Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 8.djvu/892

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856 FAR F A K an area of 48 <?.<?, now hardly a trace remains. The modern Ajodhy t i contains several Jain and Hindu temples. The city of FaizaMl was founded about 1730 by Sa adat AH Khan the first nawab vizier of Oudh, who made it his capital. The place rapidly grew in importance until 1775, when the court of Oudh was removed to Lucknow. It then rapidly decayed, all the leading merchants, bankers, &c., abandoning the place. Tn 1839, Butter estimated its population at 100,000 but fast diminishing, owing to the exactions and oppressions by the native officials of the uawab s Government. At the time of the census in 18G9 Faizabad contained only 37,804 inhabitants ; but it is now again advancing in prosperity, and is rapidly becoming an emporium of trade. At the time of the annexation of Oudh in 1856 Faizabad was made, and still continues to be, a large military station. On the outbreak of the mutiny in 1857, the cantonment contained two regiments of infantry, a squadron of cavalry, and a light field battery of artillery all natives. Owing to their threatening demeanour after the Meerut massacre, many of the European ladies and children were sheltered by one of the great landholders of Oudh, and others were sent forward to less disturbed parts of the country. The troops rose, as was anticipated, and although they at first permitted their officers to take boats and proceed towards Dinapur, a message was afterwards sent to a rebel force lower down the river to intercept the fugitives. Of four boats, one succeeded in reaching Dinapur safely, having passed the rebels unnoticed. Of the occu pants of the other three boats, one person alone escaped. Faizabad is now a station for European as well as for native troops. FAKIR. See DERVISH, vol. vii., p. 113. END OF VOLUME EIGHTH.