Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 24.djvu/803

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HOUSE.] YORK 753 after being actually crowned as king in Christchurch cathedral, Dublin, came over with a host of Yorkist sympathizers into England, where he was defeated and taken prisoner at the battle of Stoke in 1487. The earl of Warwick lived for twelve years later in unjust confine ment, and was ultimately put to death in 1499 because he had consented to a plot for his own liberation. As to his sister Margaret, she was married to one of Henry VII. s Welsh followers, Sir Eichard Pole (or Poole), and could give no trouble, so that, when Henry VIII. came to the throne, he thought it politic to treat her with kindness. He made her countess of Salisbury, reversed her brother s attainder, created her eldest son, Henry, Lord Montague, and caused one of her younger sons, Reginald, who displayed much taste for learning, to be very carefully educated. This, however, was the very thing which involved the whole family in ruin. For Henry looked to the learning and abilities of Reginald Pole to vindicate before Europe the justice of his divorce from Catherine of Aragon ; and, when Pole not only was unable to comply but was con scientiously compelled to declare the very opposite, the king s indignation knew no bounds. Pole himself was safe, having secured some time before a retreat in Italy. He was even, for his great merits, made a cardinal by the pope. But this only made matters worse for his family at home : his brother, Lord Montague, and even his mother, the aged countess of Salisbury, were beheaded as traitors because they had continued to correspond with him. Cardinal Pole, however, came back to his own country with great honour in the reign of Queen Mary, and was made archbishop of Canterbury on the deprivation of Cranmer. Two nephews of this cardinal, named Arthur and Edmund Poole, are the last members of the family whom it is needful here to mention. Early in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, being ardent young men, they conspired to go over to the duke of Guise in France, hoping to return with an army into Wales and so promote the claims of Mary Queen of Scots to the crown of England, for which service the elder, Arthur, expected to be restored to the dukedom of Clarence. The result was that they were condemned to death, but were only imprisoned for the rest of their days in the Tower, where they both carved inscriptions on the walls of their dungeon, which are still visible in the Beauchamp tower. There was yet another branch of the House of York which might have given trouble to the Tudors, if they had not been very narrowly watched and ultimately extin guished. Of the sisters of Edward IV. the eldest, Anne, who married the duke of Exeter, left only one daughter by her second husband, Sir Thomas St Leger ; but the second, Elizabeth, married John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, and had several children of both sexes. Their eldest son was created earl of Lincoln during his father s life, and Richard III., after the death of his own son, had designated him as his successor. Disappointed of a kingdom by the success of Henry VII., he joined in Simnel s rebellion and was killed at the battle of Stoke. His brother Edmund thus became heir to his father ; but in the reduced circumstances of the family he agreed to forbear the title of duke and take that of earl of Suffolk. He continued for some years in favour with the king, who made him a knight of the Garter ; but, having killed a man in a passion, he fled abroad and was for some time entertained at the court of the emperor Maximilian and afterwards of Philip, king of Castile, when resident in the Low Countries, before his departure for Spain. But Philip, having been driven on the English coast when going to take possession of his Spanish kingdom, was entertained at Windsor by Henry VII., to whom he promised to deliver up the fugitive on condition that his life should be spared. Edmund de la Pole accordingly was brought back to his native country, to be lodged in the Tower for the remainder of his days. And, though the pro mise to spare his life was kept by the king who gave it, his son Henry VIII. caused him to be executed in 1513, when war broke out with France, apparently for treasonable cor respondence with his brother Richard, then in the French service. After his death Richard de la Pole, remaining in exile, called himself earl of Suffolk, and was flattered occa sionally by Francis I. with faint hopes of the crown of England. He was killed at the battle of Pavia in 1525. There were no more De la Poles who could advance even the most shadowy pretensions to disturb the Tudor dynasty. GENEALOGICAL TABLE OF THE HOUSE OF YORK. Edward III. Edward, the William Lionel, = Eliz Black Prince. of Hatiield duke of Willis (died young). Clarence. earl Richard II. (dethroned 1399). Edmund Mortimer, = Phil ppa. third earl of March. Roger Mortimer, = fourth earl of March. 1 ibeth, d. of John of Gaunt, Edm m de Burgh, duke of Lancaster. duke o of Ulster. | Henry IV. Edw I duke o Henry V. = Eleanor Holland, Henry VI. eldest daughter of Thomas, second Edward, earl of Kent. prince of Wales. 1 1 und, William Thomas r York. of Windsor of Woodstock, (died young). duke of Gloucester, ard, f York. f Cambridge 1 1415). Edmund Mortimer, fifth earl of March. 1 Anne Mortimer; = Richard, earl < (executei Cecily Neville, daughter of = Richard, duke of York Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, (killed in battle 1400). I Edward IV. (ob. 1483). George, duke of Clarence Richard TIL Anne, married Henry Holland, duke of (attainted 147s). (killed in battle 1485). Exeter, and had no child by him. By Elizabeth = John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk 1 Edward V. (murdered 1483). 1 Richard, duke of York (.murdered 148:5). her second husband, Sir Thomas St Edward, Leger, she had a daughter married to Sir prince of Wales Geo. Manners, Lord Rons, and mother (died 1484). of the first earl of Rutland. (ob. 1491). 1 1 Edward, Margaret, earl of Warwick countess of Salisbury (executed 149H). (executed 1541). Sir Richard Pole. John de la Pole, Edmund earl of Lincoln, de la Pole (oh. 14S7). (ob. 1513). 1 1 1 Humphrey and Richard Four Edward, de la Pole daughters, churchmen. (ob. 1525). Henry Polo, Lord Montague (executed 1539). Sir Geoffrey Pole, Arthur Pole. Reginald Pole, Ursula, married to Henry, of Lordington, cardinal. lord Stafford, sun of Sussex. Edward, duke of Buck ingham. Five sons and one daughter. Among the former were Arthur and Edmund, who were prisoners in the Tower. XXIV. (J. GA.)