Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 24.djvu/759

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AV Y O W Y O 713 known as the Big Horn Mountains, which is reputed to contain peaks having an altitude of 12,000 feet. These ranges form the backbone of the Territory. Eastward from the Big Horn and Laramie ranges stretch the plains in an almost unbroken expanse, gently sloping to the eastward from an altitude of about 6000 feet at the base of the mountains, while south-west of the Wind River range is spread the expanse of the Green river basin, through which flows the principal fork of the Colorado. The drainage system of Wyoming is somewhat complex. While the mountainous regions are well watered by numerous streams, the broad valleys and the plains are poorly supplied with streams. Many of those which flow full in the mountains during the entire year run dry in summer upon the plains. None of the streams are navigable. The eastern three-fourths of the Territory is drained by the tributaries of the Missouri to the Atlantic. Of this area the North Platte drains the southern portion of the Rocky Mountain system, together with a large part of the plains lying north and east of it. Farther north ward and eastward the plains are drained by the Cheyenne river. The eastern face of the Big Horn mountains is drained by the Powder and Tongue rivers, while from its western slopes, and from the eastern slopes of the Wind River and Absaroka ranges, the Wind River, known lower clown in its course as the Big Horn, collects the waters. The Yellowstone, heading in the confused mass of moun tains about the north end of the Wind River range, flows northward through a beautiful lake, draining the west slope of the Absaroka range. The Snake, or " Mad " river of the early explorers, heading in the same mass of mountains, flows south-westward to seek an exit from them, while the Green, whose sources are in the same elevated country, drains the west slope of the Wind River range, and flows southward through the broad sage-covered expanse known as the Green river basin. In the south west corner of the Territory is a small area drained by means of Bear river into Great Salt Lake. The geological structure of Wyoming is even more complicated than its surface features. In the north western corner is an area in which volcanic action, as represented in hot springs and geysers, is still alive, while the evidences of volcanic action upon a tremendous scale, in recent geological time, are seen in the form of sheets of lava and volcanic breccia, which are spread over the land, and from which mountain ranges have been carved. Most of this region is comprised in the YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK (q.v.), which has been set apart from settlement by the general Government. Many of the mountain slopes show a succession of the stratified formations, from the Triassic downwards through the series. The plains region is mainly floored by Tertiary and Cretaceous formations, as is also the case with the higher plateaus and with the Green river basin. The native fauna of Wyoming resembles that of the other north west Territories. The larger quadrupeds, which were formerly very abundant, and which are now not un frequently to be met with, are the grizzly, black, and cinnamon bears, the North American panther, the elk, the moose, two or three species of deer, and the antelope. Upon the plains are seen the grey wolf and the coyote, the jack rabbit, the prairie dog, and the gopher. The buffalo, which was formerly extremely abundant upon the plains, is now practically extinct. The eastern plains are mninly grass-covered, but as one goes westward the grass gradually disappears, and gives place to artemisia and greascwood. Forests are confined almost entirely to the mountains, although the high plains in the Yellowstone Park, in the north-western corner of tbe Territory, are covered with timber. The forests arc composed of quaking aspen upon the lower slopes, succeeded at greater elevations by pines and spruces, the upper limit of timber in the Territory being about 10,000 feet above the sea. Wyoming has, in common with most of the western States, an arid climate. In the arable regions the rainfall is nowhere sufficient for the needs of agriculture, and irrigation is universally practised. The rainfall ranges in this part of the Territory from 8 to 15 inches, being greater in the eastern part and diminishing westward. Upon the mountains it probably reaches, if it does not exceed, 30 inches annually. The temperature ranges with the elevation. Upon the plains and plateaus and in the valleys (this comprising nearly all the habitable parts of Wyoming) the annual temperature is between 40 and 50 F. Upon the mountains it diminishes until at an altitude of 10,000 feet it reaches approximately the freezing point. At the last census (1880) the Territory contained 20,789 inhabit- Popula- ants. In 1870 there were only 9118, showing an increase of 128 tion. per cent. The population is now (1888) estimated at not far from 40,000. As in all frontier communities, a large proportion con sists of adult males. In 1880 there were 14,152 males to 6637 females. The proportion of the foreign born was large, there being 5850 of this class to 14,939 natives. The Territory contains eight counties : Albany (population 4626), Carbon (3438), Crook (239), Johnson (637), Laramie (6409), Sweet- water (2561), Uinta (2879), and Fremont (formed since 1880). The principal cities are Cheyenne, the capital, which is situated upon the plains, near the east base of the Laramie range (population in 1880, 3456); Laramie City, near the west base of the same range (2696) ; Rawlins, upon the high plateau forming the continental watershed (1451); and Evanston, in the south-west corner of the Territory (1277). The industries of Wyoming mainly relate to the raising of cattle Cattle and to mining. The former industry is in proportion to the raising, number of inhabitants very large, and has been until recently ex tremely profitable. The raising of cattle is carried on at slight expense, the cattle being allowed to range freely over the plains, and little provision is made for feeding and shelter, even in winter, as the loss from exposure and starvation is not sufficiently great to warrant the additional expense. In 1880 the number of cattle was returned as 521 .213, and sheep as 450,225. In 1887 the report of the governor states that the number of cattle has increased to 753,648, while that of sheep has slightly diminished, being 421,688. Mines of gold and silver have been worked to a limited extent Mining, near the east base of the AVind River range and in the north-western part of the Territory, and also at the extreme south, in the Park range, but the production is insignificant. On the other hand, the coal mines of Wyoming are very valuable ; they are mainly situated in the southern part of the Territory, at Carbon, Rock Spring, Almy, and Twin Creek, on or near the Union Pacific Railroad. The production in 1886 was 829,355 tons, valued at $2,488,065. As in other Territories, the government of Wyoming is under Govern- the immediate jurisdiction of the United States, the executive and ment. judicial officers being appointed by the president. The treasurer is appointed by the governor. The Territory has a legislature consisting of two houses, the members of which are elected by the people. The area of Wyoming was in the main included in the Territory History, of Louisiana, acquired by the United States by purchase from France. The western part was acquired by prior settlement, as was the case with Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. It was or ganized as a Territory in 1868. The progress of settlement has until recent years been very slow, owing to the inhospitable character of the country along its southern border, traversed by the Union Pacific railroad, and to the occupation by Indians of the more fertile districts. Latterly, as the Indians have been removed, settlement has progressed more rapidly. (H. G*. )

WYON, Thomas (1792–1817), medallist, was born at Birmingham in 1792. He was apprenticed to his father, the chief engraver of His Majesty's seals, and studied in the schools of the Royal Academy, London, where he gained silver medals in both the antique and the life class; he also obtained a gold medal from the Society of Arts. He was appointed probationary engraver to the mint in 1811, and soon after engraved his medal commemorative of the peace, and his Manchester Pitt medal. In 1815 he was appointed chief engraver to the mint; but he sank into ill-health, and died at Hastings on September 22, 1817, at the age of twenty-five.

A memoir of Wyon, with a list of his works, appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine for February 1818. His younger brother, Benjamin Wyon (1802–1858), and his nephews, Joseph Shepherd Wyon (1836–1873) and Alfred Benjamin Wyon (1837–1884), were also well-known medallists. They successively held the appointment of chief engraver of Her Majesty's seals.

WYON, William (1795–1851), medallist, cousin of Thomas Wyon, was born at Birmingham in 1795. In 1809 he was apprenticed to his father, a die-sinker. Removing to London, he studied the works of Flaxman, attended the schools of the Royal Academy, and gained a gold medal from the Society of Arts for a copy of the head

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