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MUNICH 25 the new Maximilian suburb on the north side of the town. The old Pinakothek, erected by Klenze in 1826-1836 and somewhat resembling the Vatican, is embellished exter nally with frescos by Cornelius and statues of twenty- four celebrated painters by Schwanthaler. It contains a very valuable and extensive collection of pictures by the earlier masters, the chief treasures being the early German and Flemish works and the unusually numerous examples of Eubens. It also affords accommodation to 300,000 engravings, 1 0, 000 draw ings, and a large collec tion of vases. Opposite stands the new Pina kothek, the frescos on which, designed by Kaulbach, already show the effects of wind and weather. It is devoted to works by painters of the present century, among which Rottmann s Greek landscapes are per haps the most important. The Glyptothek, a build ing by Klenze in the Ionic style and adorned with several groups and single statues, contains a valuable series of sculp tures, extending from Assyrian and Egyptian monuments down to works by Eauch, Thor- waldsen, and other mo dern masters. The cele brated ^Eginetan marbles preserved here, found in the island of ^Egina in 1811, are perhaps the most important remains of archaic Greek sculp ture. Opposite the Glyp tothek stands the exhibi tion building, in the Corinthian style, used for periodic exhibitions of art. Munich also con tains several important private galleries, among which is Count Schack s unequalled collection of modern German pic tures. The Kaulbach museum contains a selec- modern works. The chief place among the scientific insti tutions is due to the Academy of Science, founded in 1759, to which some of the above-mentioned collections belong. The royal library, containing 1,000,000 printed volumes and numerous valuable manuscripts, occupies the third place among the libraries of the world. The antiquarium is a collection of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman antiquities in the old palace. The observatory is admirably equipped with fine instruments by the celebrated Fraunhofer. Plan of Munich. 1. Theatinerkirche. 2. Feldherrnhalle. tion of the pictures and sketches left by the painter of that name ; and a collection has also been made of the models of Schwanthaler s works. The scientific collections of Munich are on a par with its galleries of art. The immense collection in the above- mentioned Bavarian national museum, illustrative of the march of progress from the Roman period down to the present day, is superior in completeness and proportion to the similar collections at South Kensington and the Hotel de Cluny. On the walls is a series of well-executed frescos of scenes from Bavarian history, occupying a space of 16,000 square feet. The ethnographical museum, the museum of plaster casts, the cabinet of coins, and the collections of fossils, minerals, and physical and optical instruments are also worthy of mention. The art union, the oldest and most extensive in Germany, possesses good collections of 3. Allerheiligen Church. 4. Residenztheater. 5. Hoftheater. 6. St Michael s Church. 7. Frauenkirche. 8. St Peter s Church. At the head of the educational institutions of Munich stands the university, founded at Ingolstadt in 1472, removed to Landshut in 1800, and transferred thence to Munich in 1826. It has a staff of about 130 professors and lecturers, and in 1882 was attended by 2183 students. In addition to the four- usual faculties there is a fifth, of political economy. In connexion with the university are medical and other schools, a priests seminary, and a library of 200,000 volumes. The polytechnic institute, contained in a handsome brick edifice, adorned with medallions of celebrated architects, mathematicians, and naturalists, is also attended by a large number of students. Munich contains three gymnasia or grammar-schools, a real-gymnasium, a military academy, a veterinary college, two industrial schools, a commercial school, a school for XVII. 4