Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 6.djvu/38

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is let go, and the third wheel is able to move, and with it the whole clock-train and the hands, until the next spike of the other set is stopped by the scape-wheel arbor; at the same time the pinion on that arbor is turned half round, winding up the remontoire weight, but without taking its pressure off the scape-wheel. Reid says that, so long as this apparatus was kept in good order, the clock went better than it did after it was removed in consequence of its getting out of order from the constant banging of the spikes against the arbor.

Fig. 20.—Gravity Train Remontoire.
Fig. 20.—Gravity Train Remontoire.

The Royal Exchange clock was at first made in on the same principle, except that, instead of the endless chain, an internal wheel was used, with the spikes set on it externally, which is one of the modes by which an occasional secondary motion may be given to a wheel without disturbing its primary and regular motion. A drawing of the original Exchange clock remontoire is given in the Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks; but for the reasons which will appear presently, it need not be repeated here, especially as the following is a more simple arrangement of a gravity train remontoire, much more frequently used in principle. Let E in fig. 20 be the scape-wheel turning in a minute, and e its pinion, which is driven by the wheel D having a pinion d driven by the wheel C, which we may suppose to turn in an hour. The arbors of the scape-wheel and hour-wheel are distinct, their pivots meeting in a bush fixed somewhere between the wheels. The pivots of the wheel D are set in the frame AP, which rides on the arbors of the hour-wheel and scape-wheel, or on another short arbor between them. The hour-wheel also drives another wheel G, which again drives the pinion f on the arbor which carries the two arms f A, f B; and on the same arbor is set a fly with a ratchet, like a common striking fly, and the numbers of the teeth are so arranged that the fly will turn once for each turn of the scapewheel. The ends of the remontoire arms f A, f B are capable of alternately passing the notches cut half through the arbor of the scape-wheel, as those notches successively come into the proper position at the end of every half minute; as soon as that happens the hour-wheel raises the movable wheel D and its frame through a small angle; but nevertheless, that wheel keeps pressing oil the scape-wheel as if it were not moving, the point of contact of the wheel C and the pinion d being the fulcrum or centre of motion of the lever A d P. It will be observed that the remontoire arms f A, f B have springs set on them to diminish the blow on the scape-wheel arbor, as it is desirable not to have the fly so large as to make the motion of the train, and consequently of the hands, too slow to be distinct. For the same reason it is not desirable to drive the fly by an endless screw, as was done in most of the French clocks on tins principle in the 1851 Exhibition. There is also an enormous loss of force by friction in driving an endless screw, and consequently considerable risk of the clock stopping either from cold or from wasting of the oil.

Another kind of remontoire is on the principle of one bevelled wheel lying between two others at right angles to it. The first of the bevelled wheels is driven by the train, and the third is fixed to the arbor of the scape-wheel; and the intermediate bevelled wheel, of any size, rides on its arbor at right angles to the other two arbors which are in the same line The scape-wheel will evidently turn with the same average velocity as the first bevelled wheel, though the intermediate one may move up and down at intervals. The transverse arbor which carries it is let off and lifted a little at half-minute intervals, as in the remontoire just now described; and it gradually works down as the scape-wheel turns under its pressure, until it is freed again and lifted by the clock train.

In all these gravity remontoires, however, it must have been observed that we only get rid of the friction of the heavy parts of the tram and the dial-work, and that the scape-wheel is still subject to the friction of the remontoire wheels, which, though much less than the other, is still something considerable. And accordingly, attempts have frequently been made to drive the scape-wheel by a spiral spring, like the mainspring of a watch. One of these, was described in the 7th edition of this Encyclopaedia; and Sir G. Atry, a few years ago, invented another on the same principle, of which two or three specimens were made. But it was found, and indeed it ought to have been foreseen, that these contrivances were all defective in the mode of attaching the spring, by making another wheel or pinion ride on the arbor of the scape-wheel, which produced a very mischievous friction, and so only increased the expense of the clock without any corresponding advantage; and the consequence was that spring remontoires, and remontoires in general, had come to be regarded as a mere delusion. It has however now been fully proved that they are not so; for, by a very simple alteration of the previous plans, a spiral spring remontoire may be made to act with absolutely no friction, except that of the scape-wheel pivots, and the letting-off springs A, B, in the last drawing. The Meanwood clock (fig. 17) was the first of this kind; but it will be necessary to give a separate view of the remontoire work.

Fig. 21.

In the next figure (21), A, B, D, E, e, f are the same things as in fig. 20. But e, the scape-wheel pinion, is no longer fixed to the arbor, nor does it ride on the arbor, as had been the case in all the previous spring remontoires, thereby producing probably more friction than was saved in other respects; but it rides on a stud k, which is set in the clock-frame. On the face of the pinion is a plate, of which the only use is to carry a pin h (and consequently its shape is immaterial), and in front of the plate is set a bush b, with a hole through it, of which half is occupied by the end of the stud k to which the bush is fixed by a small pin, and the other half is the pivot-hole for the scape-wheel arbor. On the arbor is set the remontoire spring s (a moderate-sized musical-box spring is generally used) of which the outer end is bent into a loop to take hold of the pin h. In fact, there are two pins at h, one a little behind the other, to keep the coils of the spring from touching each other. Now, it is evident that the spring may be wound up half or a quarter of a turn at the proper intervals without taking the force off the scape-wheel, and also without affecting it by any friction whatever. When the scape-wheel turns in a minute, the letting-off would be done as before described, by a couple of notches in the scape-wheel arbor, through which the spikes A, B, as in fig. 20, would pass alternately. But in clocks with only three wheels in the train it is best to make the scape-wheel turn in two minutes, and consequently you would want four notches and four remontoire arms, and the fly would only make a quarter of a turn. And therefore Sir E. Beckett, who invented this remontoire, made the following provision for diminishing the friction of the letting-off work. The fly pinion f has only half the number of teeth of the scape-wheel pinion, being a lantern pinion of 7 or 8, while the other is a leaved pinion of 14 or 16, and therefore the same wheel D will properly drive both, as will be seen hereafter. The scape-wheel arbor ends in a cylinder about ⅜ inch in diameter, with two notches at right angles cut in its face, one of them narrow and deep, and the other broad and shallow, so that a long and thin pin B can pass only through one, and a broad and short pin A through the other. Consequently, at each quarter of a turn of the scape-wheel, the remontoire fly, on which the pins A, B are set on springs, as in fig. 20, can turn half round. It is set on its arbor f by a square ratchet and click, which enables you to adjust the spring to the requisite tension to obtain the proper vibration of the pendulum. A better construction, afterwards introduced, is to make the fly separate from the letting-off arms, whereby the blow on the cylinder is diminished, the fly being allowed to go on as in the gravity escapement. The performance of this is so much more satisfactory than that of the gravity remontoires, that Mr Dent altered that of the Royal Exchange to a spring one in 1854, which had the effect of reducing the clock-weight by one-third, besides improving the rate of going. It should be observed, however, that even a spring remontoire requires a larger weight than the same clock without one; but as none of that additional force reaches the pendulum, that is of no