Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 2.djvu/54

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and brown, is by no means to be despised. With the gudgeon the pope, or ruffe (Perca cernua), is often found. It is little worth for the angler, and is not very abundant. All that applies to the capture of the gudgeon applies to the pope. The bleak also (Cyprinus alburnus), a lively little fish, but hardly worth the angler's notice; it may be taken either with bait or fly, as is the dace.

The Pike.

The various methods of fishing for the pike (Esox lucius) have already been detailed—spinning, live baiting, paternostering, the live and dead gorge, being the principal, though the pike will take a big fly at times made of peacock's feathers and other showy matters. Pike grow to a very large size, where the water is favourable even to 70 or 80 lb; but pike of half that weight are not common. and one of 20 lb is a prize to a London angler.

Fig. 28.—The Pike.
Fig. 28.—The Pike.

Fig. 28.—The Pike.

The Perch.

The perch (Perca fluviatilis) has also been partially dealt with, paternostering being about the best way of taking perch, though at times a float and worm will take better still, and even the ledger will take them. In big rivers perch in the winter get into the eddies and stiller waters, out of the floods, in shoals, and here, as the water begins to clear, they may be taken to the number of several dozen; often two or three at a time. They are excellent fish for the table. They run up to 4 lb weight, though heavier ones are sometimes taken. Hooks, 4, 5, and 6.

Fig. 29.—The Perch.
Fig. 29.—The Perch.

Fig. 29.—The Perch.

On Tackle and Fly-Making.

It is exceedingly desirable that the angler should be able to make and repair his own tackle. This will probably save him quite one-half of his outlay, and has the satisfaction of knowing that he can trust to the tackle, which he cannot always when he buys it; while, in case of accident, he can repair without delay, when the impossibility of doing so might peril his day's sport. The art of tying strands of gut together and of whipping on a hook may be learnt in a minute; and there is scarcely a book on angling that does not thoroughly explain it. Fly-tying, however, requires more notice.

The simplest form of trout-fly is the hackle, or palmer-fly. Having whipped the gut on to the hook with strong but fine silk, finishing at the bend of the hook, take two or three strands from the peacock's tail, known as harls, lay the ends together at the bend of the hook and whip them on with the silk, wind the silk on two-thirds up the hook, and then tie on the tip of a cock's hackle. Fig. 13 (page 38) shows the position. Should it be desired, however, to run the hackle all over the body, it may be tied on along with the peacock's harls. In that case, first wind on the harls round the hook side by side, avoiding the hackle, until they reach the head of the hook, when they must be tied down and cut off; then wind the hackle on likewise up to the head, pressing it down so as to make the fibres point all towards the tail; and having reached the head, tie that down too and snip off the waste, when fig. 14 is finished, and the hackle or palmer-fly complete (see fig. 14). If it be required to produce a winged fly, a little less hackle must be employed, and two slips of some suitable feather placed together as a pair of wings, and whipped on as in fig. 15 (see fig. 15). Should a tail be desired, two or three wisps of some suitable feather are whipped on at the bend of the hook before tying on the harls, and if tinsel be needed, that is tied on with the harl, and wound on over the body. Fig. 16 shows the complete fly, with tail, tinsel, and all complete. Various matters are used for bodies, as silk, wool, fur, &c. How to put on fur will be told in tying the salmon-fly.

The method of tying a salmon-fly is rather more complicated than that used in the trout-fly. Take a short piece of twisted gut or gimp, double it and lash it on so as to leave an eye at the head, as in fig. 17 (see fig. 17); then take a short fragment of tinsel or twist, and tie it on as shown; wind this round the bend of the hook two or three times; this forms the tag, and may be seen complete in fig. 18 (see fig. 18); over this tie on the tail, composed of fibres or a topping, &c., also shown in fig. 18[1]

(see fig. 18); then tie in the silk or wool, or whatever the body is made with, also the tinsel, if needed; having tied it in, carry the silk on until the spot where the hackle is to commence is reached, then tie that in, and work the silk on to the shoulder. The result of these preparations is shown in fig. 18 (see fig. 18). Then wind on the silk or wool body evenly until it reaches the shoulder, when fasten it off: next, wind on the tinsel in even spirals, and fasten that off in the same way; next, the hackle, which may be stripped on one side, if it be required, thinly, or prepared by pressing the fibres together, so as to make them point as far as possible in the same direction. Having fastened off the hackle, the fly appears as in fig. 19 (see fig. 19). Then having carefully left a bit of the hook for the purpose, tie on the wing, which is composed of fibres or strips of feathers laid together. This is a nice operation, and requires a delicate but firm hand. After this, if it be needed, a head can be wound on over the stump of the wing, and for that purpose a fragment of chenille is the best substance. A few turns of the silk fixes the loop and finishes off, and a touch of varnish secures it. The complete fly is shown in fig. 20. In using fur or pig's wool for a body, the long coarse fibres should be picked out and rejected; the rest should be pulled into fragments, and then laid in a small ridge along the palm of the hand and rolled over and over, as cigarette makers do their tobacco; and having obtained sufficient coherence, it should be laid along the silk, and the silk being twirled round rapidly, is incorporated with the fur, which can then be wound on the hook to form the body of the fly. Various colours may thus be employed in the same fly.

(f. f.)

  1. Some flies have over this a couple of turns of ostrich harl or other feather, which is called the but. It is not necessary, and serves no purpose, but it is shown in the complete fly in fig. 20.