Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 3.djvu/795

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properly belongs to a branch of the great question of Natural Selection, its further consideration must here be put off until that is more fully treated, together vith what are known as the "Laws of Plumage," the reader being meanwhile referred to those excellent chapters in which Mr Darwin[1] has treated the matter with his usual perspi cuity, though even he has far from exhausted its varied

points of interest.

It remains to be remarked that though the annual Moult commonly takes place so soon as the breeding-season is over, there are plenty of cases where we find the change delayed to a later period of the year. This is so with the Swallow (Hirundo rustica), which has long been known to moult in midwinter, and it is generally the way with all the Diurnal Birds-of-prey. But unquestionably most birds accomplish the change much earlier, and before they leave their breeding-quarters for their winter-haunts, thereby starting on one of their great annual journeys with all the external machinery of flight renewed and in the best con dition for escaping its attendant perils.

(a. n.)


  1. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, chaps, xiii.- xvi. London: 1871.

Index to the Genera and Larger Groups of Birds named.

Acanthosltta, 742. Accipiter, 713,714; 773. Aceipitrcs, 712; 745, 761, 76 J, 775. Acredula, 759. Acrocephalus, 741, 760. Aedon, 772. yEgialitis, 711; 753, 757, 769. jEgithognathaa, 699, 700, 715, 716, 717. jEpyornis, 731, 760. Aetomorphae, 700, 713, 724, 726. Agapornis, 715. Agnopterus. 730. Aithums, 749. Alaiula, 716; 760, 763, AlaudidEE, 7-16, 750, 755, 776. Alca, 720; 731, 734, 775. AlcedinidC,716;739,740, 741, 751, 755. Alcedo, 715, 719. Alcidae, 751, 752, 755, 756, 775. AlectoromorphsB, 699.712, 717, 720, 723, 726. Alectoropodes, 743. Aletornis, 730. Aluco, 713; 747, 760. Amaurornis, 763. Amblonyx, 728. Ampelidse, 743, 749, 751. Ampelis, 770. Ainphimorphae, 700, 712. Amydrus, 758. Anais, 763. Anarhynclms, 742. Anas, 730, 731, 735. Anatidae, 742, 745, 746, 748, 750, 751, 755, 756, 775, 776. Anatinae, 776. Anser, 730, 731, 774. Anthinse, 776. Anthornis, 742. Anthreptes, 7C1. Apatornis, 729. Aphanapteryx, 733. Aplonis, 741. Aptenodytes, 727. Aptei-ygidic, 099,721, 722; 742." Apteryx, 713, 721, 722, 724, 725. Aptornis, 699, 720; 731. Aquiln, 713; 730, 774. Aramidas, 749, 750, 752. Archaeopterygidae. 699. Archaeopteryx, 719, 720, 723; 728, 736. Ardca, 713, 726; 730,733. Ardeacites, 730. Ardeidae, 713, 726; 730, 746, 747, 751. Argozoum, 728. Aridse, 750, 752. Artamidae, 739, 7C3. Artamus, 716. Asio, 713, 714; 747. Atelornis, 760. Athene, 713; 7:13. Atriehia, 747, 773. Atrichiidie, 741. Attagis, 745. Balreniceps, 713, 720, 724, 725, 727; 759. Bornicla, 742, 754. Botaurus, 713. Brachypteracias, 760. Brontozoum, 728. Bubo, 730. Bucconidae, 746. Buceros, 712. 715, 721. Bucerotidas, 761, 762, 763. Budytes, 752. Bupiiaga, 75 J. Buphfigida;, 753. Butulis, 755. Buteo, 713. Cacatna, 727. Cactornis. 747. Crerebidae, 745, 746, 747, 749, 750, 752. Calidris, 753. Callreas, 742. Calocnas, 762. Calypte, 749. Calyptorhynchus, 715 ; 740. Camarhynchus, 747. Camascelus, 730. Campephagidce, 739, 760, 763. Capitonidae. 746. Caprimulgidae, 739, 746, 749, 755. Caprimulgus, 723; 741, 758. Cardinalis, 717. Cariama, 743. Cariamldse, 746. Caridonax, 739. Carinatae, 699, 700, 711, 718, 720, 721, 722. Carpophaga, 741. Casuariidae, 699, 720, 721, 722, 727; 740. Casuarius, 722; 740,741, 774. Cathartes, 752. Cathartidae, 713,726; 749, 750, 752. Cecomorphae, 699. Celeomorphte, 699, 700, 716, 721. Cephaloptems, 727. Cephalopyrus, 761. Coreopsis, 731. Certliidea, 747. Certhiidae, 742, 743, 750, 755, 763. Certhiiparus, 742. Certhiola, 749. 750. 752. Chamaeidae, 750. 752. Charadriidae, 730, 740, 742, 745, 746, 751, 755. Charadriomorphffi, 699. Cliauna, 712, 719, 722. Chelidon, 702. Chenalopex, 746. Chenomorphrc, 700, 712. 726. Chionis, 745. Chlamydcra, 740. Chloephaga, 740. Chrysocoocyx. 74. , 769. Cicinnuru.s, 740. Ciconia, 713; 768. I Ciconiidae, 755, 775. I Cimoliornis, 729. 1 Cinclidae, 746. 750. ! Cinclocerrhia, 749. Cinclodes, 746. Circus, 713, 714; 736. Cisticola, 760. Clangula, 753. Cnemiornis, 731. Coccygomorphae, 699,700, 715, 716. Coccyzus, 748. Coliidas, 758. Colius, 715, 720. Columba, 730, 756. ColumboB, 741. 760, 763. Columbidae. 739, 740, 741, 74o, 748, 749, 750, 751, 755, 756, 759 762. 763. Colymbidae, 729, 751, 752. Colymboides, 730. Colymbtw, 718 719, 726 ; 730. Conurus, 750. Coracias. 759. Coraciidos, 755. Coracomorphaj, 699, 700, 712, 715, 716, 717, 720, 721, 726. Coras, 775. 747, Cormoranus, 730. Corvidae, 748, 750, 751, 755. Corvus, 715, 716; 728, 730. Corythaix. 715, 721. Corythornis, 759. Cotinglds?, 74fi, 743, 749. Cotuvnix, 730, 760. Cracidae, 743, 746, 748, 750. Cracirex, 747. Ci-nteropus, 758. Crax, C99, 712, 727; 731. Crcadion, 742. Crithagra, 742. Crotophaga, 726; 775. Crypsirhina, 764. Crypturi, 743. Crypturus, 711. CuculidSB, 743, 7-19, 750, 755, 763. Cuculus, 715; 768. Cuphopterus, 759. Cursoriidae, 755. Cyanecula, 769. Cyanopica, 757. Cygnus, 719 ; 731, 774. Cypselidac, 699; 751, 755. Cypselomorpho?, 700. Cypselus, 719; 7G7, 7C8. Dasornis, 729. Dasylophus, 763. Daulias, 756. Dendrocolaptidaj, 743, 745, 74C, 747. Dendroeca, 747. Dendrotypes, 738. Desmognatlirc, 712, 714. Dicaeidae, 709, 755, 756, 759. Dicholophus, 699, 712, 713, 714, 720. Dididae, 699. Didunculidae, 741. Didunculus, 741. Didus, 699, 721 ; 732. Dinornis, 720, 722; 731, 738. Dinornlthidae, 699, 721 ; 731, 742. Doliehonyx, 747. Dolichopterus, 730. Doricha, 749. Drepanidas, 742. Droraaaidas. 713 740. Droraaeognathre, C99 ; 743. Dromaeornis, 732. Dromaeus, 711, 718, 719, 722, 723; 732, 741, 774. Drymceca, 760. Dysporomorphfc. 700, 713, 724, 726. Eclectus, 740. Elanus, 713. Elornis, 730. Emberiza, 717. Emberizidae, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753, 755, 766, 774, 776. Emblema, 741. Eos, 740. Erythroena, 733. Erythrosterna, 755. Eudroraias, 745, 775. Eudynamis, 741, 742, 769. Eudyptes, 741. Eulampis, 749. Eupodotis, 741, 755. Euryapteryx, 731. Eurycerotida?, 758, 760. Eurylaemidas, 761, 762. Eurynorhynchus, 756. Eurypyga, 713; 743. Eurypygidae, 746. Eustephanus, 745. Falco, 712, 713, 714, 718; 730, 757, 766. Falconidae, 740, 745, 746, 750, 751, 755 771. Formicariidse, 743, 745, Laornis, 729. Oplsthocomi, 743. 746, 747, 748. Laridae, 730, 745, 750, 751, : OpisthocomidK,746. Francolinus, 736, 760. 753, 755, 756. Opisthocomus, 721; 743. Fratercula, 768. Larus, 724 ; 730. 746. Fregata, 721. Lepidogrammus, 763. Oreotrochilus, 747. Fregatidas, 749, 750. 752. Leptosomidae, 758. 760. Oriolidae, 755, 759. Fregilupus, 720 ; 733, 734, Leptosomus, 730. Oiiolus, 768. 760. Leucotreron, 739. Ornithopus, 728. Fregilus, 716. Limicolse, 729, 730, 745, Orthonyx, 741. Fringilla, 730, 756, 767. 764, 773, 775. Orthorhynchus, 749. Fringillldse, 738, 739, 740, Limosa, 730, 753, 775. Oscines, 743. 747, 748, 751, 755, 756, Liotrichidse, 755, 756. Osteornis, 730. 759, 761, 766. I.ipoa, 741. Otididoe, 741, 755. Fulica, 711; 742. Lithornis, 729. Dtidiphaps, 741. Fuligulinm, 776. Lobiophasis, 763. Otis, 736. Furnariidaa, 772. Loddigesia, 747. Otocorys, 746. Galbulidoe, 743, 746. Lophopsittacus, 732, 734. Oxynotus, 760. Gallinae, 730, 741, 743, Lorins, 740. Oxyrhamphidas, 746. 763, 775, 776. Loxia, 769. Pachycephalidas, 739. Gallinaccs, 700,706,711. Lycocorax, 740. rachyrhatnphus, 716. Giillinuia, 711, 726; 732, Macrornis, 730. ll agophila, 755. 741, 742. Mareca, 712. Palaelodus, 730. Callus, 717, 719, 720; 730, Margarops, 749.

Pa!a;ocircus, 730.

731. Megalajma, 712, 715. Palajoperdix, 730. Garzetta, 713. Megalaemidaj, 738. Palseornis, 715; 733. Gastornis, 729. Megalornis, 729. Palaeortyx, 730. Gaviae, 773, 775. Megapodiidae, 741, 743. PalaiOtringa, 729 Gecinus, 717. Megapodius, 762, 763. Palamedeidae, 743, 746, Geobiastes, 760. Meleagridse, 748, 750, 752. 746. Geopsittacus. 720; 741. Meleagris, 730, 731. Palapterygida?, 731, 742. Geospiza, 747. 1 Mcliphagidse, 739, 740, Palapteryx, 731. Geranomorplup, 699, 700. 742. Pandion, 741. Glaredidae, 755. Mellisuga, 749. Panuridas, 755, 756. Goura, 740. Melopsittacus, 715. Panurus, 755. Graculavus, 729. Menura, 716; 743. Paradiseidae, 740, 760. Grallae, 712; 741. Menuridae, 741. Pareudiastes, 741. Grallator, 728. Mergulus, 755. Paridas, 742, 748, 750, Grallatores, 768. Mergus, 730. 755, 761, 766. Graidae, 712; 746, 751, Jleropidaj, 755. PniTid, 746. 755. Microglossa, 715, 717. Parus, 757, 759. 766. Grus, 730, 731, 733, 768. Micropterus, 776. Passer, 730, 758, 774. Gryphosaurus. 728. Milvago, 746. Passeres, 712; 730, 737, Gymnoglaux, 750. Milvus, 730, 736. 741, 742, 743, 745, 747, Gymnorhina, 712, 716. Mimocichla. 749. 758, ^60, 763, 769, 773, Gypaetus, 736. ! Mionornis, 731. 775. Gypogeranus, 713, 714. Miro, 742. Patagona, 711. Gyps, 713, 714. Jliserythrus, 733. Pavo, 764. Gypsornis, 730. llniotUtldee, 745, 747, 748, Pedionomus, 741. Habroptila, 740. 749, 750, 751. Pelagornis. 729. Hrematopodida?, 750. Momotids, 743, 746, 748, Pelargomorphse, 700, 713. Halcvon, 730. 750. Pelargopsis, 730. Haliaetus, 730, 753. jrotacilla, 730. 7GO. 768. Pelecanidtc, 751, 752. Haliastur, 713, 714. Jlotaeillidae, 750, 751, 755, Pclecanus, 713 ; 730, 731. Hapalodenna, 750. 756, 776. Pelidna, 730. Harpagornls, 731. Motacillinae, 776. Penelope, 727. Heliornithidae, 746. Muelleripicua, 738. Penelopides, 763. Helotarsus, 713, 714. Muscicapa, 755. Perdix, 775. Hemilophus, 717. Jluscicapidaa, 740, 742, Perissoglossa, 749. Hesperornis, 729. 755, 756, 763 Feristeromorphse, 699 Heterococcyx, 763. Muscisaxicola, 746. Peristeropodes, 743. Heterolocha, 742, 773. Musophaga, 715. Pnzophaps, 723; 732. Heteromorphec, 699. Musophagidse, 730, 758. Phabotreron, 763. Himantopus, 713. Myiomoira, 742. Pliaeton, 723; 775. Hinindinidaj, 747, 751, Myzomela, 739. Pliaetontidai, 750, 752. 755, 759. Masitcrna, 740. PhalacrocoracfdaB, 751. Hirundo, 76S, 777. Natatores, 712; 768. Phalacrocorax, 713, 726; Histrionicus, 757. Xecropsittacus, 733. 730. Homolopus, 730. Xecrornis, 730. Phalaropodidoj, 751. Hydrornis, 730. Nectarinia, 715; 758. Phalaropus, 775. Hyetornis, 750. Nectariniidsj, 755, 761. Phasianidas, 738, 755, 756, Hymenolrcmus, 742. Neophron, 713, 714. 763. Hypsipetes, 766. Nesocichla, 742. Phasianus, 730. Ibididse, 751. Nesospiza, 742. Philepitta, 760. Ibidipodia, 730. Nestor, 735, 742. Phcenicopteridos. 730,747. Ibidorhynchus, 756. Notornis, 731. 732, 742. Phcenicoptems, 712; 730, Ibis, 713; 730. Nucifraga, 770. 751, 752. Ichthyornis, 729. Numenius, 711. Phrvgilus, 746. Icteridje, 745, 746, 747, Numida, 727; 731. PhyllornithidEB, 738, 761. 748, 749, 750, 751. Nyctea, 731. Phvlloscopus, 752, 767, Insessores, 737. Xyctibius, 712. 769. Irrisoridse, 758. Nycticorax, 713. Phytotomldse, 745, 746. Ixids, 738, 755, 756. Ocydromus, 721 ; 732, Picariae, 731, 741, 742, Jyngidae, 755. 742. 743, 760, 763, 775. Ketupa, 713. Odontophorinre, 750. Picidae, 699, 712, 716, 723; Lagopus, 731, 753, 757, Odontopteryx. 729. 736. 730, 738, 746, 747, 748, 776. Odontorntthes, 729. 749, 750, 751, 755, 756. Lampornis, 749. CEderaia, 712. Picumnus, 716, 717. Laniarius, 760. o;dicnemidae, 746. Picus, 716, 717; 730, 764 Laniidte, 748, 751. 755, CEdienemus, 766. Pipra, 716. 756, 763. Oligoniyodsc, 743. Pipridae, 746. Pittidre, 755, 756, 760, 762, PsittaeiiUc, 699; 745,746, Rhea, 717, 719, -721, 722, Spheniscidte, 741, 745 763. 748. 723; 731, 738. 746, 747. Pityriasis, 763. Pslttacomorphte, 700, 714. Rhcidas, C99, 722; 743, Spheniscomorphae, 699, Platnlea, 712, 713; 735. Psittacula, 747. 745, 746. 724. Plataleiilaa, 751, 752. Psittacus, 730, 759. Rhinochetus, 711, 712, Spheniscus, 747. PJatycercina:, 740. Psophia, 716, 718 ; 746. 717; 741. Spindalis, 749. Ploceidre,738,739,740,759. Psophlidas, 743, 746. Rhodostethia, 753. Sporadinus, 749. Plotidte, 750, 752. Ptcnornis, 730. Riiynchica, 745. Starnoouas, 749. Plyctolophus, 715. Pterocleidse, 755, 756, Rhyndiutus, 711. Steatornis, 712, 715, 723, Podargidfe, 739. 775. Rhytoceros, 761. 726; 746. Podargus, 712, 715, 727. Pteroclomorplue, 699. Sarcops, 763. Steatornithldse, 746, 747. Podiceps, 730, 760. Pteroptochidse, 741. 743, Sarcorhunphus, 713, 714. Steganopodes, 729. 775. Podicipedidre, 745, 751, 745, 74(5. Suurognathna, 699, 700, Strigidas, 742, 747, 748, 775. Ptilocolpa. 763. 716. 749, 750, 751, 755, 756, Pogonornis, 742. Prilotis, 739. Saurothera, 750. 759, 763, 775. Polybori, 747. Fufflnus, 730. Sum-lira, 699. Strigopidoe, 742. Polymyodtc, 743. Pyranga, 750. Saxicola, 753, 769. Strigops, 699, 720. Porphyrio, 732. Pyrocephalus, 747. Scansores, 712. Strix, 713; 730. Porzana, 760. Pyrrhula, 752, 75(3, 761. Sccloglaux, 742. Struthio, 717, 71S, 721, Pratincola, 760. Qucvquedula, 712. Schizognathae, 699, 711, 722, 723; 730, 733, 758. Prioniturus, 763. Rallidae, 699, 711; 729, 712, 713. Stratliionidae, 699, 709, Prionoteles, 750. 741, 742, 747, 740, 751. Sohizorhis, 715. 722; 758. Procellaria, 727. Rallus, 730. 740. Schwaneria, 763. Stnrnidne, 741, 742, 756, Procellaviidoe, 761. Rapaces, 711, 714, 725. Seolopacidre, 745, 750, 756, 7GO, 763. Progne, 747. Raptores, 712, 724. 751, 752, 755, 756. Sula, 713, 72G; 730. Prosthemadura, 742. Ratitse, 699, 700, 705, 706, Scolopax, 730, 753, 775 Sulidoe, 751. Protornis, 730. 718, 720, 721, 721, 726, Scopus, 713. Sylvia, 77G. Psamathia, 741. 727; 738, 742, 745, 758, Scotopelia, 720 Sylviidas, 730, 738, 742, Psephotis, 715. 760, 775, 776. Scythrops, 715. 746, 748, 75U, 751, 705, . Pseudogryphus, 742. Recurvirostridae, 750. Semioptera, 740. 756, 759. Pseudolalage, 763. Regulus, 756. Serpentarildaa. 758. Syndactyli, 712. Pseudoptynx, 763. Rhabdornis, 763. Serrcsius. 741. Syrrhaptes, 723; 756, 770. Pseudoscops, 760. Rhamphastidne. 743, 745. ! Sitta, 730. Talegalla, 712. Psittaci, 737, 740, 741, Rhamphastos, 715, 721. Sittidae, 74S, 750. T anagrida:, 743, 745, 746, 742, 760, 763. Rhamphocinclus, 749. Somateria, 735. 747, 748, 749, 750.

Tantalida?. 750, 752.

i Tut are, 74]. Tdinatornis, 729. Tenmotrogon, "50. Tcracus, 730. Tetrao, 727 ; 730, 731, 73G. Tetraonidse, 738, 743, 750, 751, 755, 756. Tetraoninaj, 750. Thamnobia, 772. Thinocorida:, 745. Thinocorinse, 700. Tliinocorus, 699, 715; 745. Tliinornis, 742. Thresciornis, 712, 713. Tigrisoma, 713. Timeliidoe, 740, 742, 75. . "^56, 759, 761, 762. TinamidsB, 71 G; 743, 745, 746, 774, 775. Tinamomorphjc, 699. Tinamus, 711, 717, 722. Tinnunculus, 750. Toccus, 759. Todidao, 743, 749, 750. Tudus, 720. Totanus, 718; 730. Totipalmatrc, 725. Tracheophonse, 743. Tribonyx, 741. Tringa,730,753, 755. TrochiMic, 743, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751. Trochllomorphie, 700. Trocliilus, 71(5; V49 Troglodytidte, 746, 748, 750, 751, 755, 756. Trogon, 715. Tro^ onidcB, 74S, 749, 760. Tunlidtc, 738, 748, 749, 750, 755, 759, 700. Turdinus, 761. Tuntus, 747, 767, 775. Tuniagra, 742. Tunik-ida;, 6!>9, 713 ; 755. Tuniix, 716, 720. Turtur, 767. Tyrannidic, 743, 745, 746, "748, 749, 750. Uintornis, 730. 1 pupa, 712, T14, 715, 719. rpupicl.-c, 720; T55. I ria, 730, 731. Vanellus, 718. Vidua, 759. Virconidse, 745, 718, 749, 750. Vulturida;, 738, 755. Xantholaama, 763. Xcnicus, 742. Xcrophila, 741. Yungidrc, C99. Yungipicus, 738 Vunx, 716, 717. Zeocephus, 703. /.onotrichia, 753. Zostcrops, 739, 742