Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/765

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1849-1854.] CHRONOLOGY 751 enters Berlin and expels Assembly, November 10. Death of Ibra him Pasha, November 10. Assassination of Count Rossi, first minis ter to Pius IX. at Rome, November 15. The Pope accepts a demo cratic ministry. Flight of the Pope in disguise to Gaeta, November 24. Death of Lord Melbourne, November 24 (born, 1779). Abdi cation of emperor Ferdinand I. in favour of his nephew Francis Joseph, December 2. The king of Prussia dissolves the Constituent Assembly, and publishes a constitution, December 5. Provisional government at Rome appointed by the Chambers, December 11. Jellachich defeats Hungarians at "Veisburg, December 1 8. Louis Napoleon president of the French Republic, December 20. Defeat of Hungarians by General Schlick at Kaschau, December 21 ; again, at Szikszo, December 28 ; and at Mohr, December 29. Thackeray s Vanity Fair published. Lowell s Biglow Papers. Mill s Political Economy. M rs Gaskell s Mary Barton. 1849. Mooltan stormed by General, January 2. Buda- Pesth taken by Windischgratz, January 5. Lord Gough defeats the Sikhs at C hillianwallah, January 13. Constituent Assembly meets at Rome, February 5. Flight of grand duke of Tuscany, provisional government at Florence, February 7. Republic pro claimed at Rome, Feb. 8. Lord Gough routs the Sikhs at Gujerat, February 21. French and English ultimatum to the king of Naples, February 26 ; accepted, March 4. Gold rush on California, spring. General Taylor president of United States, March 4. Dissolution of Austrian Diet, new constitution published, March 7. The Sicilians reject the ultimatum of mediating powers, March 9. Sardinia resumes hostilities with Austria, March 12. Death of Mezzofanti, March 15 (born, 1774). Radetzky defeats the Sar dinians and takes possession of Mortara, March 21 ; defeats them at Novara, March 23. Abdication of Charles Albert in favour of his son, Victor Emmanuel, March 24. Annexation of the Punjab to British India, March 29. The Grand Duke of Tuscany recalled, April 12. The Danes defeated at Diippeler heights, April 13. Independence of Hungary proclaimed ; Kossuth appointed governor, April 14. The Germans enter Jutland, April 20. Siege of Komom raised, and Buda-Pesth evacuated by Austrians, April. Alessan dria occupied by Austrians, April 24. Insurrection at Montreal, April 26. Occupation of Civita Yecchia by French troops under General Oudinot, April 26. Insurrection at Dresden, May 3 ; city bombarded by Russians and Saxons, May 7 ; insurrection suppressed, May 10. Leghorn taken by Austrians, May 12, 13 ; and Bologna, May 16. Buda stormed by Gorgei, May 21. Death of Maria Edgeworth, May 21 (born, 1707). Siege of Rome by French begins, June 3. Death of countess of Blessington, June 4 (born, 1789). Barricades and fighting in Paris, June 14. Death of ex-president Polk, June 15. The Russians invade Hungary, June 17. Capitu lation of Ancona, June 18. Alessandria evacuated, June 19. Defeat of Gorgei at Szered by the Russians, June 21. The Prussians defeat the Baden insurgents and enter Heidelberg and Mannheim, June 23. Carlsruhe occupied by Prussians, March 23. Death of K. G. Zumpt, June 25 (born, 1792). Surrender of Rome, entry of the French, July 3. The Danes defeat the Germans besieging Fredericia, July 6. Bombardment of Pesth begun, July 11. Battle of "Waitzen, July 14-17. Restoration of the temporal power of the Pope proclaimed, July 15. Hungarians defeated by Russians at Schiissburg, July 31. Judgment in Court of Arches in " Gorham Case," adverse to plaintiff, Aug. 2. Death of Mehemet AH, August 2 (born, 1769). Treaty of Milan between Austria and Sardinia, August 6. Defeat of Hungarians by Haynau at Temeswar, August 9. Kossuth resigns governorship; Gorgei appointed dictator. Aug 11. Surrender of Gorgei and the Hungarian ariuy to the Russians, August 13. Surrender of Venice to Austrians, August 22. Hayti pro claimed an empire under Soulouque, August 26. Riot at Montreal, September 15. The Porte refuses to give up Hungarian refugees demanded by Persia and Austria, September 16. Surrender of Kornom to Austrians, September 28. Execution of Batthyany at Pesth, October 6. Death of E. A. Poe, October 7 (born, 1811). Death of Etty, November 13 (born, 1787). Death of the queen- dowager Adelaide, December 2 (bora, 1792). Death of Sir M. I. Brunei, December 12 (born, 1769). Cholera in London. The Queen s Colleges, Ireland, and Encumbered Estates Court, opened. Dis covery of Lake N gami by Livingstone. Macaulay s History of England, vols. i. and ii. published (completed, 1862). Lyttou s The C a.x>oiis. Notes and Queries begun. 1850. Blockade of the Pineus by Admiral Sir William Parker, January 13-March 1. Death of (Ehlenschlager, January 20 (born, 1779). Death of Francis Jeffrey, January 26 (born, 1773.) Treaty for German Union concluded between Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, and Wiirtemberg, February 27. Judgment in Gorham Case reversed by Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, March 8. Party processions in Ireland prohibited by Act passed March 12. North German parliament opened at Erfurt, March 20. Death of J. C. Calhoun, March 31 (born, 1782). Death of Wordsworth, April 24 (born, 1770). Greek Government submits to English demands, April 25, 26. Tenant Right agitation in Ireland, Bummer, Death of Sir Robert Peel, July 2 (born, 17S8). Peace between Denmark, Prussia, and the "German Confedera tion, July 2. Death of President Taylor, July 9 ; vice-presi dent Filmore succeeds him. Death of Neander, July 14 (born, 1789). Cracow burnt, July 18. Victory of the Danes over the Schleswig-Holsteiners at Idsted, July 25. Death of Balzac, August 18 (born, 1799). Death of Louis Philippe, August 26 (born, 1773). Flight of elector of Hesse Cassel, September 13 ; he is restored, December 27. Victory of the Danes at Missunde, Septem ber 13. Pius IX. establishes Catholic hierarchy in England, Sep tember 24. Alliance between Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, and Wiir temberg, October 4. California admitted a State of the L T nion. First submarine telegraph between England and France laid. Bri tannia Bridge, Menai Strait, opened. North-west Passage dis covered by M Clure. Wordsworth s Prelude published. Tennyson s In Memoriam. Dobell s The Roman. Carlyle s Latter Day Pam phlets. Thackeray s Pendcnnis. Dickens s David Copixrfield. Wagner s Lohengrin produced. 1851. Death of J. J. Audubon, January 27 (born, 1780.) Occu pation of Hamburg by Austrians, January 29. Occupation of Lii- beck, February 4. Gold-digging commenced in Australia, February. Death of Oersted, March 9 (born, 1777). Insurrection at Lisbon under Saldanha, April 10. The London Great Exhibition opened, May 1 (closed, October 11). Rebellion in South China, June. Evacuation of Cassel by Austro-Bavarian army begun, August 1. Death of J. Fenimore Cooper, September 14 (born, 1789). Return of Prince Metternich to Vienna, September23. Capitulation of Oribe at Monte Video, October 7 ; the city entered by Urquiza, October 8. Death of duchess of Angoulerne, October 19. Death of Marshal Soult, Nov ember 26 (born, 1765). Coup d tat at Paris, December 2, 3. Death of Turner, December 19 (born, 1775). Louis Napoleon elected president of French Republic for ten years, December 20, 21. Dis missal of Lord Palmerston from office, December 22. Ecclesiastical Titles Assumption Act passed. Owens College, Manchester, founded. Herbert Spencer s Social Statics published. Ruskin s Stones of Venice (1851-1853). Carlyle s Life of John Stirling. 1852. New constitution published by Louis Napoleon, January 1 4. The property of the Orleans family confiscated, January 22. Ur quiza defeats Rosas, February 3, and occupies Buenos Ayres, Feb ruary 4. Holstein evacuated by Austrians, February. Resignation of the Russell ministry, February 21. First Derby administration formed, February 27. Death of Thomas Moore, February 26 (born, 1779). Death of Prince Schwarzenberg, April 5 (born, 1800). Martaban and Rangoon captured by the English, April 5 and 14. Treat}* of London respecting Denmark and the duchies, May 8. Pegu taken by the English, June 4. Urquiza provisional director of Argentine Confederation, June 23. Death of Henry Clay, June 29 (born, 1777). Pronie taken by the English, July 9, afterwards evacu ated; retaken, November 21. Treaty recognizing the independence of Paraguay, July 17. Deposition of Urquiza, September 10. Death of the duke of Wellington, September 14 (born, 1769). Death of Daniel Webster, October 24 (born, 1782). Plebiscite in France as to re-establishment of the empire, November 21, 22. Louis Napo leon proclaimed emperor as Napoleon III., December 2. Resigna tion of the Derby ministry, December 17. Annexation of Pegu to British India, December 20. Coalition ministry under the earl of Aberdeen, December 27. Representative constitution granted to New Zealand. University of Sydney opened. Drainage of lake of Haarlem, 1849-1852. Deutsches Wortcrluch of J. and W. Grimm begun. Thackeray s Esmond published. Mrs Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin. 1853. Revolution in Mexico, January. Marriage of Napoleon III. to Eugenie de Montijo, January 29. Termination of the Kaffir war, February 22. General Pierce president of the United States, March 4. Nanking taken by the Taepings, March 21. General Santa Anna president of republic of Mexico, April 1. Death of Tieck, April 28 (born, 1773). Prince Menschikoff presents Russian ultimatum to the Porte, May 5 ; leaves Constantinople, May 21 . Russian army crosses the Pruth, July 2. Cholera breaks out in England, September 4. Shanghai taken by the Taepings, Septem ber 7. Death of Arago, October 2 (born, 1786). English and French fleets enter the Dardanelles, October 22. War between Russia and the Porte begins, October 23. Russians enter Danubian principali ties, November. Destruction of Turkish fleet at Sinope by Admiral Nachimoff, November 30. Maurice s Theological Essays published. Ritter s Gcschichte dcr Philosophic completed. Lytton s My NoveL 1854. French and English fleets enter the Black Sea, January 4. Declaration of war against Russia by France, March 27, by Eng land, March 28. Death of John Wilson (Christopher North), April 3 (born, 1785). Treaties of alliance between England and France signed, April 10, and between Austria and Prussia, April 20. Bombardment of Odessa by French and English fleets, April 22. Death of marquis of Anglesey, April 29 (born, 1768). Death of James Montgomery, April 30 (born, 1771). Silistria unsuccessfully besieged by Russians, May 17 to June 15. The allies land at Varna, May 29. Treaty of Washington signed, June 7. Opening of Crystal Palace, Sydenham, June 10. Insurrection in Spain under O Donnell, June 27. Battle of Giurgevo, July 8. Boraarsund

taken by allies, August 16. Death of Schelling, August 20 (born,