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XXX (542) XXX

B E R ( 542 ) B E R one of the weftern ifles of Scotland, lying Bergen is alfo the name of the capital of 0the ifle of Ru- BERNERA, in lat. 56° 48'. gen,0 on the coafl of Pomerania, in 14 E. long, and BERNICOLA, in ornithology, the trivial name of a 54 15' N. lat. fpeciesof anas. See Anas. Bergen-op-zoom, a fortified town of Dutch 0 Brabant, in zoology. Se Lepas. about 209 miles north of Antwerp, in 4 5' E. long, BERNICLE, BERRY. See Bacca. and 5 1 .30' N. lat. in geography, a territory of the Orleanois, haBERGERACK, a city of Guienne in France, fitu- Berry, Tourain on the weft, and the Nivernois on the ■uated on the river0Dordonne, about 40 miles call of ving eaft. Bourdeaux, in 2O E. long, and 44® 55' N. lat. a cape at foe entrance of Torbay iu BERG-GRUEN, a kind of green ochre, ufed in paint- Berry-point, Devonffiire. or Bresello, a town of the Modenefe, BERGHMOT, an aflembly, or court, held upon a hill BERSELLO, fituated on the river Po, about 14 miles northin Derbylhire, for deciding controverfies among the ineaftItaly, of Parma ; in 110 E. long, and 440 4c/ N. lat. miners. BERGZABERN, a town of Lower Alface, about five BERTH, or Birth, among failors. See Birth. T RAND, or St. Bertrand, a city of Gafcony, miles fouth of Landau, in 8® E. long, and 49® 5' N. BER in France, fituated on the river Garonne, about 45 lat. It is fubjefi to France. BERKSHIRE, a county in England, lying on the fouth miles fouth of Toloufe, in 30'E. long, and 43° 15' N. lat. fide of the river Thames, oppolite to Oxfordfhire and BERVY, a fea-port town and borough of Scotland, fiBuckinghamlhire. It gives the title of earl to a branch tuated on the German ocean, about 22 miles fouthof the Howard family. weft of Aberdeen, in 20 5' W. long, and 56° 50' N. lat. BERLIN, the capital of the king of Pruflia’s dominions BERWICK, on the borders of England in Germany, fituated on the river Spree, in the mar- and Scotland,a borough-town fituated on the north fide -of the river quifate of Brandenburg; in i4°E.long. and 52® 30 Tweed, in i° 40' W. long, and 55° 30' N. lat. It N. lat. fends two members to parliament. Berlin is alfo the name of a kind of chariot, fo called AW/Zj-Berwick, a town of Scotland, fituated at the from the city of Berlin. entrance of the frith of Forth, about 17 miles eaft of BERME, in fortification, a fpace of ground left at the Edinburgh, in 2° ifW. long, and 56° 5' N. lat. foot of the rampart, on the fide next the country, de- BERYL, in natural hiftory, called by our lapidaries fined to receive the ruins of the rampart, and prevent aqua marina, is a pellucid of a bluifh green cotheir filling up the folfe. It is fometimes palifadoed, lour, found in the Eaft Indiesgem about the gold mines for the more fecurity; and in Holland it is generally of Peru : We have alfo fomeandfrom but what planted with a quick-fet hedge. It is alfo called li- are brought from thence are oftener Silefia, coloured cryftals z’ere, relais, foreland, reiraite, pais de four is. See. than real beryls ; and when they are genuine, they are BERMUDA-ISLANDS, aclufterof very fmall iflands, inferior both in hardnefs and luftre to the oriin the Atlantic ocean, lying almoft in the fhape of a greatly fhepherd’s hook, in 65 ® W. long, and 32° N. lat. ental and Peruvian kinds. The beryl, like moft other gems, is met with both BERMUDIANA, in botany, a fynonime of the ixia. in the pebble and columnar form, but in the latter See Ixia. frequently. In the pebble form it ufually apBERN, a town of Bohemia, about 15 miles weft of Prague, moft pears of a roundilh but flatted figure, and commonly in 14° E. long, and $0° N. lat. of fmall flat faces, irregularly difpofed. In the Bern is alfo the name of a city and 0canton in Switzer- full or cryftalline form it always confifts of hexland ; the former being fituated in 7 id E. long, and columnar angular columns, terminated by hexangular pyramids. 47° N. lat. The Canton of Bern is. by far the moft extenfive It never receives any admixture of colour into it, nor and powerful of all Switzerland: Their government is lofes the blue and green, but has its genuine tinge in ariftocraticaf and their religion proteftant, according the degrees from a very deep and dulky to the paleft imaginable of the hue of fea-water. to the Prelbyterian form. The beryl, in its perfect ftate, approaches to the BERNARDIA, in botany, a fynonime of the adelia. hardnefs of the granet, but it is often fofter; and its See Adelia. BERNARDINES, an order of monks, founded by Ro- fize is from that of a fmall tare to that of a pea, a a horfe-bean, or even a walnut. It may be counterbert abbot of Mokme, and reformed by St. Bernard. feited by reducing burnt copper to an impalpable powThey wear a white robe with a black fcapulary; and der, and melting it with cryftalline glafs or calcined when they officiate they are cloathed with a large gown cryftal, in the proportion of one dram to a pound of which is all white, and hath great fleeves, with a glafs. hood of the fame colour. BERN AW, the name of three towns in Germany, one HEKYL-cryflal, in natural hiftory, a fpeces of what Dr in the efeftorate of Brandenburg, another in the bi- Hill calls ellipotnacrojlyla, or imperfeA cryftals, is of fhopric of Ratifbon, and the third in the Upper Pa- an extreme pure, clear, and equal texture, andfcarce ever fubjeft to the fliglfteft films or blemilhes. It is latinate. BERNBURG, a town 0of Anhalt, in the circle of Upper ever conftant to the peculiarity of its figure, which is Saxony, lituatedin 12 2d E.long. and 510 5o'N.lau that of a long and Header column, remarkably tapering.