Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 2.djvu/145

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his seal December 7. 1863. and served until March 3. 1S65: died at Kingwood, West \irginia. April 19. 1S84.

Burwell, William A., son of Thacker Bur- well and Mary Armistcad, his wife, daughter ot Gill Armistead, born in Mecklenburg county. \'irginia. about 1780; was graduated from William and Mary College; moved to Franklin county in 1802; elected a member of the state house of delegates ; private sec- retary to President Jefferson; elected as a kepublican to the ninth congress, to fill va- cancy caused by the resignation of Christo- pher Clark ; re-elected to the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth congresses, and served from De- cember I, 1S06. until his death in Wash- ington, D. C.. February 16. 1821. He mar- ried Letitia McCrery. of Baltimore, and was father of William M. Burwell. of New Or- leans.

Cabell, Samuel Jordan, born in Amherst county, X'irginia. December 15, 1756, son of Col. William Cabell, and descended from Dr. William Cabell, who settled in Virginia in 1723 and purchased large estates which have remained in the family. He early received a classical education and entered William and Mary College in 1773, but his studies v.ere interrupted by the outbreak of hostili- ties. He left college and raised the first armed corps in Virginia, with which he achieved distinction in the northern cam- paign*?, especially in the battle of Saratoga, for which he was promoted to major; he subsequently made lieutenant-colonel, and served under General Greene until the fall of Charleston, where he was captured und remained on parole until the end of the war. He was for several terms a member

of the state house of delegates. In 1788 he was a delegate, with his father, to the con- stitutional convention, where both voted against the ratification of the national con- stitution. In 1785 he was elected to con- gress, and by re-elections served until 1S03. lie died in Xelson county. Virginia. August 4. 1818.

Caperton, Hugh, born in \'irginia in 1780; member of the \*irginia state house of dele- gates for several years ; elected as a Feder- alist to the thirteenth congress (March 4, 1813-March 3, 1815) ; died in Monroe county, \'irginia, February 9, 1847. He was father of Hon. Allen T. Caperton. member of the Confederate States Congress.

Carlile, John Snyder, born in Winchester. \'irginia. December Kk 181 7: studied law and began practice in 1842. in lieverly. \'ir- ginia : member of state senate, 1847-51 : dele- gate to state constitutional convention of 1850: elected as a Unionist to the thirty- fourth congress (March 4, 1855-March 3. 1857) ; elected to the thirty-seventh congress and served from March 4. 1861, until July 9. 1861. when he resigned, having been elected to the United States senate, to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Robert M. T. Hunter, and served until March 3, 1865 ; died in Clarksburg, West Virginia. October 24, 1878.

Gary, George B., born near Petersburg, Virginia, in 181 1 ; elected as a Democrat to the twenty-seventh congress (March 4, 1841- March 3, 1843) » died at Bethlehem, Vir- ginia. March 3, 1850.

Caskie, John Samuels, born in Richmond, Virginia, November 8. 1821 ; was graduated from the University of Virginia ; studied law

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