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mere trifles, and well deserve to be forgiven, when we think that though the offender was in form acquitted, yet Burke succeeded in these fourteen years of laborious effort in laying the foundations once for all of a moral, just, philanthropic, and responsible public opinion in England with reference to India, and in doing so performed perhaps the most magnificent service that any statesman has ever

had it in his power to render to humanity.

Burke s first decisive step against Hastings was a motion for papers in the spring of 1786 ; the thanks of the House of Commons to the managers of the impeachment were voted in the summer of 1794. But in those eight years some of the most astonishing events in history had changed the political face of Europe, Burke was more than sixty years old when the states-general met at Ver sailles in the spring of 1789. He had taken a prominent part on the side of freedom in the revolution which stripped England of her empire in the West. He had taken a prominent part on the side of justice, humanity, and order, in dealing with the revolution which had brought to England new empire in the East. The same vehement passion for freedom, justice, humanity, and order was roused in him at a very early stage of the third great revolution in his history the revolution which overthrew the old monarchy in France. From the first Burke looked on the events of 1789 with doubt and misgiving. He had been in France in 1773, where he had not only the famous vision of Marie Antoinette at Versailles, "glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendour, and joy," but had also supped and discussed with some of the destroyers, the encyclopaedists, " the sophisters, economists, and calculators." His first speech on his return to England was a warning (March 17, 1773) that the props of good government were beginning to fail under the systematic attacks of unbelievers, and that principles were being propagated that would not leave to civil society any stability. The apprehension never died out in his mind ; and when he knew that the principles and abstractions, the un-English dialect and destructive dialectic, of his former acquaintances were predominant in the National Assembly, his suspicion that the movement would end in disastrous miscarriage waxed into certainty.

The scene grew still more sinister in his eyes after the march of the mob from Paris to Versailles in October, and the violent transport of the king and queen from Versailles to Paris, The same hatred of lawlessness and violence which fired him with a divine rage against the Indian malefactors was aroused by the violence and lawlessness of the Parisian insurgents. The same disgust for abstrac tions and naked doctrines of right that had stirred him against the pretensions of the British Parliament in 1774 and 1776, was revived in as lively a degree by political con ceptions which he judged to be identical in the French Assembly of 1789. And this anger and disgust were exasperated by the dread with which certain proceedings in England had inspired him, that the aims, principles, methods, and language which he so misdoubted or abhorred in France were likely to infect the people of Great Britain.

In November 1790 the town, which had long been eagerly expecting a manifesto from Burke s pen, was electrified by the Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event The generous "Windham made an entry in his diary of his reception of the new book. " What shall be said," he added, " of the state of things, when it is remembered that the writer is a man decried, persecuted, and proscribed ; not being much valued even by his own party, and by half the nation considered as little better than an ingenious mad man 1 " But the writer now ceased to be decried, persecuted, and proscribed, and his book was seized as the expression of that new current of opinion in Europe which the more recent events of the Revolution had slowly set flowing. Its vogue was instant and enormous. Eleven editions were exhausted in little more than a year, and there is probably not much exaggeration in the estimate that 30,000 copies were sold before Burke s death seven years afterwards. George III. was extravagantly delighted; Stanislaus of Poland sent Burke words of thanks and high glorification and a gold medal. Catherine of Russia, the friend of Voltaire and ths benefactress of Diderot, sent her con gratulations to the man who denounced French philosophers as miscreants and wretches. " One wonders," Romilly said by-and-by, " that Burke is not ashamed at such success." Mackintosh replied to him temperately in the Vindicice Gallicce, and Tom Paine replied to him less temperately but far more trenchantly and more shrewdly in the Rights of Man. Arthur Young, with whom he had corresponded years before on the mysteries of deep ploughing and fattening hogs, added a cogent polemical chapter to that ever admirable work, in which he showed that he knew as much more than Burke about the old system of France as he knew more than Burke about soils and roots. Philip Francis, to whom he had shown the proof-sheets, had tried to dissuade Burke from publishing his performance. The passage about Marie Antoinette, which has since become a stock piece in books of recitation, seemed to Francis a mere piece of foppery ; for was she not a Messalina and a jade 1 " I know nothing of your story of Messalina," answered Burke ; " am I obliged to prove judicially the virtues of all those I shall see suffering every kind of wrong and contumely and risk of life, before I endeavour to interest others in their sufferings 1 . . . Are not high rank, great splendour of descent, great personal elegance, and outward accomplishments, ingredients of moment in forming the interest we take in the misfortunes of men 1 ... I tell you again that the recollection of the manner in which I saw the queen of France in 1774, and the contrast between that brilliancy, splendour, and beauty, with the prostrate homage of a nation to her, and the abominable scene of 1789 which I was describing, did draw tears from me and wetted my paper. These tears came again into my eyes almost as often as I looked at the description, they may again. You do not believe this fact, nor that these are my real feelings; but that the whole is affected, or as you express it, downright foppery. My friend, I tell you it is truth; and that it is true and will be truth when you and I are no more ; and will exist as long as men with their natural feelings shall exist " (Corr. iii. 139).

Burke s conservatism was, as such a passage as this may

illustrate, the result partly of strong imaginative associa tions clustering round the more imposing symbols of social continuity, partly of a sort of corresponding conviction in his reason that there are certain permanent elements of human nature out of which the European order had risen and which that order satisfied, and of whose immense merits, as of its mighty strength, the revolutionary party in France were most fatally ignorant, When llomilly saw Diderot in 1783, the great encyclopaedic chief assured him that submission to kings and belief in God would be at an end all over the world in a very few years. When Condorcet described the Tenth Epoch in the long development of human progress, he was sure not only that fulness of light and perfection of happiness would come to the sons of men, but that they were coming with all speed. Only those who know the incredible rashness of the revolutionary doctrine in the mouths of its most powerful professors at that time ; only those who know their absorption in ends and their incousiderateness about means, can feel how profoundly right Burke was in all this part of his conten tion. Napoleon, who had begun life as a disciple of

Rousseau, confirmed the wisdom of the philosophy of