Black Monks Frances of Rome .... Minims, or Hermits of St Francis Daughters of St Martha (Hospitallers) Augustins of the Lombard Congregation Madelonettes Francis de Paola .... Nicolas Rolin, chan cellor of Burgundy Gregorio Rocclii Bishop de Boppart . . Nuns (later Canonesses) of Nivelles Canons Regular Ituberga, wife of Pip pin of Landen Chrodegang John Gualbert Barnabites, or Clerks Regu lar Pope Innocent VIII. Jean Tisserand Austin or Black Canons . . Order of Grammont Carthusians Order of St Anthony of Vienne Annonciades Queen Jeanne de Valois Giovanni Pietro Ca- raffa(PopePaulIV.) Matteo di Bassi Bruno Theatins Capuchins, or Reformed Franciscans Clerks Regular of St Ma- jolus of Pavia, or "So- maschi " Recollects, or Strict Fran ciscans Barnabites of St Paul Robert Girolamo Emiliani .... (?) Cruciferi (suppressed, 1656) Order of Fontevraud Knights Hospitallers of St John Te:aplars (suppressed in 1313) (?) Robert d Arbrissel .... Gerard (Raymond du Puy, first Grand Master) Hugh de Payens (Ti Giacopo Antonio Mo- rigia Ignatius Loyola Ursulines Angela de Merici .... John of God An Englishwoman, named Ward Philip Neri Brothers of Charity Canons Regular of Pre- inontre Jesuitesses (suppressed, 1631) Oratorians Rotrou II., count of Perche Gilbert of Sempring- ham Suero, and Gomez, de Barrientos William de Malaval . . Sancho III., of Castile Alfonso I., of Portugal Ferdinand II., of Leon Bega, or Lambert le Begue Heinrich Walpot (?) Theresa Fathers of Christian Doc trine Feuillants Pope Pius V Knights of Alcantara Hermits of St William, or White-Mantles Knights of Calatrava Jean de la Barriere . . Oblates of St Ambrose Latin Monks of St Basil . . Clerks Regular, Ministers of the Sick Carlo Borromeo Pope Gregory XIII. .. Camillo de Lelli Agostino Adorno .... Thomas d Andrada (Thomas de Jesus) Vincent Mussart Juan Baptista Garcias Madeleine d Escou- bleau de Sourdis Jean Michaelis Mary Ward Knightsof St Bennetof A viz Knights of Santiago of the Sword Beguiues Discalced Augustinians . . Congregation of Picpus .... Discalced Trinitarians .... Notre Dame de St Paul . . . Jacobins, or Reformed Do minicans English Institute of B. V. Mary Nuns of the Visitation .... Humiliati (suppressed, 1570) Trinitarians John de Matha and Felix de Valois .... Guy of Montpellier . . <">1 Knights Hospitallers of the Holy Spirit Penitents of St Mary Ma"- dalene Franciscans Francis Bernardone . . Albert, titular patri arch of Jerusalem Francis and Clara .... William of Paris .... Theodore de Celles . . Giovanni Bono Dominic Guzman .... Eusebius, archbp. of Strigonia Jayme I., of Aragon. . Francis Buonfiglio Monaldi . . Sylvester de Gozzolini Jeanne Franjoise de Chantal Marie Lhuillier Carmelites .... Nuns of St Clare Order of Val-des-Ecoliers . . Canons Regular of the Holy Cross Hermits of St Augustine . . Dominicans Hermits of St Paul Order of St Mary of Mercy, or Mercedarians Franciscan Tertiaries Servites French Oratorians Canons Regular of St Saviour Hospitaller Nuns of St Charles Pauline Congregation of the Mother of God Cardinal de Berulle . . Fourrier de Matain- court Joseph Calasanza .... Antoinette d Orleans Didier de la Cour .... Simone Gauguin (Mother Frances of the Cross) Vincent de Paul Congregation of Benedic tines of St Maur Hospitaller Nuns of the Charity of Our Lady Sylvestrines Canons Regular of St Mark Austin Brothers of Peni tence Celestines Innocent IV Nuns of Our Lady of Refuge Marie Elizabeth de Ranfain M. Guerin Pietro Morone (Pope Celestine V.) (?) Grey Sisters (Hospitallers) Hospitallers of the Charity of our Lady Olivetans Sisters of Charity Vincent de Paul and Louise Legras Antoine Yvan and Madeleine Martin Antoine Lequien .... Bartholomew Holz- hauser Madeleine Lamy .... Order of Mercy Guy de Joinville Bernardo Tolomei of Siena (?) Sisters of the Blessed Sacra ment Bartholomites, or Clerks Secular of Common Life Nuns of the Good Shepherd Order of Our Lady of Char ity and Refuge Eudists, or Mission Priests Daughters of Providence . . Sulpicians Sisters of St Joseph Benedictine Nuns of Per petual Adoration Bcthlehemites Cellites, or Alexian Brothers Giovanni Colombini . . Bridget of Sweden Bridget of Sweden .... Paoletto de Foligno . . Pedro Ferrando Pecha de Guadalajara Pietro Gambacorti or Gambacurta Gerard Groot Carlo de Montegraneli Maria Garcias Bartolomnieo Colonna Ludovico Barbo .... Brigittine Nuns, or Order of St Saviour Brigittine Knights Observants, or Franciscans of the Strict Observance Hieronymite Monks Madame de Polallion Jean Jacques Olier . . Henri Maupas du Tour Catherine de Barre (Mechtilde du St- Sacrement) Pierre de Betancourt Ange Le Proust Hermits of St Jerome Brothers of Common Life . . Fesulan Mendicants of St Jerome (suppressed, 1668) Hieronymite Nuns Congregation of the Latcraii Congregation of St Justina, or Reform of Monte Cassino Canons Regular of St Saviour Bernardins Order of Bursfeld, or Ger man Benedictine Reform Hospitaller Nuns of St Thomas of Villanova Reformed Trappists Brothers and Sisters of the Child Jesus Daughters of Providence . . Sisters of the Presentation Ladies of St Cvr . . . . Annand de Ranee .... Stephen Cioni of Siena Martin Vasga Johann Rodius Madame Morel Marie Poussepin .... Madame de Maintcnon

and Louis XIV.