CANADA 771 Monthly and Annual Rainfall in Inches for various places in the Dominion of Canada from three or more Years. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Tear. Toronto 1 23 - S9 1 62 2 44 3 25 2 98 3 25 3 02 872 2 39 2 98 1 65 29-42 (lodcrich 66 55 1"39 1 81 3 38 2 39 2 94 278 3 28 2 4G 1"44 84 23-92 Windsor 1-19 1 14 1 56 1 87 3 63 3 15 2 41 2 14 l - 69 176 2 42 82 2378 Woodstock 59 58 1*31 1 60 3-04 2 - 45 2 9G 4 41 2 93 2 64 - 95 82 24-^3 Barrio O Ol 18 1 12 1 60 2 84 2 37 3 01 2 28 2 84 2 35 1 42 G3 2071 Peterborough . . 64 36 I Ol 1 89 1 96 2 03 2 45 2 60 3 -<) 2 2 93 1 81 - G5 20 "55 Pembroke 15 015 56 1-33 3 OG 2 28 2 51 2 36 3-21 2 58 1 09 21 19-49 Montreal 64 0-42 1 41 1-30 2 26 3 01 2 26 3 62 3 9 375 2 66 85 27 26 Quebec 25 O OO 42 1-17 2 52 I ll 2 52 4 27 2 8l 2 89 95 O OO 19 26 St John 2 13 2 86 2 <>3 3-14 4-51 3 - 00 3 45 3 -89 4-38 4 G8 5 33 2 67 33-27 Bass lliver 1-30 0-61 92 2 13 2 83 3 30 2 53 377 2 58 4 88 378 1 15 2978 Halifax . ... 3-39 2 91 3 10 4-17 3 04 2 37 3 61 3 69 5-02 4 68 3 44 43-08 Glace Bay, C. B 4-29 4 35 3 96 4-22 3-49 4 50 3 95 4-27 5 37 6 44 5 69 4 96 55 49 Sydney 3-49 3-16 2 20 4-03 3 46 3 16 3 42 5 - 07 5 48 5 04 6 8S 4 03 49 42 Charlottetown 2-27 68 1-12 97 2 44 3-79 2 92 3 4S 3-94 4-62 2 46 1 06 2975 Winnipeg ... o-oo O OO 33 O SO 2 72 3-84 2 75 2 12 873 54 O OO O OO 16 83 Spence a Bridge 08 19 o-oo 0-21 78 81 25 47 82 20 37 20 8 88 Average Fall of Snoiv in the several Provinces of the Dominion of Canada, ivitli the number of Days Snow, and number of Days Rain. Depth of Snow in Inches. Total Snow in Season. Ko. of Days Snow. No. of Days Rain. September. October. November. December. January. February. March. April. May. Ontario 2 2 2-0 1-3 0-8 4 : 8 13-5 13 9 10-1 4-0 12-5 11-6 G O 20-1 23 "2 31-9 21-9 26-9 8-9 8-7 25-1 31-8 19 2 17-6 15-6 7-4 10-0 14-9 16 4 19-6 18 9 22-1 13 4 5-5 19-9 17-5 15 3 11-8 17 G 9-7 2-2 8-8 10 2 13 3 17 2 3-6 S S 1-4 0-8 1-1 0-5 o-o o-o 95-9 115-0 108-4 92-4 112-4 62-5 83 5 58 63 58 52 78 59 27 89 94 107 117 129 G2 66 Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Manitoba 3-1 British Columbia Dates of Certain Periodic Events at Toronto and Montreal. TORONTO. MONTREAL. First Snow. First Frost. Last Snow. Ice left Bay. First Snow. First Frost. Last Snow. Ice left River. 1849 October 20 September April 27 March 29 November 27 October 5 April 13 April 7 1850 November 10
20 April 3 17 14 14 ,, 9 1851 October 25 May 8 March 24 October 25 2 8 ,, 9 1852 November 11 " 13 20 ,, > April 17 17 September 17 16 ,, 19 1853 October 25 12 10 March 31 24 12 14 ,, 24 1854 16 19 April 29 April 8 15 11 30 ,, 25 1855 ,, 12 28 May 8 16 24 August 9 ,, 11 28 1856 30 >, 22 30 19 November 1 26 May 31 ,, 24 1857 28 21 10 March 30 October 20 September 7 April 27 18 1858 8 18 April 25 27 November 4 August 25 22
1859 19 6 June 4 June 27 October 20 October 7 23 4 1860 September 25 21 April 25 March 15 September 29 September 3 May 20 , 10 1861 October 24 22 May 6 29 October 23 5 April 17 , 24 1862 25 August 30 April 23 Feb. 28 November 10 August 24 May 7 , 23 1863 November 8 26 May 5 ,, 14 11 October 24 2 , 25 1864 October 8 September 17 April 13 March 2 October 8 September 26 April 18 13 1865 26 12 23 April 1 28 October 21 ,, 20 10 1866 31 15 26
- , 2
4 September 16 May 3 , 19 1867 Novemoer 4 11 May 2 March 27 November 5 23 2 , 22 1868 October 16 17 April 23 April 1 October 17 October 24 April 23 , 17 1869 18 August 31 May 1 1 September 27 September 28 May 3 , 23 1870 November 10 27 April 5 1 October 29 6 April 5 > 18 1871 October 17 September 18 12 March 13 18 8 March 27 8 1872 15 3 23 April 9 11 October 12 April 24 1873 20 15 ,, 25 n 2 29 29 May 14 1874 13 30 ,, 26 18 31 13 M 2 As will be seen from the previous tables, January arid February are the coldest months of the year. Throughout the whole of Canada steady sleighing is reckoned upon during those months. In Quebec and in Manitoba a longer period of sleighing can be relied upon. In Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, and also on the Pacific coasts, the temperature is modified both in summer and winter according to vicinity to the sea. Abrupt changes of temperature occur both in summer and in winter. A period of great cold early in the month of January is so frequently followed by a complete change that its perio dicity is reckoned upon under the name of the January thaw. Snow finally disappears in Quebec about the middle of April. In Ontario it is generally gone a month earlier. The table of average fall of snow given above shoAvs its prevalence at various central points in each of the provinces of the Dominion, from October to the end of April. Ploughing usually commences in Ontario about the middle of April, and in favourable seasons is prolonged
into the month of December. But throughout the Domi-