Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 19.djvu/124

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P I P - - P I Q PIPPIX, or PEPIX, a name borne by several members of the Carlovingian family. (1) Pippin of Landen, or Pippin the Old, mayor of the palace, died 639. (2) His grand son, Pippin of Heristal, the father of Charles Martel, died 714. (3) Martel s son, Pippin the Short, king of the Franks, died 768. See, for these three, FRANCE, vol. ix. p. 530 gy. (4) Pippin, son of Charles the Great (776-810), was his father s deputy in Italy, and as such was anointed "king for Italy" by Pope Adrian I. in 781. (5) Pippin, oecond son of Louis the Pious, appointed king of Aquitaine by his father in 817, died in 838 after a reign spent in the family conflicts of the period. (6) The son of the last- named Pippin was called to the throne by the Aquitanians on his father s death, and maintained himself with varying fortunes against Charles the Bald, to whom Louis had given the vacant throne, till in 864 he was taken by treachery and soon died in confinement. PIQUA, a city of Miami county, Ohio, U.S., is situated in a rich agricultural district on the Miami river, on the Miami and Erie Canal, and on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and St Louis and the Cincinnati and Michigan railways, about 90 miles N. by E. of Cincinnati. Besides a large agricultural trade the city has woollen manufactures, iron foundries, and agricultural machine works. The popula tion, 3277 in 1850, was 5967 in 1870 and 6131 in 1880. PIQUET, a game at cards. The name, of uncertain etymology, is probably from pique (the spade suit). The Germans had formerly a Schwerter game, the packs used being like piquet packs. The pique of French cards corre sponds to the spade (sword) of Italian and to the espadas of Spanish cards. Hence piquet may be the sivord game. It seems likely that piquet is a development of ronfd, a game mentioned by Berni in 1526; (a ronfte (included in Rabelais s list, circa 1530) may be regarded as the same game. The point at piquet was anciently called ronjie. The Spanish name of the game was cientos (centum, a hundred). Piquet was played in England under the name of cent,, or sant, probably as early as 1550 (contemporane ously with the marriage of Mary to Philip of Spain). About the middle of the 17th century (shortly after the marriage of Charles I. to Maria Henrietta of France) the name cent was dropped in England, and the French equi valent, piquet, adopted. Piquet is played by two persons, with a pack of thirty- two cards, the sixes, fives, fours, threes, and twos being thrown out from a complete pack. Until recently the partie was the best of five games of a hundred up (a player not obtaining fifty losing a double game). But now the partie is generally determined in six hands, the player making the largest aggregate score being the winner. The number of points won is the difference between the two scores, with a hundred added for the game. If, how ever, the loser fails to make a hundred in six hands, the number of points won is the two scores added together, with a hundred for the game. Piquet played in this way is called Rubicon Piquet. The dealer (see "Laws") deals twelve cards to his adversary and twelve to himself, by two at a time or by three at a time to each alternately. He then places the undealt cards, called the stock, face downwards on the table. The players now look at their hands and discard, i.e., put out, such cards as they deem advisable, and take in an equivalent number from the stock. The elder hand (non-dealer) may exchange five or any less number. He separates his discard from his hand, places it face downwards on the table, and takes from the top of the stock the number discarded. If he discards less than five, he must state how many he leaves. He is entitled to look at cards he leaves, replacing thorn face downwards on the top of the stock. The younger hand may exchange three cards or any less number. If the elder hand leaves any cards, the younger may exchange as many as remain in the stock, discarding an equal numb-r. He takes his cards from the top of the stock, including any left by the flder hand. If the younger hand leaves any cards, he announces the number left. He has the option of looking at cards he leaves. If he looks at them, he must show them to the elder hand, after the elder has named the suit he will first lead, or has led a card. If the younger hand elects not to look at the cards left the elder cannot see them. The younger hand must make his election before he plays to the card first led, or, if so required, after the dealer has named the suit he will first lead. Each player may examine his own discard at any time during the hand ; but he must keep it separate from his other cards. The elder hand next calls his point, sequences, and quatorzes or trios, and, if good, scores for them. The point must be called first or the right to call a point is lost. It is scored by the player who announces the suit of greatest strength, valued thus : ace, 11 ; court cauls, 10 each ; other cards, the number of pips on each. Thus, if the elder hand s best suit is ace, king, knave, nine, eight, he calls "five cards." If the younger hand has no suit of five cards, he says "good." The elder hand then says "in spades," or whatever the suit may be, or shows his point face upwards. If the younger hand has a suit of more than five cards, he says "not good." If the younger hand has also five cards, he says "equal" or what do they make?" when the elder calls "forty eight" (or "making eight," short for forty-eight). The younger must not inquire what the point makes unless he has an equal number of cards. If the younger hand s five cards make less than forty-eight he says "good" ; if exactly forty-eight, he says "equal" ; if more than forty-eight, he says "not good." The player whose point is good reckons one for each card of it ; if the points are equal neither player scores for point. Sequences are usually called next, the elder hand stating what his best sequence is, and the younger saying, "good," "equal," or "not good," as in the case of the point. Any three or more con secutive cards of the same suit held in hand constitute a sequence. The order of the cards is as follows : ace (highest), king, queen, knave, ten, nine, eight, seven (lowest). A sequence of three cards is called a tierce ; of four, a quart ; of five, a quint ; of six, a sixieme ; of seven, a septieme ; of eight, a huitieme. A tierce of ace, king, queen is called a tierce major ; a tierce of king, queen, knave is called tierce to a king (and so on for other intermediate sequences according to the card which heads them) ; a tierce of nine, eight, seven is called a tierce minor. Sequences of four or more cards follow the same nomenclature, e.g., ace, king, queen, knave is a quart major ; knave, ten, nine, eight is a quart to a knave ; and so on. A sequence of a greater number of cards is good against a sequence of a smaller number ; thus, a quart minor is good against a tierce major. As between sequences containing the same number of cards, the one headed by the highest card is good ; thus, a quart to a queen is good against a quart to a knave. Only iden tical sequences can be equal. The elder hand announces, say, a quint major. If the younger has a sixieme he says "not good" ; if he has a quint major lie says " equal " ; if he has a lower sequence, or no sequence, he says "good." The player whose sequence is good reckons one for each card of it, and ten in addition for quints or higher sequences. Thus a tierce counts three ; a quart, four ; a quint, fifteen (5 + 10) ; a sixieme, sixteen ; and so on. If the elder hand s sequence is good, he names the suit, or shows it face upwards. If the highest sequence (or the sequence first called) is good, all lower sequences can be reckoned, notwithstanding that the adver sary has a sequence of intermediate value. For example, A has a quart to a queen (good), and a tierce minor. He calls and reckons seven, notwithstanding that B has a quart to a knave. B s quart counts nothing. If the highest sequence is equal, neither player scores anything for sequence, even though one player may hold a second sequence of equal or inferior value. Quatorzes are composed of four aces, four kings, four queens, four knaves, or four tens ; trios of three of any of these. They are called and reckoned as before, except that here there can be no equality. A quatorze, if good, reckons fourteen ; a trio, if good, reckons three. Any quator/e is good against a trio ; if each player has a quatorze the highest is good ; the same if each has a trio. As in the case of sequences, anything that is good enables the player to reckon all smaller quatorzes or trios in his hand. A quatorze or trio is called thus: the elder hand says "four aces," "three queens," or as the case may be; the younger replies "good" or "not good," as before. When a player calls a trio of a denomination of which he might hold a quatorze, the adversary is entitled to be informed which card is not reckoned. Thus, A, who might hold four kings, calls "three kings"; B says "good"; A says "I do not reckon the king of diamonds," or whichever king it may be that he has put out or suppresses. When the elder hand has done calling he leads a card. Before playing to this card, the younger hand reckons all that he has good, stating of what cards his claims are composed, or showing the cards claimed for.

The next step is playing the hands. The elder hand leads and