Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/754

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pany incorporated. Treaty between France and England, respecting Holland, December 31. Walton s Lives published. Spener begins to hold his Collegia Pietatis (origin of Pietism). Spinoza s Tract- atus theologico-politicus published. 1671. The island of St Thomas taken possession of by the Danes. Treaty of alliance between Spain and the Dutch concluded, Decem ber. Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistcs published. 1672. Public treaty between France and England, February 12. Declaration of Indulgence to Nonconformists issued by Charles II., March 15. England and France declare war on the Dutch, March- April. Treaty of Stockholm between France and Sweden, April. Conquest of Holland by Louis XIV., May-June. Battle of South- wold Bay, May 28. The office of stadtholder restored ; William of Orange appointed, July 8. Massacre of the brothers De Witt, at the Hague, August 20. Birth of Addison (died, 1719). Birth of Muratori (died, 1750). 1673. The Declaration of Indulgence withdrawn, May 8. Treaty of peace between France and elector of Brandenburg, June 16. Maestricht taken by Louis, June 30. Alliance of the Dutch with the emperor and the king of Spain, August 30. Treves taken by Vauban, September 8. Bonn taken by William of Orange, Novem ber 4-1 2. The French evacuate Holland, winter. John Sobieski defeats the Turks, November 10. Test Act passed. 1674. Peace between England and Holland, February 9. John Sobieski king of Poland, May 21. Reconquest of Franche Comte by Louis XIV., May -June. The Emperor Leopold declares war on France, June. The Palatinate ravaged by the French, June. Revolt at Messina, summer. Conde defeats the prince of Orange at Senef, August 11. Turenne defeats Imperialists at Entzheim, October 4. First French settlement in the East Indies (Pondi- cherry). Birth of Isaac Watts (died, 1748). 1675. Battle of Tiirkheim, Turenne drives Imperialists out of Alsace, January 5. Invasion of Brandenburg by Swedes, spring. The elector defeats the Swedes at Fehrbellin, June 28. Conferences of Nimeguen open, July. Turenne killed at Sassbach, July 27. Velocity of light discovered by Roomer. St Paul s Cathedral begun by Wren (completed, 1710). Greenwich Observatory founded. Flamsteed astronomer royal (died, 1719). Spiritual Guide of Miguel Molinos published. 1676. Feodor 11. (or III.) czar of Russia, February 8. Secret tieaty between Louis and Charles II. for annual pension signed, February 17. Death of De Ruyter at Syracuse, April 29. Maestricht invested by prince of Orange, July 8; the siege raised, August 27. Innocent Xl. pope, September 21. Differential thermometer invented by Sturm. Birth of Sir Robert Walpole (died, 1745). Barclay s Apology for the True Christian Divinity published. 1677. The French defeat the prince of Orange at Cassel, April 11. Marriage of the prince with Mary, daughter of James, duke of York. November 4. The Society of Sons of the Clergy incorporated. Spinoza s Etliica published. 1678. Treaty of alliance between Charles II. and the Dutch, January 26. Another secret treaty between Charles and Louis signed, May 17. Peace of Nimeguen, between France and Holland, August 10. Accession of Spain, September 17. Invention of Popish Plot by Titus Gates, August 13. First war between Russia and Turkey begins (lasts till 1682). Revolt of Hungarians under Count Tekeli. Polarization of light observed by Huyghens. First part of Bunyan s Pilgrims Progress published (second, 1684). Birth of Lord Bolingbroke (died, 1751). 1679. Charles II. dissolves the parliament, January 24. Peace between France and the emperor, February 5. Assassination of Archbishop Sharp of St Andrews, May 3. Duke of Monmouth defeats the Covenanters at Bothwell Bridge, June 22. Treaty of St Germain-en-Laye, between France, Sweden, and the elector of Brandenburg, June 29. Treaty of Fontainebleau between France and Denmark, September 2. Treaty of Lunden between Denmark and Sweden, September 26. Habeas Corpus Act passed. The terms " Whig " and "Tory" come into use. Death of Cardinal de Retz {born, 1614). 1680. Execution of Lord Stafford, December 29. The Swedish crown made absolute. A great comet excites alarm in Europe. 1681. Pennsylvania granted to William Penn, March 4. Stras- burg seized by Louis XIV., September 30. Shaftesbury imprisoned on a charge of treason, July-November, Bossuet s Discours sur I Histoire UniwirsMe published. Dryden s Absalom and Achitopliel published (1681-2). Birth of Young the poet (died, 1765). 1682. Ivan V. and Peter I. (the Great) joint sovereigns of Russia, June 25. Bombardment of Algiers by the French, August and September. Chelsea Hospital founded. 1683. Death of Shaftesbury, January 21. Alliance of Warsaw between the emperor and the king of Poland, March 31. London deprived of its charters by Charles II., June 12. The Ryehouse plot discovered, June. Vienna besieged by the Turks under Kara <Mus- tapha, July 14. Execution of Lord William Russell, July 21. John Sobieski defeats the Turks and relieves Vienna, September 12. The French iijPade the Netherlands and take Courtray.and Dixmuyde, November. Execution of Algernon Sidney, December 7. Execution of Kara Mustapha, December 25. The great frost of thirteen weeks in England. Birth of Conyers Middleton (died, 1750). 1684. Oudenarde bombarded by the French, March. Genoa bom barded by the French, May. Luxembourg taken by Marshal Crequi, June 4. The Holy League against the Turks formed. Persecution of Huguenots ; the dragonnades ordered by Louvois. Truce of Ratisbon, August 15. Siamese embassy received by Louis. Differen tial calculus invented by Leibnitz. Birth of Berkeley (died, 1753). 1685. James II. king of Eugland, February 6. Graham of Claverhouse persecutes the Covenanters, spring. Insurrection of Argyll in Scotland, May. The doge of Genoa submits to Louis, at Paris, May 15. Insurrection of the duke of Monmouth, June. Trial and imprisonment of Baxter, June. Earl of Argyll executed, June 30. Battle of Sedgemoor, July 6. Monmouth beheaded, July 15. The " Bloody Assizes " of Judge Jeffreys, August and Septem ber. Campaign of Imperialists against Turks in Hungary. Revo cation of Edict of Nantes, October 22. Molinos, founder of the Quietists, arrested, and his Spiritual Guide condemned by the Inqui sition. Birth of Handel (died, 1759). 1686. James II. dispenses with the Test Act. League of Augs burg against France, July 9. Mass publicly celebrated at Oxford, August. Capture of Buda by Imperialists, September 2. Conquests of Venetians in the Morea. School of Saint-Cyr founded. Death of Maimbourg (born, 1620). 1687. Tyrconnel lord deputy of Ireland, January. Declarations of Indulgence by James II., February and April. Reception of papal nuncio by James, July 3. Battle of Mohacz, August 12. Athens surrendered to Venetians, September 29. The kingdom of Hungary made hereditary in house of Austria, October. Soliman III. sultan, November 9. Mazeppa hetinan of the Cossacks. Newton s Princijna published. La Bruyere s Caractercs. Dryden s The Hind and the Panther. 1688. Declaration of Indulgence by James II., April 25. Trial of the seven bishops, June. Belgrade taken by the Imperialists, September 6. Louis declares war on the empire, September 24. Avignon seized by the French, October. The pope excommunicates the parliament of Paris. Landing of William, prince of Orange, at Torbay, November 5. Louis declares war on the Netherlands, Nov ember 26. The English Revolution. Flight of James II., Decem ber 11. Birth of Pope (died, 174^4). Birth of; Nadir Shah. Bossuet s Histoire des Variations dcs figliscs Protestantcs published. 1689. Meeting of Convention Parliament, January 22. The emperor declares war on France, January 24. Declaration of Right accepted, and William and Mary declared king and queen of Eng- and, February 13 ; of Scotland, April 11. Landing of James II. in Ireland, March. Louis declares war on Spain, April 15. Episco pacy abolished in Scotland, April. First Mutiny Act passed, April. Siege of Londonderry by James, April 20 ; the town relieved, July 30. Alliance of the emperor with Dutch Republic, May 12 (the "Grand Alliance," joined by William III., December 30, and by Spain, June 6, 1690). William declares war on France, May 17. Toleration Act passed, May 24. Louis declares war on England, June 25. Battle of Killiekrankie, death of Dundee, July 27. Alex ander VIII. pope, October 6. Bill of Rights passed, November 2. Resignation of Ivan, Peter I. czar alone. Fort St David, Madras, built. Birth of Richardson, the novelist (died, 1761). Birth of Montesquieu (died, 1755). Transit instrument invented by Roemer. Pompeii discovered. 1690. Sea-fight off Beachy Head, defeat of English and Dutch fleet by the French, June 30. Battle of the Boyne, July 1. Battle of Fleurus, July 1. Limerick besieged by William III., August 8- 30. Savoy joins the Grand Alliance, October 20. Locke s Essaij concerning Human Understanding published. Death of Robert Barclay (born 1648). 1691. Nonjuring bishops deprived of their sees, February 1. Ahmed II. sultan, June. Innocent XII. pope, July 12. Battle of Aghrim, July 12. Death of Louvois, July 16. Battle of Salankemen, Mustapha Koprili defeated and killed, August 19. Siege of Limerick by General Ginkell formed, August 25. Capitula tion and treaty of Limerick. October 3. 1692. Marl borough dismissed, January 10. Massacre of Glencoe, February 13. Battle, of La Hogue, May 19. Namur taken by Louis, June 5. Battle of Steinkirk, August 3. Birth of Bishop Butler (died, 1752). 1693. Sea-fight off Cape St Vincent, English under Rooke de feated by Admiral Tourville, June 29. Battle of Neerwinden (or Landen), July 19. Pondicherry taken by the Dutch, September 5. The Palatinate overrun by the French. Catinat defeats duke of Savoy at Marsaglia, October 4. St Malo bombarded by the English, November 29. Quesnel s Reflexions Morales published. 1694. Bombardment of Dieppe and Havre by the English, July; of Dunkirk and Calais, September. Death of Archbishop Tillotson, November 22. Death of Queen Mary, December 28. The Triennial Act passed. The Bank of England incorporated. The Dictionnaire de I A cademie Franqaise published. Birth of Voltaire (died, 1778.) University of Halle founded.

1695. Death of Marshal Luxembourg, January 4* Mustapha II.