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XXX (246) XXX

2^6 A N A 1 fent by the fplenlca to the pancreas, along its lower fide. The left gaftric, or gaftro-epiploic vein, goes out from the fplenica, at the left extremity of the pancreas ; from whence it runs to the great extremity of the ftomach, and along the great arch, till it meets the gaftrica dextra, which is continuous with the finiflra. In its paflage, it gives feveral branches to both fides of the ftomach, which are diftributed by numerous ramifica^ tions, form many areolae, and communicate with the branches of the coronaria ventriculi. At a fmall diftance from its origin, this gaftric vein fends out a branch, which is diftributed to the omentum; and on this account it has been called ploica. The vena epiploica finiftra arifes at the fmall extremity of the pancreas, and is ramified on the omentum, all the way to the colon, where it communicates with the haemorrhoidalis interna. Laftly, the vena fplenica reaches the fiffure of the fpleen, which it enters through its whole length by feveral branches. It is from the moft pofterior of thefe branches that the veins are fent off to the great extremity of the ftomach, formerly known by the name of vafa brevia, which communicate with the coronaria ventriculi and gaftrica finiftra..

o M Y. Part IV. The internal hasmorrhoidal vein is one of the three great branches of the vena portae, coming ordinarily from the beginning of the vena fplenica, and fometimes from the extremity or angle of the bifurcation of the great trunk of the vena portae. At a fmall diftance from its beginning, it gives to the duodenum a fecond vena duodenalis. Afterwards it is divided into two branches, one fuperior or afcending, the other inferior or defcendihg. The firft runs to the upper part of the arch of the colon, where, after many ramifications, it communicates with a branch of the great mefaraica, with the ramifications of the gaftro-epiploica finiftra, and with thofe of the neighbouring epiploica. The inferior branch runs down on the left portion of the colon, on the lower incurvations of that inteftine, and on the redhim, all the way to the anus. In this courfe, it fupplies the mefocolon, and forms arches, which fend out numerous fmall ramifications, which furround thefe inteftines. This vein has been named hcemorrhoidalis, from the tumours oftenrfound at its extremity next the anus, which are called huemorrhoides. The word interna is added,, to diftinguilh this vein from the hatmorrhoidalis externa, which comes from the vena hypogaftrica, and with which this vein communicates by capillary ramifications.

EXPLANATION This plate reprefents the heart in fitu, all the large arteries and veins, with fome of the mufcles, Ac. Muscles. — Superior Extremity. — a, Maffeter. b, Complexus. c, D;agaftricus. d, Os hyoides. e. Thyroid gland, f. Levator fcapulte. g, Cucullaris. h h, The clavicles cut. i, The deltoid mufcle. k, Biceps flexor cubiti cut. 1, Coraco-brachialis. m, Triceps extenfor cubiti. n. The heads of the pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor digitorum fublimis, cut. o. The flexor carpi ulnaris, cut at its extremity, p. Flexor digitorum profundus, q, Supinator radii longus, cut at its extremity, r, Ligamentum carpi tranfverfale. s, Extenfores Carpi radiates. t, Latlffimus dorfi. u, Anterior edge of the ferratus anticus major, v, v. The inferior part of the diaphragm, w w, Its anterior edge cut. x x. The kidneys, y, Tranfverfus abdominis, z. Os ilium. Inferior Extremity.—a, Pfoas magnus. b, Iliacus internus. c. The flefhy origin of the tenfor •vaginas femoris. d d. The offa pubis cut from each other, e, Mufculus peAineus cut from its origin. f. Short head of the triceps adduftor femoris cut. The great head of die triceps, b,. The long head cut. /, Vaftus internus. /, Vaflus externus. /, Crureus. m. Gemellus. », Soteus. o,. Tibia, p, Peronseus longus. .q, Peronasus brevis, r. Fibula. Heart and Blood-Vessels.—A, The heart, with the coronary arteries arid veins, B, The right auricle of the heart. C, The aorta afcendens. D, The left fubclavian artery. E, The left carotid artery. F, The common trunk which fends off the

of PLATE XVJL right fubclavian and right carotid arteries. G, The carotis externa. H, Arteria facialis, which fends off the coronary arteries of the lips. I, Arteria temporalis profunda. K, Aorta defeendens. L L, The iliac arteries,—which fend off M.M, The femoral or crural arteries. N. li. The other arteries in thi? figure have the fame diftribution as the veins of the fame name :—And generally, in the anatomical plates, the defeription to be found on the one fide, points out the fame parts in the other, i, The frontal vein. 2, The facial vein. 3, Vena temporalis profunda. 4, Vena occipitalis. 5, Vena jugularis externa. 6, Vena jugularis interna, covering the arteria ca.rotis communis. 7, T he vafcular arch on the palm of the hand, which is formed by 8, the radial artery and vein, and 9, the ulnar , artery and vein. 10 10, Cephalic vein. 11, Bafilic vein, that on the right fide, cut. 12, Median vein. 13,. The humeral vein, which, with the median, covers the humeral, artery. 14 14, The external thoracic, or mammary arteries and veins. 15, The axillary vein, covering the artery. 16 16, The fubclavian veins-, which, with (6 6) the jugulars, forms 17, the vena cava fuperior. 18, Ttie cutaneous arch of veins on the fere-part of the foot. 19, The vena tibialis antica, covering the artery. 20, The vena profunda femoris;, covering the ar^aiy. 2i> The upper part of the vena faphena major. 22, The femoral vein. 23 23, The iliac veins. 24, 24, Vena cava inferior. 23 2J, The renal veins covering the arteries. 2.6 26, The diaphragmatic veins. PART