Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf/716

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XXX (606) XXX

(5) WASTE-BOOK. June 16th,

Nathaniel Napier writes me, that he designs to keep the 16 pieces of druggets feat him the 7th of May last, and promises payment. viz. the one half against the 1st of August next, and the other half at Martinmas, the whole being

C. n. 4.



Received advice from William Bond in Jamaica, That he hath received and sold my adventure, the neat proceeds, as per accompt of sales, amounting to 304 l. 7 s. In return for which, he hath put on board the same ship the following goods, desiring me to draw for the rest, viz.

l. s. d.
6 barrels indigo, containing) 126 lb, per barrel, at 2 s. 2 d. per lb. 81 18 00
5 hogheads pymento, containing in all 1535 lb. and 6 d.

per lb.||38||07||06

5 hogsheads sugar, containing 63 C. at 19 s. per C. 59 17 00
Charges as per his invoice, 15 04 11
Balance in his hands, 108 19 07

Settled accompts with Geerge Dennis, and paid him in full,||85||06||06

F. 4.

June 25th.

Paid Sir Issac Grifp in full,||40||00||00

F. 4.

July 2d.

Paid thop-rent for half a year, viz. from January 1. to July 1.||12||00||00

F. 12.


Paid my shopkeeper his bill of pollage, and other petty charges,||2||12||08

F. 12.


Ship Hopewell is arrived safe with my goods from Jamaica; freight, duty, and other charges paid here, amount to||97||12||00

K. n. 2.

Sold John Dyer my fix barrels indigo upon the key, at 4. 3 d. per lb.

l. s.
Received in part, 80 13
Rell due at 6 months, 80 00


K. n. 2.


Brought into my warehouse l. s. d.
My 5 hhds pymento, containing 1535 lb. valued at 6d. per lb. 38 07 6
And also my 5 hhds fugar, containing 63 C. at 191. per C. 59 17 0

|| 98||0?||?6

K, n. 2.

July 15th..

Drawn my bill on William Beyd in Jamaica, payable to Edward Dupper, or order, for value due by ditto Dupper, at 10 days,||108||19||07

L. 2.

-22d. J. P. No1. 2. 3.

Shipped on board the Dolphin, consigned to John Perkins merchant in Hamburg, to sell for my account, the goods following, marked and numbered as per margin, viz.

My s hhds fogar, valued at 59 17 0
18 pieces calicoes, bought of Jacob Russel, at 2l. 15s. to pay at 6 months, 49 10 0
8 fother lead, presently boughtfor ready money, at 12l.18d. 103 04 0
Paid custom and other charges, 14 06 8

|226||17||08 |- |G. n. 1. |- |30th. |- |Received of Edward Dupper, in full for any bill on William Boyd,||108||19||07 |- |E. 4 |- |August 3d. |- |Received of Nathaniel Napier, in part for druggets,||62||00||00 |- |E. 4. |- |6th. |- |Leat Edward Harley upon bond, for three months, at 5 per cent.||400||00||00 |- |F. 2. |- |10th |- |Received from on board the Griffin, John Temple master, the following goods, to sell for account of Herman Van Beek, merchant in Amsterdam. viz. 18 C. flax, and 14 butts nadder, each butt containing 12 C.

Paid custom, freight, wharfage, porterage, &c.||14||12||05 |- |M. |- |17th |- |Sold Herman Van Beck's 14 butts madder, containing 168 C. at al. 101. per C. for ready money,||420||00||00 |- |N. 1. |- |23d. |- |Sold to Thomas Freeman, for account of Herman Van Beek, 18 C. flax at 31. to pay at fix Mo.||54||00||00 |- |N. 2. |- |Paid storage, brokerage, and other charges on Herisan Van Beek's goods,||1||07||06 |- |N. 4. |- |My commission on 490l. at 21 per cent. comes to||12||05||00 |- |N. 4. |}
