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220 ENGLAND [POPULATION. Enume rations at eight census periods. population, living ou an area of 58,320 square miles, or 37,324,883 acres, numbered 8,892,536, being if the former estimates were approximately correct an increase of very nearly 2| millions in little over fifty years. This rate of increase was not only continued, but came to be greatly exceeded in the present century. Since the first census of 1801, regular enumerations of the people of England and Wales have been taken every ten years. The results of these enumerations are shown in the subjoined table, giving the total numbers of the popu lation at each census, together with the absolute increase, and the growth per cent., during each decennial period: Dates of Enumeration. Population. Increase at each census. Decennial rate of increase per cent. 1801, March 10th... 8,892,536 1811, May 27th 10,164,256 1,271,720 14-30 1821, May 28th 12,000,236 1,835,980 18-06 1831, May 29th 13,896,797 1,896,561 15-80 1841, June 7th 15,914,143 2,017,351 14-52 1851, March 31st... 17,927,609 2,013,461 12-65 1861, April 8th 20,066,224 2,138,615 11-93 1871, April 3rd 22,712,266 2,646,042 13-19 Popula tion in registra tion dis tricts. The increase of population throughout the century was larger in the towns than in the country districts. This was most markedly the case in the centennial period from 1861 to 1871, as will be seen from the following table, showing the increase per cent, of the population in each of the eleven " registration districts " mapped out by the registrar-general. It will be seen that the greatest increase was in the division, rich in manufacturing and mining industries, embracing the northern counties and York shire, and the least in the agricultural districts of the south-western and eastern counties. Divisions. Population 1871. Increase per cent. lStil-71. I. London 3,254,260 16 II. South Eastern (Surrey, Kent, Sus sex, Hants, Berks) 2,167,726 17 III. South Midland (Herts, Bucks, ) Oxford, Northampton, Hunts, > Beds, Cambridge) ) 1,442.654 11 IV. Eastern (Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk).... V. South Western (Wilts, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset) VI. West Midland (Gloucester, Here ford, Salop, Stafford, Worcester, Warwick) 1,218,728 1,880,777 2,720,669 7 2 11 VII. North Midland (Leicester, lint- J land, Lincoln, Notts, Derby) ... f VIII. North Western (Cheshire, Lanca- j shire) IX. Yorkshire 1,406,935 3,389,044 2 395 569 9 15 19 X. Northern (Durham, Northumber land, Cumberland, AVestmore- land) XL Moumouth and Wales 1,414,234 1 421 670 23 10 Total, England and Wales 22,712,266 13 Numbers As regards sexes, the total numbers were as follows at of the each of the eight enumerations from 1801 to 1871 : _.j .. < ~- 3 Population. Date of Enumeration. Excess per Males. Females. cent, of Total. Females. 1801 4,254,735 4,637,801 9 8,892,536 1811 4,873,605 5,290,651 8-6 10,164,256 1821 5,850,319 6,149,917 5-1 12,000,236 1831 6,771,196 7,125,601 5-2 13,896,797 1841 7,777,586 8,136,562 4-6 15,914,148 1851 8,781,225 9,146,384 4-2 17,927,609 1861 9,776,259 10,289,965 5-2 20,066,224 1871 11,058,934 11,653,332 5 4 22,712,266 The following table exhibits the main results of the Census of census of 1871 as regards extent and population, giving 1871; the area, in statute acres, of each of the forty counties l irea< of England and twelve counties of Wales, and the number and of inhabited houses a house being defined as a separate popula- building inclosed by external and party walls in each tiou. county. The population according to the census of 1801 is appended for the sake of comparison. Counties or Shires. Area in Statute Acres. Inhabited Houses, 1871. Population. 1861. 1871. ENGLAND. Bedford 295,582 451,210 466,932 525,182 707,078 873,600 1,001,273 658,803 1,657,180 632,025 622,476 1,060,549 805,102 534,823 391,141 229,544 1,039,419 1,219,221 514,164 1,775,457 180,136 368,399 1,354,301 630,358 1,249,299 520,076 472,717 95,805 826,055 1,047,220 1,070,216 728,468 947,681 478,792 936,911 563,946 485,432 865,092 472,165 3,830,567 30,506 39,638 37,257 40,272 110,449 73,950 44,061 78,309 105,200 39,410 114,705 92,356 101,407 26,371 39,056 14,032 151,344 530,490 58,606 94,212 321,229 36,169 99,428 52,539 62,436 68,419 37,849 4,766 50,804 92,205 98,283 167,614 76,501 168,443 75,385 131,442 12,671 54,874 69,988 500,397 135,287 176,256 167,993 176,016 505,428 369,390 205,276 339.327 584,373 188,789 508,666 404,851 485,770 123,712 173,280 64,250 733,887 2,429,440 237,412 412,246 2,206,485 174,633 484,798 227,704 343,025 273,867 170,944 21,861 240,959 444,873 481,815 746,943 337,070 831,093 363,735 561,853 60,817 249,311 307,397 2,033,610 146,257 196,475 175,879 186,906 561,201 362,343 220,253 379,394 601,374 195,537 685,089 466,436 534,640 125,370 192,226 63,708 848,294 2,819,495 269,311 436,599 2,539,765 195,448 438,656 243,891 386,646 319,758 177,975 22,073 248,111 463,483 544,684 858,326 348,869 1,090,635 417,456 634,189 65,010 257,177 338,837 2,395,569 Berks . . . Buckingham Cambridge Chester Cornwall Cumberland Derby Devon Dorset Durham Essex Gloucester Hereford Hertford Huntingdon .. Kent Lancaster Leicester Lincoln Middlesex MOD mouth Norfolk . . Northampton Northumberland .. Nottingham Oxford Rutland Salop Somerset. Southampton Stafford Suffolk Surrey. Sussex Warwick Westmoreland Wilts Worcester York Total of England WALES. Angle icy 32,590,397 193,453 460,158 443,387 606,331 370,273 386,052 184,905 547,494 385,291 483,323 401,691 272,128 4,009,783 12,170 ] 2,647 16,420 24,333 23,298 22,500 16,636 72,905 10,006 13,911 19,583 4,925 18,954,444 54,609 61,627 72,245 111,796 95,694 100,778 69,737 317,752 38,963 36,919 96,278 25,382 21,495,131 51,040 59,901 73,441 116,710 106,121 10f),l 02 76.312 397,859 46,598 67,623 91,998 25,430 Brecon Cardigan Carmarthen .. Carnarvon Denbigh Flint Glamorgan Merioneth . ... Montgomery Pembroke Radnor Total of Wales... Total of England ) and Wales ) 4,734,436 249,334 1,111,780 1, 217,135) 37,324,883 4,259,117 23,066,224 22, 7 12,266 At the census of 1861 the number of inhabited houses was 3,739,505, so that there was an increase of 519,612 in the ten years. It was tound at the census of 1871 that whereas in the whole of the United Kingdom there were on the average 5 6 persons to each inhabited house, 41 persons to an acre, and 2 46 acres to a person, the propor tions were very different in England and Wales. Expressed

in tabular form, as most concise, they were as follows ;