Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 17.djvu/429

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N E W MEXICO 401 the dryness of the atmosphere prevents the cold from being felt to anything like the same extent. The more southerly towns are of course warmer, not only on account of the difference in latitude, but also because of their decreased altitude. 1 The rainy season occupies about a month, varying in time from the middle of July to the middle of September, but even then a wholly cloudy day is seldom seen, the mornings being bright, with showers in the afternoon. The comparative death-rate from tubercular diseases in New Mexico is less than anywhere else in the United States, the proportions being New England 25, Minnesota 14, Southern States 6, New Mexico 3. 2 The average rainfall at Santa F6" for eight years (1874-81) was a little less than 14 inches, whereas the average at New York was 43, Boston 45, Philadelphia 44, Washington 37, St Louis 42, and Savannah 48. The mean temperature

  • vas 48^. The atmosphere is so clear and pure as to be

proverbial. From the first characteristic arises the decep tion as to distances so generally experienced by strangers ; and the second is evidenced by the fact that everywhere throughout the Territory the natives hang up their meat out-of-doors to dry, and use pieces of it as required, not the slightest taint arising from it during a series of months. Agriculture, die. The greater portion of New Mexico is pastoral, being unfitted for agriculture from lack of water for irrigation. Wherever there is sufficient water either in streams or springs to supply the wants of animals, the grass is amply sufficient to sup port either cattle or sheep. The Territory abounds in the most nutritious grasses, which retain their virtues during the winter ; and the climate is such that shelter is not required other than that afforded by nature, in valleys and woods. "The number of sheep is variously estimated from 7,000,000 to 10,000,000, and they are raised in every county. Within the past few years the breed has been much improved by the introduction of merino, Cotswold, and other fine-woolled varieties. The cattle business has reached enormous proportions within a few years, and is steadily advancing in importance. The immense profits received have induced the investment of large amounts of capital, and all the desirable ranches are being rapidly taken up and stocked. The business is changing in its character in two ways. Large corporations are taking the place of small owners, and, instead of ranging over the plains, the cattle are now generally confined to tracts exclu sively owned or occupied, and fenced. Colfax county alone is thought to contain nearly 100,000 head of cattle, and the number in the whole Territory is very large, and rapidly increasing. Agriculture is mainly limited to the valleys. Those of the Rio Grande, the Pecos, the Canadian, the San Juan, and their tribu taries, though generally narrow, contain large areas of arable land of extraordinary fertility. They produce large crops of grain and of most kinds of vegetables, especially onions, beets, turnips, cab bages, cauliflowers, &c. Potatoes succeed best in the mountainous regions. The Taos valley is an exceptionally fine wheat country, and before the advent of railroads supplied a great part of the Terri tory with its flour. The Mora valley is also celebrated for its wheat. It is as a fruit-producing region, however, that a large portion of the irrigated land in the Territory specially excels. The Rio Grande valley from Embudo to Mesilla is particularly adapted to this purpose. The area of fruit and vine culture is being yearly extended. Peaches, plums, and apricots come to great perfection in the north, and pears, apples, quinces, cherries, &c. , as well as the stone fruits, throughout the middle and southern sections. Grapes_ flourish from Bernalillo to El Paso, and in some favoured spots like La Joya farther north. The grape principally cultivated is the " Mission," which produces excellent wine. Hardy American varieties like the Concord will do well anywhere, and the less hardy European varieties, such as the White Muscat, Flamed Tokay, &c., succeed admirably in the vicinity of Las Cruces. The Pecos valley also produces fruit of extraordinary size and beauty. The supply of timber, especially of pine, is almost inexhaustible. 1 The elevations at some of the principal points are Costilla, 7774 feet; Tierra Amarilla, 7455; Glorieta, 7507; Santa Fe, 7044; FortWingate, 7037; Taos, 6950; Las Vegas, 6452; Fort Stanton, 5800; Bernalillo, 5104; Albuquerque, 4918; Socorro, 4655; Las Cruces, 3844. 2 The army statistics for six years lead to the same result, the ratio of deaths per 1000 from diseases of the respiratory organs being west coast of Florida, 6 9; New York, 5 9; New England, 4 "8; Great Lakes, 4 5; Texas coast, 4; western Texas, 3 9; East Florida, 2 3 New Mexico, 1 3. It exists in nearly all the hilly and mountainous parts of the Territory, but is of very superior quality as regards both height and straightness in the vicinity of Tierra Amarilla. Cedar abounds in many localities, and the pinon makes an excellent fuel. Oak, maple, walnut, and ash are found to a more limited extent. The varieties of poplar commonly known as cottonwood and quakin" aspen are the most common deciduous trees, and grow in almost all parts of the Territory. Several other native plants are proving of value. The Yucca of different varieties abounds, Y. filamentcsa, commonly called amole or soap-weed, covering immense tracts. Experiments have recently been made with a view to utilizing the fibre of the large serrated variety abundant in the south in the manufacture of rope, and the smaller kinds in paper-making, as well as using the root in preparing a substitute for soap. These bid fair to make this very abundant plant of large commercial value. The cauaigre has long been known to possess powerful tan ning properties, and recent experiments by the department of agriculture and elsewhere have demonstrated its value as a substi tute for bark and other agents. The plant grows wild over a large extent of country, and its importance in a district producing so many hides and skins can hardly be overestimated. Government and Administration. The executive officers are a governor and a secretary. The higher judiciary consists of a chief justice and two associates, each of whom presides over the courts in one district, all three sitting together as an appellate supreme court in January of each year. The legislature consists of a council of twelve members and a house of representatives of twenty-four, elected by counties biennially. The governor possesses the veto power. The territorial officials are a treasurer, auditor, attorney- general and two district attorneys, and an adjutant-general. In each county there are a probate judge, sheriff, and other local officers, the chief authority being vested in a board of county com missioners of three members elected by the people. The counties are divided into precincts, in each of which there is a justice of the peace and a constable. At present there are twelve counties in the Territory. Public education is in charge of a board of three school commissioners in each county. A tax of J per cent, is levied for the support of public schools. Precincts may become independent school districts at their option. Population. The population of the Territory was 91,874 in 1870 and 119,565 in 1880. Since that time it has steadily increased. The capital, Santa Fe, had 6635 inhabitants in 1880. History. The first European that traversed the Territory was Cabeza de Yaca (Nunez), the treasurer of the unfortunate expedition of Panfilo Narvaez to Florida, who, being cast ashore on the coast of Texas, crossed the continent with three companions, and after encountering infinite difficulties and dangers arrived at Spanish settlements near the Gulf of California. On the way he passed through a land of "fixed habitations," which were evidently the Pueblo towns, followed the Rio Grande for many miles, and on his return to civilization gave such an account of his travels that great interest was excited. In consequence, Coronado, the governor of New Galicia, sent Marcos de Niza, a Franciscan monk, with Stephen, a negro who had been one of Yaca s companions, to reconnoitre the country. They penetrated as far as Zufti, then called Cibola, where Stephen was killed; but Marcos made up for the lack of substantial success by the marvellous nature of the report he presented. The next year. 1540, Coronado himself headed an expedition of 300 Spaniards and 800 Indians, and started from Culiacan on Easter Monday. He succeeded in finding Cibola, which he subjugated with the surrounding country, and then proceeded to the province of Tiguex (on the Puerco river). After this expedition several friars at various times entered the country, establishing missions, often at the cost of their lives. Among them one of the most pro minent was Agustin Ruiz, who was killed in 1581. Almost imme diately after this came the expedition of Espejo, who was sent by the viceroy to protect the missions. The next expedition of note was that of Ofiate, toward the close of the century, which carried a large number of additional colonists into the Territory. From this time the Spanish population increased rapidly, and mining was extensively engaged in, the natives being reduced to a virtual con dition of slavery in the mines. In 1680 the Indians, who had long been on the verge of rebellion, revolted, and under the lead of Pope, a chief of large influence, marched on Santa Fe, and there besieged Governor Otermin and the Spanish army, who were finally compelled to evacuate the town and retreat to El Paso. For thirteen years the Pueblos continued to control the countrj-, defeating successive Spanish expeditions, until in 1693 Diego de Yargas, the new governor, succeeded in conquering them and a peace was made, one of the terms of which was that there should be no more slavery in the mines. In fact the Indians had filled up all the shafts in the meantime. For over a century afterwards little occurred to disturb the tranquillity of the Territory, except occasional wars with the surrounding savage tribes. In 1804 Lieutenant Pike, exploring the head-waters of the Arkansas, by mistake camped on Mexican soil and was brought into Santa Fe and sent to Chihuahua as a prisoner. About this time the first XVII. -51