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187 bach (comparative), Frannkf. a. M. 1846-51, 2 vols. Svo: Schulze, Magdeburg, 1848, 4to ; 1867, 8vo : Skcat, London, 186,8, 4to. ULPHILAS (editions with dictionaries). Castilionwus, Mcdiol. 1829, 4to: Gabeleutz and Lobe, Altenburg, 1836-43, 4to, 2 vols. : Gaugen- gigl, Passau, 1848, 8vo : Stamm, Paderborn, 1857 : Stamm and Heyne, ib. 1866, 8vo. Anglo-Saxon. LATIN. Somner(Lat.Eng.), Oxonii, 1659, fol. : Benson, ib. 1701, 8vo : Lye (A.-S. and Gothic), London, 1772, fol. 2 vols.: Ettmiiller, Quedlinburg, 1851, 8vo, 838 pages. ENGLISH. Bosworth, London, 1838, 8vo, 721 pages : Id. (Compendious), 1848, 278 pages. Corsou (A.-S. and Early English), New York, 1871, 8vo, 587 pages : GERMAN. Bouterwek, Giitersloh, 1850, 8vo, 418 pages: Grein (Poets), Gottingen, 1861-63, Svo, 2 vols.: Leo, Halle, 1872, Svo. English. Cockeram, London, 1623, Svo; 9th ed 1650: Blount, ib. 1656, Svo: Phi v ps, The new World of Words, London, 1658, fol. : Bailey, London, 1721, Svo; 2d ed. ib. 1736, fol.; 24th ed. ib. 1782, Svo: Johnson, ib. 1755, fol. 2 vols.; ed. Todd, London, 1818, 4to, 4 vols.; ib. 1827, 4to, 3 vols.; ed. Latham, ib. 1866-74, 4to, 4 vols. (2 in 4 parts) : Barclay, London, 1774, 4to ; ed. Woodward, ib. 1848: Sheridan, ib. 1780, 4to, 2 vols.: Webster, New York, 1828, 4to. 2 vols.; London, 1832, 4to, 2 vols.; cd. Goodrich and Porter, 1865, 4to : Richardson, ib. 1836, 4to, 2 vols. ; Supplement, 1856 : Ogilvie, Imperial Dictionary, Glasgow, 1850-55, Svo, 3 vols. : Boag, Do., Edinburgh, 1852-53, Svo, 2 vols. : Craik, ib. 1856, Svo : Worcester, Boston, 1863, 4to. ETYMOLOGY. Skinner, Londini, 1671, fol.: Junius, Oxonii, 1743, fol. : Wedgewood, London, 1859-65, Svo, 3 vols. ; ib. 1872, Svo PRONOUNCING. Walker, London, 1774, 4to ; by Smart, 2d ed. ib. 1846, Svo. PRONOUNCING IN GERMAN. Hausner, Frank/. 1793, Svo, 3d ed. 1807: Wiiikelnumn, Berlin, 1818, Svo : Voigtmann, Coburg, 1835, Svo: Albert, Leipz. 1839, Svo: Bassler, ib. 1840, 16mo. ANALYTICAL. Booth, Bath, 1836, 4to : Roget, Tfasaurus, London, 1852, Svo ; 6th cd. 1857 ; Boston, 1874. SYNONYMS. Piozzi, London, 1794, Svo, 2 vols.: L.[abarthe], Paris, 1803, Svo, 2 vols.: Crabb, London, 1823, Svo; llth ed. 1859: C.J. Smith,*. 1871, Svo, 610 pages. REDUPLICATED WORDS. Wheatley, ib. 1866, Svo. SURNAMES. Arthur, New York, 1857, 12mo, about 2600 names: Lower, ib. 1860, 4to. PARTICLES. Le Febure de Tille- brune, Paris, 1774, Svo. RHYMING. Levins, Manipidus Puerorum, London, 1570, 4to ; ed. Wheatley, ib. 1867, Svo : Walker, London, 1775, Svo ; 1865, Svo. SHAKESPEARE. Nares, Berlin, 1822, 4to; ed. Halliwell and Wright, London, 1859, Svo: Schmidt, Berlin, 1874. OLD ENGLISH. Spelman, London [1626], fol. (A to I only); 1664 (completed); 1687 (best ed.): Coleridge (1250-1300), ib. 1859, Svo : Btratmaun (Early Eug.), Krefeld, 1867, 8vo ; 2d ed. 1873, 4to. OLD AND PROVINCIAL. Halliwell, London, 1844-46, Svo; 2d ed. ib. 1850, Svo, 2 vols.: Wright, ib. 1857, Svo, 2 vols.; 1862. DIALECTS. Ray, ib. 1674, 12mo : Grose, ib. 1787, Svo ; 1790 : Holloway, Lewes, 1840, Svo. Scotch : Jamieson, Edin. 1806, 4to, 2 vols.; Supplement, 1826, 2 vols.; abridged by John- stone, ib. 1S46, Svo: Brown, Edin. 1845, Svo : Motherby (German), Kb nigsberg, 1826-28, Svo : (Shetland and Orkney), Edmonston, London, 1866, Svo: (Ban/shire), Gregor, ib. 1866, Svo. North Country: Brockett, London, 1839, Svo, 2 vols. Berkshire: [Lousley] ib. 1852, Svo. Cheshire: Wilbraham, ib. 1817, 4to; 1826, 12mo: Leigh, Chester, 1877, Svo. Cumberland: Glossary, ib. 1851, 12mo : Dickenson, Whitehaven, 1.854, 12mo ; Supplement, 1867 : Ferguson (Scandinavian Words), London, 1856, Svo. Derbyshire: Hooson (mining), Wrexham, 1747, Svo: Sleigh, London, 1865, Svo. Dorset: Barnes, Berlin, 1863, Svo. Durham: [Dinsdale] (Teesdale), London, 1849, 12mo. Gloucestershire: Huntley (Cotswold), ib. 1868, Svo. Herefordshire: [Sir George Cornewall Lewis], London, 1839, 12mo. Lancashire: Nodal and Miluer, Manchester Literary Club, 1875, Svo, in progress : Morris iFurness), London, 1869, Svo: R. B. Peacock (Lonsdale, North and South of the Sands), ib. 1869, Svo. Leicestershire : A. B. Evans, ib. 1S48, Svo. Lincolnshire: Brogden, ib. 1866, 12mo : Peacock (Mauley & Corringham), ib. 1877, Svo. Norfolk and Suffolk: Forby, London, 1830, Svo, 2 vols. Northamptonshire: Sternberg, ib. 1851, Svo : Miss Anne E. Baker, ib. 1866, Svo, 2 vols., 868 pages. Somersetshire: Jennings, ib. 1869, Svo: W. P. Williams end W. A. Jones, Taunton, 1873, Svo. Suffolk: Moor, Wood- bridge, 1S23, 12mo: Bowditch (Surnames), Boston, U.S., 1851, Svo; 1858 ; 3d ed. London, 1861, Svo, 784 pages. Sussex: Cooper, Brighton, 1836, Svo : Parish, Farncombe, 1875, Svo. Wiltshire: Akermau, London, 1842, 12mo. Yorkshire (North and East), Toone, ib. 1832, Svo : (Craven), Carr, 2d ed. London, 1828, Svo, 2 vols. : (Swaledale), Harland, ib. 1873, Svo: (Cleveland}, Atkinson, ib. 1868, 4to, 653 pages: (Whitby) [F. K. Robinson], ib., 1876, Svo : (Mid- Yorkshire and Lower Niddcrsdale), C. Clough Robinson, ib. 1876, Svo : (Leeds), Id., ib. 1861, 12mo : ( Wakeficld), Banks, ib. 1865, 16mo : (Hallamshire), Hunter, London, 1829, Svo. Ireland : (Forth and Bargy, Co. Wexford), Poole, London, 1867, Svo. America: Pickering, Boston, 1816, Svo: Bartlett, New York, 1848, Svo; 3d ed, Boston, 1860, Svo; Dutch transl. by Keijzer, Gorinchen, 1854, 12mo; Germ, transl. by Kbhler, Leipz. 1868, Svo Ehvyn, Philadelphia, 1859, Svo. Negro English: Kingos, St Croix, "1770, Svo : Focke (Dutch), Leiden, 1855, Svo : Wull- sehkegel, Lbbau, 1856, Svo, 350 pages. SLANG. Grose, London, 1785, 8vo; 1796: Hotten, ib. 1864, Svo; 1866. Frisic. Wasscnbergh, Leeuwarden, 1802, Svo: Franeker, 1806, 8vo: Outzen, Kopenh. 1837, 4to: Hettema (Dutch), Leuwarden, 1832, Svo ; 1S74, Svo, 607 pages : Winkler (Nederdeutsch en Friesch Dialectikon), s Gravenhage, 1874, Svo, 2 vols. 1025 pages. OLD FRISIC. Wiarda (Germ.), Aurich, 1786, Svo: Richthofen, Gottingen, 1840, 4to. NORTH FRISIC. Bendson (Germ.), Leiden, 1860, Svo: Johansen (Fbhringer und Amrumer Mundart), Kiel, 1862, Svo. EAST FRISIC. Sttirenburg, Aurich, 1857, Svo. HELI GOLAND. Oelrichs, s. 1., 1836, 16mo. Dutch. Kok, 2d ed. Amst. 1785-98, Svo, 38 vols. : Weiland, Amst. 1790-1811, Svo, 11 vols.: Harrebomee, Utrecht, 1857, 4to; 1862-70, Svo, 3 vols.: De Tries and Te Winkel, Gravenh. 1864, &c., 4to. ENGLISH. Hexham, ed. Manley. Rotterdam, 1675-78, 4to: Holtrop, Dortrecht, 1823-24, Svo, vols.: Bomhoff, Nimeguen, 1859, Svo, 2 vols. 2323 pages: Jaeger, Gouda, 1862, 16mo: Calisch, Tiel, 1871, &c., Svo. FRENCH. Halma, Amst. 1710, 4to; 4th ed. 1761: Marin, ib. 1793, 4 to, 2 vols.: Winkelman, ib. 1793, 4to, 2 vols. : Mook, Zutphen, 1824--25, Svo, 4 vols.; Gouda, 1S57, Svo, 2 vols. 2818 pages: Kramers, ib. 1859-62, 2 vols. 16mo. GERMAN. Kramer, Ntirub. 1719, fol.; 1759, 4to, 2 vols.; ed. Titius, 1784: Weiland, Haag, 1812, Svo: Terwen, Amst. 1844, Svo. ORIENTAL WORDS. Dozy, s Gravenhage, 1867, Svo. GENDERS OF NOUNS. Bilderdijk, Amst. 1822, Svo, 2 vols. SPELLING. Id., s Gravenhage, 1829, Svo. FREQUENTATIVES. De Jager, Gouda, 1875, Svo, vol. i. OLD DUTCH. Suringer, Leyden, 1865, Svo. MIDDLE DUTCH. De Tries, s Gravenhage, 1S64, &c., 4to. Flemish. Kilian, Antw. 1511, Svo; ed. Hasselt, Utrecht, 1777, 4to, 2 vols. FRENCH.- Berlemont, Anvers, 1511, 4to: Meurier, ib. 1557, Svo: Rouxell and Halma, Amst. 1708, 4to; 6th ed. 1821: Tan de Telde and Sleeckx, Brux. 1848-51, Svo, 2440 pages; ib. 1860, Svo, 2 vols. ANCIENT NAMES OF PLACES. Grandgagnage (East Belgium), Bruxelles, 1859, Svo. German. Josua Pictorius (Maaler), Die teutsch Spraacli, Tiguri, 1561, Svo: Stieler, Niirnb. 1691, 4to: Adelung, Leipz. 1774-86, 4to, 5 vols. ; 1793-1S18, 5 vols. : Campe, Braunschweig, 1807-11, 4to, 5 vols.: Grimm, Leipzig, 1854, &c. 4to, in progress : Sanders, ib. 1860-65, 4to, 3 vols : Diefenbach and Wiilcker (High and Low German, to supplement Grimm), Frankf. a. M. 1874, &c., Svo. ENGLISH. Adelung, 1783-96, Svo, 3 vols.: Hilpert, Karls- rube, 1828-29, Svo, 2 vols. ; 1845-46, 4to, 2 vols. : Fliigel, Leipz. 1830, Svo, 2 vols.; London, 1857, Svo; Leipzig, 1870: Muller, Cothen, 1S67, Svo, 2 vols. FRENCH. Laveaux, Strasburg, 1812. 4to: Mozin, Stuttgard, 1811-12, 4to, 4 vols. ; 1842-46, Svo, 4 vols. , 3d ed. 1850-51, Svo: Schuster, Strasb. 1859, Svo: Daniel, Paris, 1877, 16mo. OLD HIGH GERMAN. Haltaeus, Lipsiaj, 1758, fol. ^2 vols. : Graff, Berlin, 1834-46, 4to, 7 vols. : Brinckmeier, Gotha, 1850-63, 4to, 2 vols. : Kehrein (from Latin records), Nordhausen, 1863, Svo. MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN. Ziemann, Quedlinburg, 1S38, Svo: Benecke, Miillcr and Zinr.ha, I diva. 18f4 66, Svo, 3 vols.: Lexer, Leipzig, 1870, Svo. MIDDLE Low GERMAN. Schiller and Ltibben, Bremen, 1872, &c. Svo, in progress. Low GERMAN. Tollbeding, Zerbst, 1S06, Svo: Kosegarten, Greifswald, 1839, 4to; 1856, &c. 4to, in progress. ETYMOLOGY. Helvigius, Hanov. 1620, Svo : Wachter, Lipsise, 1737, fol. 2 vols. : Kaindl, Salzbach, 1815-30, Svo, 7 vols.: Heyse, Magdeburg, 1843-49, 8vq 3 vols : Kehrein, Wiesbaden, 1847-52, 2 vols. SYNONYMS. Eberhard, Maas, and Griiber, 4th ed. Leipzig, 1852-63, Svo, 4 vols.: Aue (Engl.), Edinb. 1S36, Svo: Eberhard, llth ed. Berlin, 1854, 12mo: Sanders, Hamburg, 1872, Svo, 743 pages. FOREIGN WORDS. Campe, Braunschweig, 1813, 4to: Heyse, Fremdworter- buch, Hannover, 1S48, Svo. NAMES. Pott, Leipz. 1853, Svo : Michaelis (Taufnamen), Berlin, 1856, Svo : Forslemann (Old Germ.) Nordhausen, 1856-59, 4to, 2 vols, 1573 pages, 12,000 names: Steub (Oberdeutscheu), Miinchen, 1871, Svo. LUTHER. Dietz, Leipzig, 1869-72, Svo, 2 vols. DIALECTS. Popowitsch, Wien, 1780, Svo: Fulda, Berlin, 1788, Svo: Klein, Frankf. 1792, Svo, 2 vols. : Kalt- schmidt, Nordlingen, 1851, 4to; 1854; 5th ed. 1865. Aix-la- Chapellc, Muller and Weitz, Aachen, 1836, 12mo. Appenzell: Tobler, Zurich, 1837, Svo. Austria: Hofer, Linz, 1815, Svo; Castelli, Wien, 1847, 12mo : Scheuchenstiil (mining), ib. 1856, Svo. Bavaria: Zaupser, Miinchen, 1789, Svo: Deling, ib. 1820, 2 vols. : Schmeller, Stuttg. 1827-37, Svo, 4 vols. ; 2d ed. Miinchen, 1872, 4to, vol. i. 1799 pages. Berlin: Trachsel, Berlin, 1873. Svo. Bremen: Bremisch Deutsch Gesellschaft, Bremen, 1767-71, 1869. Svo, 6 vols.. Oelrich (anc. stirtutes), Frankf. a. M. 1767, 8vo. Carinthia: Ueberi elder, Klagenfurt, 1862, 8vo : Lexe", Leipzig, 1862, Svo. Clevcs: De Schueren, Teutlwnista, Colon. 1477, fol.; Leiden, 1804, 4to. Gottingen: Schambach, Hannover, 1838, Svo. Hamburg: Richey, Hamb. 1873, 4to; 1755, Svo. Ifenneberg. Reinwald, Berlin and Stettin, 1793, 1801, 8vo, 2 vols.: Bruckner, Meiningen, 1843, 4to. Hesse: Tilmar, Marburg, 1868, Svo, 488

pages. Uolstein: Schiitze, Hamb. 1800-6, 8vc, 4 vols. Hungary