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DICTIONARY 185 1613, 4to: Richelct, Geneve, 1680, fol. 2 vols.; ed. Gattel, Paris, 1340, 8vo, 2 vols. The French Academy, after five years consideration, began their dictionary, 7th February 1639, by examining the letter A, which took them nine months to go through. The word Academic was for some time omitted by oversight. They decided, 8th March 1638, not to cite authorities, and they have since always claimed the right of making their own examples. Ollivier justifies them by saying that for eighty years all the best writers belonged to their body, and they could not be expected to cite each other. Their design was to raise the language to its last perfection, and to open a road to reach the highest eloquence. Antoine Furetiere, one of their members, compiled a dictionary which he says cost him forty years labour for ten hours a day, and the manuscript filled fifteen chests. He gave words of all kinds, especially technical, names of persons and places, and phrases. As a specimen, he pub lished his Ussai, Paris, 1684, 4to; Amst. 1685, 12mo. The Aca demy charged him with using the materials they had prepared for their dictionary, and expelled him, 22d January 1685, for plagiarism. He died 14th May 1688, in the midst of the consequent controversy and law suit. His complete work was published, with a preface by Bayle, La Haye and Rotterdam, 1690, fol. 3 vols. ; again edited by Basnage de Beauval, 1701 ; La Haye, 1707, fol. 4 vols. From the edition of 1701 the so-called very popular Dictionnaire de Trevoux, Trevoux, 1704, fol. 2 vols., was made by the Jesuits, who excluded everything that seemed to favour the Calvinism of Basnage. The last of its many editions is Paris, 1771, fol. 8 vols. The Academy s dictionary was first printed Paris, 1694, fol. 2 vols. They began the revision in 1700; second edition 1718, fol. 2 vols.; 3d, 1740, fol. 2 vols. ; 6th, 1835, 2 vols. 4to, reprinted 1855 ; Supplement, by F. Raymond, 1836, 4to ; Complement, 1842, 4to, reprinted 1856 ; Dictionnaire Historique, Paris, 1858-65, 4to, 2 parts (A to Actn), 795 pages, published by the Institut : Dochez, Paris, 1859, 4to: Bescherelle, ib. 1844, 4to, 2 vols.; 5th ed. Paris, 1857, 4to, 2 vols.; 1865: Landais, Paris, 1835; 12th ed. ib. 1854, 4to, 2 vols.: Littre, Paris, 1863-73, 4to, 4 vols. 7118 pages; Supplement, Paris, 1877, 4to, to be in about 12 parts (parts i.-v. 200 pages). ENGLISH. Pal sgrave, Lesdaircissement de la lanyue Francoyse, London, 1 530, 4to, 2 parts; 1852: Hollyband, London, 1533, 4to: Cotgrave, ib.. 1611, fol. : Boyer, La Haye, 1702, 4to, 2 vols. ; 37th ed. Paris, 1851, 8vo, 2 vols.: Fleming andTibbins, Paris, 1846-49, 4to, 2 vols. ; ib. 1854, 4to, 2 vols.; ib. 1870-72, 4to, 2 vols. : Tarver, London, 1853-54, 8vo, 2 vols. ; 1867-72: Bellows, Gloucester, 1873, 16mo; ib. 1876. IDEO LOGICAL, or ANALOGICAL. Robertson, Paris, 1859, 8vo ; Boissiere, Paris, 1862, 8vo. ETYMOLOGY. Lebon, Paris, 1571, 8vo: Menage, ib. 1650, 4to. Pougens projected a Tresor des origencs, his extracts for which, filling nearly 100 volumes folio, are in the library of the Institut. He published a specimen, Paris, 1819, 4to. After his death, Arcfueologie Francaise, Paris, 1821, 8vo, 2 vols., was com piled from his MSS., which were much used by, Littre: Scheler, P.ruxelles, 1862, 8vo; 1873: Bracliet, 2d ed., Paris, 1870, 12mo; Eng lish trans. Kitchin, Oxf. 1866, 8vo. GIIEEK WORDS. Trippault, Orleans, 1580, 8vo: Morin, Paris, 1809, 8vo. GERMAN WORDS. AtzJer, Cothen, 1867, 8vo. ORIENTAL WORDS. Pihan, Paris, 1847, 8vo; 1866 : Devic, ib. 1876, Svo. NEOLOGY. Desfontaines, 3ded. Amst. 1728, 12mo : Mercier, Paris, 1801, Svo, 2 vols.: Richard, ib. 1842, Svo 2d ed. 1845. YoEnc.Dict. des Rimes (by La None), Geneve, 1596, Svo; Cologny, 1624, Svo: Carpentier, Le Gradus Frangais, Paris, 1825, Svo, 2 vols. EROTIC. De Landes, Brux- elles, 1861, 12mo. ORATORY. Demandre and Foiitenai, Paris, 1802, Svo: Planche, ib. 1819-20, 8vo, 3 vols. PRONUNCIATION. Feline, ib. 1857, Svo. DOUBLE FORMS. Brachet, ib. 1871, Svo. EPITHETS. Daire, ib. 1817, Svo. VERBS. Bescherelle, ib. 1855, Svo, vols.; 3d ed. 1858. PARTICIPLES. Id., ib. 1861, 12mo. DIF FICULTIES. Boiste, London, 1828, 12mo : Laveaux, Paris, 1872, Svo, 843 pages. SYNONYMS. Boinvilliers, Paris, 1826, Svo: Lafaye, ib. 1858, Svo; 1861 ; 1869 : Guizot, ib. 1809, Svo; 6th ed. 1863 ; 1873. HOMONYMS. Zlatagorski (Gerrn. Russian, Eng.), Leipzig, 1862, Svo, 664 pages. IMITATIVE WORDS. Nodier, Onomatopees, ib. 1828, Svo. TECHNOLOGY. D Hautel, ib. 1808, Svo, 2 vols.: Desgrangtts, ib. 1821, Svo: Tolhausen (Fr. Eug. Germ.), Leipzig, 1873, Svo, 3 vols. FAULTS OF EXPRESSION. Roland, Gap, 1823, Svo: Blondin, Paris, 1823, Svo. PARTICULAR AUTHORS. Corneille : Godefroy, ib. 1862, 8vo, 2 vols. ; Marty- La veaux, ib. 1868, Svo, 2 vols. La Fontaine: Lorin, ib. 1852, Svo. Malherbe: Regaier, ib. 1869, Svo. Moliere: Genin, ib. 1846, Svo: Marty-Laveaux, ib. Svo. Racine: Marty- Laveaux, ib. 1873, Svo, 2 vols. M me - de Sevigne: Somrner, ib. 1867, Svo, 2 vols. OLD FRENCH. La Curne de St Palaye prepared a dictionary, of which he only published Projet d un Glossaire, Paris, 1756, 4to. His MSS. in many volumes are in the National Library, and were much used by Littre. They are now being printed by L. Fuvre, and fasciculi 21-30 (torn, iii.), Niort, 4to, 484 pages, were published in February 1877. Lacombe (vieux langage), Paris, 1766, 2 vols. 4to: Kelham (Norman and old French), London, 1779, 8vo: Roquefort (kngue romane), Paris, 1808, Svo; Supplement, ib. 1820, Svo: Pougens, Archtxoluyic, ib. 18.21, Svo, 2 vuls. : Burguy, Berlin, 1851-56, Svo, 3 vols.: Laborde (Notice des fanaux . . . du Louvre, Part ii.), Paris, 1853, Svo, 564pages: 1 Cachet (rhymed chronicles), Bruxelles, 1859, 4to: Le Hericher (Norman, English, and French), Paris, 1862, 3 vols. 8vo : Hippeau (12th and 13th centuries), Paris, 1875, Svo. DIALECTS. Jaubert (central), Paris, 1856-57, Svo, 2 vols.: Baurngarten (north and centre), Coblentz, 1870, Svo: Azais, Idiomes Romans du midi, Montpellier, 1877, Svo, livraison i., to be in 6 livraisons of about 250 pages each, forming 3 vols. Australian: Francois,. Metz, 1773, Svo. Auvergne: Mege, Riom, 1861, 12mo. Beam: Lespi, Pan, 1858, Svo. Beaucaire: Bonnet (Bouguiren), Nismes, 1840, Svo. Pays de Bray : Decorde, Neufchatel, 1852, Svo. Burgundy : Mignard, Dijon, 1870, Svo. Pays de Castres: Cou- zinie, Castres, 1850, 4 to. Dauphine: Champollion-Figeac, Paris, 1809, Svo : Jules, Valence, 1835, Svo ; Paris, 1840. 4to. Dep. of Doubs : Tissot (Patois des Fourg, arr. de Pontarlier) Besan9on, 1865, Svo. Forez: Gras, Paris, 1864, Svo; Neolas, Lyon, 1865, Svo. Franche Comte : Maisonforte, 2d ed. Besangon, 1753, Svo. Gascony : Desgrouais (Gasconismes corriges), Toulouse, 1766, Svo; 1769 ; 1812, r2rno, 2 vols. ; 1825, Svo, 2 vols. Dei), of Gers : Cenac- Montaut, Paris, 1S63, Svo. Geneva: Humbert, Geneve, 1820, Svo. Languedoc : Odde, Tolose, 1578, Svo: Doujat, Toulouse, 163S, Svo: De S.[auvages], Nismes, 1756, Svo, 2 vols; 1785; Alais, 1820 : Azais, Beziers, 1876, &c., Svo : Hombres, Alais, 1872, 4to : Thomas (Gi ^ek imrds), Montpellier,, 1843, 4to. Liege: Forir, Liege, 1866, Svo, vol. i. 455 pages. Lille: Vermesse, Lille, 1861, 12mo : Debtiire du Buc, ib. 1867, 8vo. Limousin: Beronie, ed. Vialle (Correze), Tulle, 1823, 4to. Lyonnais, Forez, Beaujolais: Onofrio, Lyon, 1864, Svo. llaut Maine: R.[aoul"I de M.[ontesson], Paris, 1857; 1859, 503 pages. Mentone: Andrews, Nice, 1877, 12mo. Dep. de la Mouse : Cordier, Paris, 1853, Svo. Nor man : Edelestand and Alfred Dumeril, Caen, 1849, Svo : Dubois, ib. 1857, Svo : Lo Hericher (Philologie topographique), Caen, 1S63, 4to : Id. (elements scandinaves), Avranches, 1861, 12mo : Metivier (Guernsey), London, 1870, Svo : Vasnier (arrond. de Pout Audemer), Rouen, 1861, Svo: Delboulle (Vallee d Yeres), Le Havre, 1876. Picardy: Corblet, Amiens, 1851, 8vo. Poitou, Saintonge, Aunis : Favre, Niort, 1867, Svo. Poitou: Beauchet-Filleau, Paris, 1864, Svo: Levrier, Niort, 1867, Svo : Lalanne, Poitiers, 1868, Svo. Saintonge : Boucherie, Angouleme, 1865, Svo : Jouain, Royan, 1867, Svo. Savoy: Pout (Terra tzu de la Tarantaise), Chambery, 1869, Svo. La Suisse Romande : Bridel, Lausanne, 1866, Svo. Dep. of Tarn: Gary, Castre, 1845, Svo. Dep. of Vaucluse : Bar- javel, Carpentras, 1849, Svo. Walloon (Roucld): Cambresier, Liege, 1787, Svo: Grandgagnage, ib. 1845-50, Svo, 2 vols. : Chavee, Paris, 1857, 18mo : Vermesse, Doudi, 1867, Svo : Sigart (Montois), Bruxelles, 1870, Svo. SLANG. Oudin, Curiositez Francaises, Paris, 1640, Svo : Bandeau de Saumaise (Precieuses, Langue de Ruelles), Paris, 1660, 12mo; ed. Livet, ib. 1856: Le Roux, Diet. Comique, Amst. 1788, and 6 other editions : Careme Prenant [i.e., Tau- niaise], (argot reforme), Paris, 1829, Svo : Larchey (excentricitees du langage), Paris, 1860, 12mo; 5th ed. 1S65: Delvau (langue vertc, Parisian), Paris, 1867, Svo: Larchey, Paris, 1873, 4to, 236 pages. Provencal. Pallas, Avignon, 1723, 4to : Bastero, La Crusca ProvenzalejKoma,, 1724, fol. vol. i. only: Raynouard, Paris, 1836-44, 8vo, 6 vols.: Garcin, Draguignand, 1841, Svo, 2 vols.: Honnorat, Digne, 1846-49, 4 to, 4 vols. 107,201 words : Id., Vocal, fr. p,uv., ib. 1848, 12mo, 1174 pages. Spanish. Covarruvias Orosco, Madrid, 1611, fol.; ib. 1673-4 fol. 2 vols. : Academia Espanola, Madrid, 1726-39, fol. 6 vols. ; 8th ed. 1837 : Caballero, Madrid, 1849, fol.; 8th ed. ib. 1860, 4to, 2 vols.: Cnesta, ib. 1S72, fol. 2 vols.: Campano, Paris, 1876, 18mo, 1015 pages. ENGLISH. Percivall, London, 1591, 4to: Pineda, London, 1740, fol.: Connelly and Higgins, Madrid, 1797-98, 4to, 4 vols. : Neuman and Baretti, 9th ed. London, 1831, Svo, 2 vols.; 1874. FRENCH. Oudin, Paris, 1607, 4to, 1660: Gattel, Lyon, 1803, 4to, 2 vols.: Dominguez, Madrid, 1846, Svo, 6 vols.: Blanc, Paris, 1862, Svo, 2 vols. GERMAN. Wagener, Hamb. 1801-5, Svo, 4 vols.: Seckendorp, ib. 1823, Svo, 3 vols. : Franceson, 3d ed. Leipzig, 1862, Svo, 2 vols. ITALIAN. Fran- ciosini, Venezia, 1735, Svo, 2 vols.; Connon y Manni, Leon, 1843, 16mo, 2 vols. : Romero, Madrid, 1844, 4to. SYNONYMS. Dic- eionario de Sinonimos, Paris, 1853, 4to. ETYMOLOGY. Aldrete, Madrid, 1682, fol.: Monlau y Roca, ib. 1856, 12mo. ARABIC WORDS. Hammer Purgstall, Wien, 1855, 8vo: Dozy and Engel- mann, 2d ed., Leyden, 1869, Svo. ANCIENT. Sanchez, Paris, 1842, Svo. RHYMING. Garcia de Rengifo (consonaiicias) Sal- rnantica, 1592, 4to ; 1876. DON QUIXOTE. Beneke (German), Leipzig, 1800, 16mo ; 4th ed. Berlin, 1841, 16mo. DIALECTS. Aragonese : Peralta,, Zaragoza, 1836, Svo: Borao, ib. 1859, 4to. Catalan: Rocha de Girona (Latin), Barcinone, 1561, fol.: Dictionari Catala, (Lat. Fr. Span.), Barcelona, 1642, Svo: Lacavalleria (Cat.- Lat), ib. 1696, fol.: Esteve, ed. Belvitges, &c. (Catal.-Sp. Lat.), Barcelona, 1805-35, fol. 2 vols.: Saura (Cat.-Span.), ib. 1851, 16mo; 2d ed. (Span.-Cat.), ib. 1854; 3d ed. (id.) ib. 1862, Svo: 1 This volume has been issued with a new title page as Glossaire du mo yen, dye, Paris, 1872.

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