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V A N V A N 65 portrait of Van Dyck, with the following inscription : Iconcs principum, virorum ductorum, etc., etc., centum ab Antonio l r nn Dyck jrictorr. ad vivum expresses ciusq. sumtibus eeri incisse,, 1645. Seventeen editions were published, the last in 1759, with ] 24 plates. Many of the plates are now the property of the French Government, and belong to the Chalcographie Nationale in Paris. Literature. See V. Hookham Carpenter, Pictorial Notices, consisting of a Memoir of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a descriptive catalogue of the etchings cie- futcd bi/ him (London, 1844) ; John Smith, A Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, part iii. (London, 1841) ; J. (iuilt rey, Antoine V/in Dyck, so Vie et son (Euvre (Paris, 1882); A. Michiels, Ant. Van Dyck et ses Eleves (Paris, 1881); Ign. von Szwykowski, A. Van Dyck x lliUnisse bekannter Personen (Leipsic, 1808); Fr. Wibiral, L lconographie d A. Van Dyck d apres Us Hecherches d. H. Weber (Leipsic, 1877); Carl Leinoke, A. Van Dyck (in Robert Dolnne s Kunst und Kiinstler, vol. i., Leipsic, 1877); Alfr. Woltmann and K. Woennann, Gesch. dcr Malerei, vol. iii. (Leipsic, 1886) ; Max Kooses, CleschiedenisderAntuv.rpscheSchilderschool (Ghent, 1879); F. J. Van den Hranden, Gesch. der Antw. Sehihlerschool (Antwerp, 1883); Percy Kendall Head, Van Dyck (London, 1887); F. G. Stephens, Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Works of Sir A. Van Dyck (London, 1887). (II. H.) VANE, Sm HENRY (1612-1662), the younger, was the son of Sir Henry Vane and Frances Darcy. His father, of an ancient family in Durham, was secretary of state and comptroller of the household under Charles I. Henry was born in 1612 at Hadlow in Kent ; and after an education at Westminster, where he was noted for his high and reckless spirits, and at Magdalen, Oxford, where he neither matriculated nor took his degree, he was sent to France and Geneva. Here he no doubt acquired the strongly Puritan views for which he had been prepared by a re markable change of mind when quite a boy. In spite of the personal efforts of Laud, who made the attempt at the king s request, lie refused to give them up, and fell especially under the influence of Pym. In 1635 he emi grated to Massachusetts, where he was elected governor in 1636, though only twenty-four years of age. After two years of office, during which he showed striking adminis trative ability, he was defeated by Winthrop, the former governor, chiefly on account of the protection he had given to Mrs Hutchinson in the religious controversies which she raised. Vane returned to England in August 1637. Being elected to the Short Parliament for Kingston-upon-Hull, he speedily became a leader of the Independents and a marked man. In order to secure him for the court he was made joint-treasurer of the navy with Sir W. Russell, and was knighted. In November 1640 he was again elected for Hull to the Long Parliament. Accidentally finding among his father s papers some notes of Strafford s advice to the king after the dissolution of the Short Parliament, in which Strafford justified the use of force, lie handed them to Pym, and on 10th April 1641 was examined upon them by the House ; this disclosure was largely instrumental in bringing about Strafford s down fall. He carried up the impeachment of Laud from the Commons, was a strong supporter, when on the com mittee of religion, of the " Root and Branch " bill, and in June 1641 put forward a scheme of church government by which commissioners, half lay and half cleric, were to assume ecclesiastical jurisdiction in each diocese. He was, in fact, foremost in all the doings of the Long Parliament. When war broke out he surrendered his office of treasurer of the navy, but was replaced in it by the Parliament. Hereupon he gave a rare example of dis interestedness by relinquishing all the profits of the office, stated at 30,000 a year, stipulating only that 1000 should be paid to a deputy. In August 1642 he was on the committee of defence. In 1643 he was the leading man among the commissioners sent to treat for a league with the Scots. Vane, who was bitterly opposed to the tyranny of the Presbyterian system, was successful in two important points. The aim of the Scots was chiefly the propagation of their discipline in England and Wales, and for this they wanted only a "covenant." The English desired a political " league." Vane succeeded in getting the bond termed the Solemn League and Covenant, and further in substituting the expression " according to the ivord of God and the example of the best Reformed churches "for the latter phrase alone. In the Westminster Assembly, too, he joined Cromwell in insisting upon full religious liberty, and in opposing the view that the taking of the Covenant should be necessary for ordination. In 1644 he was charged by Essex with holding communica tion with the court, but explained that he had done so in order to acquire information of the Royalist plans, and was fully acquitted by the House of Lords. He was on the committee of two kingdoms, and was engaged in the negotiations with Charles at Uxbridge in 1645. He was, with Cromwell, a prime mover in the Self-Denying Ordin ance and the New Model, and it was he who suggested the filling up of the vacant seats in parliament. His views of government at this time and throughout his life may be best studied in an important paper, the People s Case Stated, written shortly before his death. "The power which is directive, and states and ascertains the morality of the rule of obedience, is in the hand of God ; but the original, from whence all just power arises, which is magistratical and coercitive, is from the will or free gift of the people, who may either keep the power in them selves or give up their subjection and will in the hand of another." The king, then, having transgressed the condi tion, and having been conquered, the people were free to change their form of government and, if they pleased, resort to a republic. In 1646 Vane was one of the English com missioners for the preservation of peace with Scotland, and in 1648 was appointed with others to negotiate with Charles at the Isle of Wight. Radical as were his views, he refused all participation in Pride s "purge" the point where he first broke with Cromwell and remained in privacy at Raby Castle in Durham until after the king s death, a measure in which he took no part. In 1649, however, he returned to London and was placed on the council of state, though he refused to take the oath which expressed approbation of the king s execution. He was chairman of the committee appointed to consider the mode of election of future parliaments, and his proposals were brought forward in January 1650. He acknowledged the Commonwealth only so far as he found it "consonant to the principles which have given rise to the law and the monarchy itself in England," and he recognized in a parlia ment, conforming in other respects to the ancient laws, the supreme authority of the state, whether there were a king at the head of it or not. He wished to reform the franchise on the property basis, to disfranchise some of the existing boroughs, and to give increased representation to the large towns ; the sitting members, however, were to retain their seats. In this he was opposed by Cromwell, who desired an entirely new parliament and the supremacy of the army representation ; and Vane stands henceforward as the champion of the doctrine of pure parliamentary govern ment. His most useful qualities were exhibited, however, when in March 1653 he became the head of the commission for managing the army and navy. It was by his exertions in organization that Blake was fitted out with the fleet with which Van Tromp was defeated and the supremacy of England at sea assured. It was at this time that Milton s sonnet was addressed to him. On 20th April Cromwell forcibly dissolved the Long Parliament, when Vane especi ally received from the Protector studied insult. He was, however, almost at once invited to rejoin the Government. " He answered the invitation by a letter extracted from the Apocalypse wherein the reign of the saints is men tioned, which faith he believes will now begin." In his retirement at Raby he now wrote the Retired Man s Medi tations. In 1656 he proposed in A Healing Question a new form of government, insisting as before upon a Puritan

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