Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 8.djvu/389

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ENGLAND 309 SECRETARIES OF STATE continued. 1674. 1678. 1680. 1681. 16S3. 1634. 1684. 1688. 1689. 1690. 1692. 1694. 1695. 1697. 1700. 1701. 1702. 1704. 1706. 1708. 1710. 1713. 1714. 1717. 1718. 1721. 1724. 1730. 1742. 1744. 1746. 1746. 1746. Sir J. Williamson. Earl of Sunderland. Lord Conway. Earl of Suuderland. Earl of Shrewsbury. Viscount Sidney. Sir J. Trenckard. Sir W. TrumbulL J. Vernon. Sir C. Hedges. Earl of Sunderland. Lord Dartmouth, cr. Earl of Dartmouth 1711. W. Bromley. J. Stanhope. Earl of Sunderland. Earl Stanhope. Viscount Townshend. Lord Harrington. Lord Carteret. Earl of Harrington. Earl Granville. Earl of Harrington. Earl of Chesterfield. Sir L. Jenkins. S. Godolphin. Earl of Middleton. Viscount Preston. Earl of Nottingham. Earl of Shrewsbury. Earl of Jersey. Earl of Manchester. Earl of Nottingham. R. Harley. H. Boyle. H. St John, cr. Viscount Boling- broke 1712. Viscount Townshend. J. Addison. J. Craggs. Lord Carteret. Duke of Newcastle. 1748. 1751. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1761. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1766. 1768. 1768. 1768. 1770. 1771. 1771. 1772. 1775. 1776. 1779. 1779. 1782. Duke of Bedford. Earl of Holderness. Earl of Bute. G. Grenville. Earl of Halifax. Duke of Grafton. Duke of Richmond. Earl of Shelburue. Sir T. Robinson. H. Fox. W. Pitt. Earl of Egremont. Earl of Sandwich. II. S. Conway. EarlofHillsborough,CWorties. Earl of Rochford. Viscount Weymouth. Earl of Dartmouth, Colonies. Viscount Weymouth. Lord G. S. Germaine, Colonies. Earl of Hillsborough. W. Ellis, Colonies. Earl of Sandwich. Earl of Halifax. Earl of Suffolk. Viscount Stormont. Home Department. 1782. Earl of Shelburne. 1782. Lord Grantham. 1783. Lord North. 1783. Marquis of Carmarthen. 1783 1789. W. W. Grenville. 1791. H. Dundas. Foreign Department. C. J. Fox. T. Townshend. C. J. Fox. Earl Temple. Lord Sydney. Lord Grenville. Home Department. Foreign Department. War and Colonial Department. 1794. Duke of Portland. H. Dundas. 1801. Lord IVlham. .

  • .

Lord Hawkesbury. .... Lord Hobart. 1803. C. P. Yorke. 1804. Lord Hawkesbury. . Lord Harrowby. ..... Earl Camden. 1805. Lord MulTave. ..... Viscount Castlereagh. 1806. Earl Spencer. . C. J. Fox W. Windham. 1807. Lord Hawkesbury. G. Canning Viscount Castlereagh. 1809. R. Ryder. Earl of Bathurst 1809. 9 Marquis Wellesley. .... 1812. Viscount Sidmouth. . Viscount Castlereagh. .... Earl Bathurst. 1822. R. Peel. . _ G. Canning 1827. W. S. Bourne. . . . Earl Dudley Viscount Goderich. 1827. Marquis of Lansdowne. ....

  • . .

W. Huskisson. 1828. R. Peel. . Earl of Aberdeen Sir G. Murray. 1830. Viscount Melbourne. Viscount Palmerston Viscount Goderich. 1833. E. G. S. Stanley. 1834 Viscount Duncannon T. Spring Rice. 1834. H. Goullmrn. . Duke of Wellington. .... Earl of Aberdeen. 1835. Lord J. Russell. Viscount Palmerston. .... Lord Glenelg. 1839. . ..... Marquis of Normanby. 1839. Marquis of Normanby. .... Lord J. Russell. 1841. Sir J. Graham. . Earl of Aberdeen. ..... Lord Stanley. 1845. . ..... W. E. Gladstone. 1846. Sir G. Grey. . . Viscount Palmerston. .... Earl Grey. 1852. S. H. Walpole. . . Earl of Malmesbury. .... Sir J. S. Pakington. 1 S52. Viscount Palmerston . Lord J. Russell. ..... Duke of Newcastle. Home Department. Foreign Department. Colonial Department. War Department. 1855. Sir G. Grey. Earl of Clarendon. . . . S. Herbert. .... Lord Panmure. 1855. Lord J. Russell. 1855 H. Labouchere. . 1858. S. H. Walpole. . Earl of Malmesbury. . . Lord Stanley. J. Peel. Home Department. Foreign Department. Colonial Department. War Department. India Department. 1858. S. H. Walpole. . Earl of Malmesbury. . Sir E. G. E. L. Bulwer J. Peel. Lord Stanley. 1859. J. T. H. Sotheron- Lytton. Estcourt. 1859. Sir G. Cornewall Lord J. Russell, cr. Earl Duke of Newcastle. S. Herbert, cr. Lord Sir C. Wood Lewis. Russell 1861. Herbert 1861. 1861. Sir G. Grey. . Sir G. C. Lewis. . . 1863 Earl ilc Grey nnd Union. 1864 F.nvl Panlwpll 1865. Earl of Clarendon. . 1866. S. ll. Walpole. . Lord Stanley. Earl of Carnarvon. J. Peel. Viscount Cranborne. 1867 Sir J S. Pakinf ton. Sir S. H. Northcote. 1868. II. A. Bruce. Earl of Clarendon. . . Earl Granville. . E. Cardwell. Duke of Argyll. 1870. Earl Granville. . . Earl of Kitnberley. 1874. R. A. Cross. . Earl of Derby. . . . Earl of Carnarvon. G. Hardy. . Marquis of Salisbury. 1S78 Mart.] uis c if SnlicVmrv Sir V T-Hr-Vc "Ruar.Vi F. A. Stanley. G. Hardv, cr. Vise. Cranbrook, 1878.

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