Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 17.djvu/804

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744 OILS air, but they thicken and present physical features inter mediate between drying and non-drying oils. The following list embraces the whole of the oils, fats, and waxes ordinarily met with in commerce. Such of them as are of considerable importance are indicated by an asterisk, and notices of these will follow or be found under their own headings, or under the name of the pro ducing material. The oils, &c., of local, limited, or other wise minor importance are marked with an obelisk. 1. NON-DRYING OILS. Name of Oil. Source. Yield per cent. Specific Gravity. Principal Use.

  • Ground-nut

Ben Arachis hypogxa .... Moringa pterygo- sperma Amygdalns communis Amygdalus persica . . Primus domestica 38-50 30-35 45-55 32-35 25-30 25r30 12-15 15 40-50 28-29 6-8 15-20 30-35 60-67 28 35-45 30-40 15-25 45-50 50-56 30-50 20 50-60 15 20 50-60 30-40 30-40 10-13 NO On 55-60 35-41 10-20 20-33 20-25 33 25-28 50-60 50-60 25-30 30 30-32 28-30 35-40 40-45 30-35 30-35 40-50 25-30 25-30 ID FlSI 0-918 0-912 0-915 0-916 0-9127 0-923 o-9 ie 0-938 0-927 0-9306 0-927 0-9185 0-918 0-9150 0-9139 0-917 0-917 0-9235 0-91 0-9225 0-9243 0-9215 0-924 0-9667 0-942 0-915 0-915 0-9175 0-913 0-940 0-9202 0-9350 0-9231 0-9228 924 0-9250 0-919 0-9058 0-925 0-9232 0-9260 0-9286 0-9242 0-9276 0-9250 0-9312 0-9288 i OILS. 0-9250 0-9220 0-9180 0-910 Food ; soap. Perfumery; personal. j- Perfumery; medicine. Food ; burning ; soap. Food ; burning. Food. Food. Burning ; surgery. Medicine. Soap and lubricant. General use in China. Food. Food. Lighting. Lighting and lubricant. Soap-making. Food. Food ; soap-making. Food ; burning, &c. Food ; burning. Food ; perfumery ; burning. Burning ; wool ; oiling. Food. Medicine ; soap ; lubri cant. Medicine. Medicine; soap; lubri cant. > Fine machinery oil. Burning ; paint ; soap. Varnish and paint. Food ; burning ; soap. Paint ; varnish ; lino leum, <fec. Food ; burning Food. Burning ; soap Burning ; soap. Food ; paints ; soap. Burning ; medicine. Burning ; paints. Food ; burning. Burning. Food ; paints ; soap. Burning ; soap ; lubri cant. Soap ; lubricant. Food ; burning. Lubricant; varnish. Food ; oil-painting. Paints and varnishes. Paints and varnishes. | Burning ; lubricant ; j currying leather, &c. [_ Burning ; lubricant ; j fibre dressing, &c. Lubricant. Burning; lubricant, &c. (_ Medicinal; currying ( leather. Burning ; lubricant.

  • Almond . . .

tPeach t Plum -kernel tCherry-ker- nel tApple-seed tQuince Cydonia rulgaris Anacardium occiden- tale Euonymus europxus jEsculus Hippocas- tanum Gosst/pium sp t Cashew .... t Spindle- tree t Horse-chest nut

  • Cotton-seed

Tea-seed Brazil-nut .. t Jungle - al mond

  • Colza
  • Rape

Camellia theifera .... Bertholletia cxcelsa . . Terminalia Catappa. . Brassica campestris . . Brassica campestris, var. Nujiiis

  • Mustard


  • Sesame or


  • Olive

Baphamis sativus .... Sesamum orientale . . Olea europsea Beech-nut . . Hazel-nut .. Maize .... Fagus sylvatica Corylus Avellana .... Zea Mays (germ) Cyperus esculentus . . Ricinus communis . . Croton Tigliitm tCyperus-root

  • Castor
  • Croton

Purging-nut Animal Oi

  • Neat s - foot

Sheep s Horse Jatropha Curca-s .... Yellow of eggs 2. DRY Ahuritcs triloba .... Aleurites cordata .... I itis vinifera Linum usitatissimum Cucurbita Pepo Telfairia pedata .... Camelina sativa Lepidium sat! rum. . . . Pa,paver somniferum . . Argemone mexicana . . Reseda Luteola .... tEgg

  • Candle-nut

Wood tGrape-seed . .

  • Linseed ....

Pumpkin - seed Koeme

  • German se

same tCress-seed tMexican poppy t Weld-seed .. tBelladonna t Tobacco- seed

  • Sunflower . .
  • Madia
  • Niger
  • Safflower. . ..
  • Hemp
  • Nut

Atropa Belladonna . . Nicutiana Tabacum . . Helianthus annuus .. Madia sativa Guizotia oleifera . . . . Carthamus tinctorius Cannabis sativa tPine-tree .... tiled - pine seed Walrus

  • Seal
  • Porpoise
  • Bottle-nose
  • Sperm
  • Whale

Finns syh-estris Pinus Abies 3. TRAIN At Trichecus rosmarus . . Various species D l i I i iius jiliocsena . . Globioceplialus globi- ceps Physeter macro- cephalus

  • Cod Livers of Gadus mor-

rhua, &c. Shark Livers of Squahts, various species Fish Various fish 0-925 0-875 4. VEGETABLE FATS. Name of Oil. Source. Yield per cent. Specific Gravity. Principal Use. tDika butter t Java almond oil ^Chinese ve getable tal low Pekea butter Soap-tree oil Carapa oil . . Piney tallow Borneo tal low

  • Cocoa butter

tCokum but ter tChaulmoo- gra oil

  • Oil of mace

tOtoba butter tBecuiba tal low

  • Shea butter
  • Ghee butter

tMahwa but ter tBayberry oil tAvocado oil

  • Palm oil ....
  • Palm-seed oil
  • Cocoa-nut oil
  • Lard

Horse fat . .

  • Butter

Irving la Barteri .... Canarium commune.. Stillingia sebifera .... Pekea butyrosa Sapindusemarginatus Carapa guyanensis . . Valeria indica 60-H5 40 20-30 30 60-70 0-820 Q 918 o-oiso 0-990 0-953 0-972 0-945 0-952 Food ; candles ; soap. Food. Candles ; soap. Food. Soap-making. Soap ; medicine. Candles. Medicine. Medicine ; perfumery. > Medicine ; candles. Candles ; medicine. Food ; medicine. Soap ; candles. Veterinary medicine. Soap. Soap and candles. Soap and candles. Soap and candles. Hopea macrophylla . . Theobroma Cacao .... Garcinia indica io 50 20-23 40 35-40 45-60 Gynocardia odorata . . Myristica moschata . . Myristica Otoba Myristica Becuhyba . . Ba-ssia ParTcii Bassia butyracea .... Bassia latifolia Laurus nobilis Persea gratissima .... Elfeis guineensis .... Elasis guineensis .... Cocos nucifera 5. Ami Sus scrofa domestica. . Eqiiiis caballus Milk of Ruminants . . Bos taurus Bos tanrus IAL FA TS. 0-940 0-920 Food ; candles ; lubri cant. Currying ; lubricant. Food. Soap ; candles ; lubri cant. Pomade. Food ; soap ; candles. Pomade. Candles. Candles. Candles. Candles. Candles. Candles. Candles, &c. Candles, &c. Candles ; surgery.

  • Tallow(ox)..

Beef marrow

  • Tallow

(sheep) . . Goose fat . . a. Vegetabl ^Japanese w r ax Ocuba wax . . Cow-tree wax Myrtle-berry wax Carnahuba wax Palm - tree wax b. Anima

  • Beeswax ....
  • Insect wax . .
  • Spermaceti . .

Ovis aries 0-913 Anas anser 6. ^ e Rims succedanea .... Myristica Ocuba .... Galactodendron amer- icanum Myrica cerifera AXES. 20-25 1-000 0-920 1-005 0-995 0-995 0-963 0-970 0-943 CcrypTia cerifera Ceroxylon andicola . . ,- Apis meUifera, <fec. . . Coccus ceriferits Physeter macro- cepltalus Oil Testing. The presence of mineral oils in any fixed oil is easily detected by the process of sapouification, as well as by a Seculiar fluorescence they impart to the mixture. In the saponi- cation test the oil is made into a soap, with either soda or potash, the product mixed with sand, and the whole treated with light solvent petroleum spirit, which extracts the mineral oil. The in crease in quantity of solution over the solvent used is the measure of the proportion of adulterants in the oil. Smell, taste, specific gravity, and viscosity, all to a certain extent give indications of the nature of an oil. The elaidin proof that is, the solidification or non-solidification of an oil under the influence of nitrous acid, and the length of time required for solidifying when such a change ensues is a valuable indication of the nature of an oil ; and similar trustworthy conclusions may be drawn by observing the heat de veloped by mixing one part of sulphuric acid with three parts of the oil to be tested, a test first suggested by Maumene, and elabo rated by Fehling. The colour reactions which result from treat ment with acids of different strengths, mixed acids and alkalis, &c., are the most important tests. The following tabular statement of several such tests is extracted from Schaedler s Technologic dcr Fctte und Ode (Berlin, 1883). The first column shows the colour reactions produced by nitric acid of sp. gr. I 1 18 to 1 20 on equal proportions of oil ; the second the effect of fuming nitric acid of sp. gr. 1 40 to 1 45 on four or five times the amount of oil; the third the colour reaction from the use of sulphuric acid of sp. gr. 1 60 to 1 70 ; and the fourth the effect of a diluted mixture of nitric acid and sulphuric acid on equal volume of oils. In the fifth column is given in hours the time a non-drying oil takes to solidify under the influence of nitrous acid, after which comes the appearance of emulsions formed by treatment with alkaline leys of 1 33 sp. gr. The last two columns are devoted to the effects produced by a solu-